old hand
old hand
Joined: Feb 2009
Oh God. Remind me nearer the English release 
Joined: May 2008
Don't listen to what larian_QA is saying, he just sucks!!!!! But ehm remember to save a lot, you will need it Well then, it is just like in good old DD! 
Joined: Apr 2005
Although the official German release of  is tomorrow, some shops are already selling the game, so some people have started playing, and there's already a thread with first impressions in the German section ( link). Those first impressions are very positive. I don't want to translate the whole thread, but if you don't speak any German, online translators might help ...
Joined: Jul 2009
Another review was posted in the german section. http://www.krawall.de/web/Divinity_2_Ego_Draconis/review/id,50767/page,1/s,,c I used a translator to understand it. Though it was awarded a good mark (81% if I remember well), according to them, the dragon gameplay seems only to be a gimmick and not a big part of the game. It lacks precision and the dragon does not fly "naturally", seems very limited and not enjoyable. I am hugely disappointed here  I thought it would be one of the top features of the game.
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
No it means that you not only have these red forcefields your dragon isn't able to pass but also you can't target enemies on the ground. To bad I was hoping for instant fly-burn with enemies. You've gotta be kidding me... The last game I've played that was involving (useful) dragon flight was Drakan. While on it can attack enemies and siege weapons on the ground, and of course other nasty dragons which were usually a good challenge. Problem with that game was when you left the dragon to wander on foot, it can die and you would to. Though it the monsters that attacked it were melee, it would automatically fly up in the air and fry them.
Last edited by LightningLockey; 23/07/09 02:16 PM.
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Jul 2009
No it means that you not only have these red forcefields your dragon isn't able to pass but also you can't target enemies on the ground. To bad I was hoping for instant fly-burn with enemies. You've gotta be kidding me... Sadly it seems to be true You're right about Drakan, it's by far the best game involving dragon flights. Though the dragon was useful, he was far from being overpowered. I thought it could be done in DD2 
Last edited by Silencer; 23/07/09 02:31 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Drakan is the only game I ever played with Drakon flight. So my experiences are limited. But I guess I'll measuire  against it, either consciously or unconsciously.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Mar 2003
You are disappointed over one review? I would at least check other reviews that person has done, to see if you tend to have the same taste in games, or not. They may have written the review without completing the game, or could just be an idiot, or something (I tried an online translator, but it didn't do a very good job, so I didn't bother trying to get through it).
Joined: Jul 2009
Not only one review, Gamestar approximatly said the same it seems. But you're right, I am going to wait for more reviews, especially from german players.
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
It is more of the facts listed and confirmed by beta testers that I'm basing my feelings on. I'm also concerned about these red force fields.
In Drakan it was like wind that would push you back or just a dead end. The environment wasn't hindered by a colored force field. I never felt limited in Divinity, it felt really free to roam like an mmorpg without other players and faster level ups. It seems as if gameplay, at least in dragon form, is very limited and not nearly as useful as it could be in Divinity 2.
The only thing I can guess is that there are 2 level ups. One for "dragon xp" and one for "human xp" and killing the monsters on the ground would make the dragon level instead of the human and it was done to balance the two out.
So I guess when your human, there is no way to kill a dragon in flight like in Draken? And can dragons in flight attack you while in human form?
Last edited by LightningLockey; 23/07/09 03:31 PM.
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Mar 2003
I never felt limited in Divinity
And yet there were locked doors and sealed hatches in DD designed to prevent you from entering certain areas before you reached the appropriate point in various quests. Your teleporter stones were removed when you entered the castle, etc.
The force fields can be used prevent the player from jumping past certain quests without becoming too limiting. I don't know if that is the case, but would assume so without evidence to the contrary.
Joined: Jul 2009
To be honest, I am not worried about being limited by red fields. In fact in Drakan, you couldn't fly wherever you wanted because you were most of the time inside canyons and not able to fly above them. I am worried about not being able to fry ground targets. I've just seen a vid of DD2. The player was attacking a goblin camp and when he turned into a dragon the goblins disappeared. He fired some fireballs that done nothing, and remorphed into human, and the goblins appeared again, unharmed  That sucks.  It's easy to limit experience gained by the dragon when killing ground targets.
Joined: Mar 2003
Kinda expected all this, it's nearly always the same with every game that features dragons as a part of its gameplay. Hopes for it are allways through the roof and obviously many people are dissapointed when it hits the shelves. Keep in mind this is an RPG that let's you shapeshift into a dragon. Not a medieval/fantasy flight-simulator.
The review of gamestar seems to be giving aces exactly where I expected and wished them to be. That is questing and content. If combat is a little weak and dragonflight limited well that doesn't dissapoint me much at all.
It's one of these days...
Joined: Mar 2003
Kinda expected all this, it's nearly always the same with every game that features dragons as a part of its gameplay. Hopes for it are allways through the roof and obviously many people are dissapointed when it hits the shelves. Of course. Because of the expectations. I fear that a niumber of buyers just buy it for being able to play an over-powerful dragon which brings havoc on the entire civilization. Or, in other words, sheer powergaming. Of course they're disappointed, then.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Jul 2009
Kinda expected all this, it's nearly always the same with every game that features dragons as a part of its gameplay. Hopes for it are allways through the roof and obviously many people are dissapointed when it hits the shelves. I fear that a niumber of buyers just buy it for being able to play an over-powerful dragon which brings havoc on the entire civilization. Or, in other words, sheer powergaming. Of course they're disappointed, then. I repeat. You can play a dragon without being godlike. Dragons have big weaknesses.
Joined: Jan 2009
The review of gamestar seems to be giving aces exactly where I expected and wished them to be. That is questing and content. If combat is a little weak and dragonflight limited well that doesn't dissapoint me much at all. *high five*
Joined: Jul 2009
The fact it got such high scores from some german reviews is very nice and conforting (I really had doubts about the game's technical quality), but it's still not enough to convince me about Divinity 2's value yet. German people have their own parameters... when the game they are reviewing is a fantasy rpg which gets released in their country first. Loki, for example, was a downright awful videogame. I'm waiting a couple days to ask some questions about the game to the german players who may take a look at the english forums.... I want to know some things in detail and I'd rather have someone who is playing the game answer them directly. 
"I draghi sono draghi proprio perché gli uomini non possono nulla contro di loro."
Joined: Jul 2009
Don't listen to what larian_QA is saying, he just sucks!!!!! But ehm remember to save a lot, you will need it What's about giving us a Quicksave Function to help with that? :P
Joined: Aug 2008
Who says it's not in the game ? you still have to remember to press the button 
Joined: Jul 2009
You want to say F9 is Quicksave? :P
For me it looks like: 1. Push F9, 2. select a slot, 3. Push "Save", 3a. If you dont want 1000 Savegames you have to click yes on the "overwrite savegame?" Dialogue. wait... 4. Push Escape to leave the save-dialogue.
Quicksave would be: 1. Push F9. Game saved.
Or is there another key i haven't found yet to quicksave?
Last edited by Kulin; 24/07/09 10:12 AM.