Joined: Dec 2009
I heard about this game. Is it worth getting after all this time? How indepth is get game? By todays standards I would say it is somewhat simplistic but it can still be good fun. Home page http://www.i-dragon.com/index_eng.htm.
Last edited by ElfjeTwaalfje; 02/01/10 08:44 PM.
Joined: Apr 2004
Personally I'd rather they looked at the skill system and rewards: The skill system is riddled with "Spent 1 point for a HUGE benefit, then spend 9 more points for less benefit overall than the first point gave you" skills Or weird ones like duel wielding that appear to worse after a certain number of points (Is that just a wording issue?) Or odd increments 18-2-10-10-etc Rewards also need some tweaking. I had boss battles, costing me 1000's of XP in mind reading, for a "rare treasure trove" which turned out to be 5 bundles of herbs (1 herb per bundle, all basic ones that the local trader sells for 5 gold each)... The Boss was specifically thinking of how "rare" and "expensive" they were too.... Doesn't make me feel proud for beating then, basically I was slapping down a 10 year old mentally retarded kid and stealing his secret box of grass clippings  Or bosses (and the end of long dungeons) that had no reward at all (Some of the sky-platform ones for example) Or weird XP rewards, clearing a huge village of bandits levels above your own rewards far less than handing some guy an beer Or locked chests, that required keys hidden in strange and wonderful places, requiring running around a large dungeon, retrieving levers and finding hidden buttons, rewarding one basic healing potion (I had 70 of every type by that time :/) A very fun game overall, but really needed a second look at those systems I agree with all this. It began to sink in when at one point, I lit a couple candles to open a secret wall only to find a chest with one lonely herb in it. I think in a game of this type, certain rewards should be set in stone and not randomized. Anyway, after getting Dragon form my enthusiasm for the game has dropped a bit. The Fjords are just not as fun to explore as Broken Valley was. It seems like every time I find something that could be interesting, I enter only to find the enemies are much higher level than me so I have to just turn around and run. All the barriers make it feel too limiting as well. And not even being able to see enemies on the ground when you are in Dragon form? I hope that was a technical limitation and not a design decision. A few other things.. 1. A little more variety in the NPCs would be nice. The handful of character models repeat way too often. 2. Have a suggested level for quests in the logbook so you can at least have some idea of what to pursue next.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
[quote=Fashtas] Anyway, after getting Dragon form my enthusiasm for the game has dropped a bit. The Fjords are just not as fun to explore as Broken Valley was. It seems like every time I find something that could be interesting, I enter only to find the enemies are much higher level than me so I have to just turn around and run. All the barriers make it feel too limiting as well. And not even being able to see enemies on the ground when you are in Dragon form? I hope that was a technical limitation and not a design decision. The first half of the game is superior for me as well. Once you reach Orobas Fjords there's a lot of grinding & non-stop combat (especially the fortresses). Still, though, it's fun since you experience your character becoming gradually stronger & eventually totally dominating any enemies. Unlike games, like say, Oblivion & Dragon Age with their level scaling.
Joined: Jan 2010
dragon mode.... you dont fell like a dragon, it was one of the biggest reasons why i bought the game and one of my biggest disapoitments about it
here is what i think is wrong with it: -Crippled movment: the dragon form is eaxtreamly usefull for finding stuff (s?) but we have a EXTREAMLY limited, you cant really use it because of the barriers and invisible walls
-Dragon fighting: WHY THE FU** CANT WE KILL SMALL CREACHERS ONLY FLYING ONES AND MACHINES AND HOUSES?!?!?!?!?! its really depresing all the fun of beaing all high and mighty and burning infidales that cant do crap about it has been taken awey from us This is pretty much what I would like improved as well. I basically would like flying mode to be better integrated with normal mode. Sort of like how Aion or Champions online or city of heroes handled flying. That would have made this game totally kick ass.
Joined: Apr 2004
Here's another suggestion...get rid of the platforming. With no way to control your jump in the air it makes for some frustrating times.
Joined: Apr 2005
One week ago I play D 2 to the End ... Luckely I have a savegame before entering the Hall of Echoes! I will play futher in D 2 .... to do first more quests etc ! So what I like to change in Divinity III (or something like that  ) : 1) a better storyline!!! I had whole the time the good feeling I wish to kill the Damned One itself at the End of this game! This was a great disappointment for me  ... And DD, in my opinion, had a better ending!! 2) more freedom to fly over mountains and not that "invisible walls" ... 3) if it can: more "different" area's (Verdistis, Dark Forest or ...) 4) the equipment-sets I found all was great stuff and so on .. but I was already level 28 I found them! So I was thinking I go to the end of the game at least level 40 or higher... So, please: more earlier in the game some "equipment-set" to find... 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
I beat the game, and what I want to see more in the game, a MUCH bigger world, more freedom (it doesn't feel very free, the world seems too small. . .) and I would like to see a patch for the tech. issues soon. The ending is a COMPLETE disappointment, and it made the game feel like it was pointless, and I would like to see an add-on that at least quadruples the world size, and allows you to continue the story.
(SPOILER ALERT) maybe in the add-on you break free of that crystal prison and manage to fight damian and save all of Rivallon, I think the end needs to be in a dragon battle against damian. Otherwise I don't see much of a point to being a dragon knight. The controls for the dragon are perfect, and the dragon combat is VERY satisfying, but it seems like it was just a "successful experiment" in gameplay, showing that a good dragon RPG is possible, but not exactly here, where is more of a mode of transportation, I REALLY want to see more major dragon senarioes, like fighting against damian himself in dragon form.
Joined: Jan 2010
The no award of killing flyng fortresses bosses is not truth : spoiler ( mind read them they will drop one part of palladin mage set so if u kill all u got whole set) things that need to be changed : skills tree most of skills are useless when can get them but was be usefull if u can get them on lower lvl also most skills are useless on high lvl of skills when u can get them : what point of getting regeneration on lvl 10-13 if mobs on that time hit u for 0 the random generator is bad : its works bad in game without mob respawn with limited game lenght , its works only in games like diablo or sacred when u can play the same character again on higher dificulty lvl, and mobs respawn , also is bugged by whole game i found alot of lvl 1 recipes 2 lvl 9 and rest lvl 10 and lvl 10 recipes need malachits and there is only 2 in game o0 also totally 0 charms other than lvl 1 or 5 also the magic trader in capitl got 3 recipes but each in 20 copies is nice to se 20 greatests posion recipes o0 next game need addon who allow continue adventure and make world bigger even if larians dont want make continue story till d3 make it like in addon to Gothic 2 new semi main story line with new terrain. the night of the raven iis one of bests addons ever totally revamping dificulty lvl of gothic 2 fix the dragon fight : dragon fights are borring alos rly bad hat u cannot see mobs on the ground maybe dont alow to atack them but at last alow u to see them, now is hard to find something on fjords if u dont put 200 markers on the map[ u need land to see is there anyone or just empty  and most important thing : the dificulty lvl fix it first half of game is rly nice is hard but not imposible but later is easy like hell and ultra borring only last fight in game is chealanging but not so much too Rework the whole lvl = demage shiet is stupid if enemy can make 400 damage who cares hes 5 lvl less than i he shoudl be able to make 400 damage not 0 only becouse i out lvl him also fix creature fighter mode is totally useless as tank becouse most of time is pee and dont care even if its fight its got crap damage compare to mage mode or ranger mode creaur with mage head can solo kill baal with fighter head its make punny 18 damage o0 fix summons by half of game they are to weak to do anything and cost to much mana on the end u dont need to use them becouse u can kill everything in seconds and they cannot do anything to u , same pet i dont use it by lat 6 hours of game becouse mobs dont do any real damage to me next rework battle tower mineral/herb hunters i dont see any reazon to get them eccept th one who can find diamonds cuz u can sell them for alot and make unlimited amount of gold there is no way to run out of potions and u got much to much minerals u can enchant almost everything u find and still got full backpack of that shiet , only thing u cannot find is malahit but your runner canot find it either so hes useless rework or change the battle tower island ques where u need choice who live who dies is stupid and maybe t was be ok in game called saw6 or hostel but not in fantasy game like that there are no sex/romanse posibilities but wtf u can sentence 4 ppl to death o0 STUPID and totally missed and most important make lvling faster and make mobs bigger lvl so u an get around lvl 50 at end not stupid lvl 33 -34 cuz u cannot get lvl 13 skill under lvl 35 and i dont rly see how to get to 35 but most importand WHY U WANT if on lvl 33 i reape baal in death land areana in 3 seconds thanx we need ADDON ASSAP
Joined: Jan 2010
1. Allow monsters to respawn, so we are able to level up whenever we want, and where ever we want to, there is a whole topic in this forum on this subject of matter. 2. Fix the summoning system, so your summoned creatures always follow you, even if you cross a river or climb somewhere up or down. I know that you have added creature automatic teleportation whenever they cannot reach their target, but it rarely works. 3. Put quests markers on map, this is extremely ridiculous that there is no information given on side quests, I dont not have to run around the whole map in order to find my quest objective, for example, if someone tells you to find Peavey or whatever, then put a damn marker on map that he is in the tower. This can get very annoying that I have to search the Internet, so I can find a person I need to be talking in order to finish a quest.
Those are the top priority things that you have to do in the next update, if you wish to make this game a better RPG.
Last edited by Urukhai; 07/01/10 02:16 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
1) respawn sux : most modern crpg dont use it its works only in h&s just rebalance mobs 2) yep this sux like hell most of time your creature pee or whatever 3) no even more borring solution for WoW carebears morrowind style ftw just make world bigger so u can actually use that map markers now they are pointless doe of ultra small world
Joined: Apr 2005
.... and lvl 10 recipes need malachits and there is only 2 in game o0 ... You mean, you find only 2 Malachide Gems? I that case, you're wrong! There're at least 8 or more Malachide Gems to find! I find the world of D II big enough (but yeah, it may always be bigger  ! ) ... Maybe a idea for the "dev's": make next time a RPG that have the "option" to respawn enemies for the one that love respawns ... And also more than 1 ending will be great thing!! Like many quests can be done in more than 1 way, the final ending can probebly also going in different ways? For example (a suggestion): 1) for the gamers they love to be a great hero: an ending with a great fight with the Damned One! And when you die, show a different video as if you win  a good idea I reading here on the forum is: a final battle in Dragon form with the Damned One OR maybe a great flying fortress of the Damned One (like in DD - Demon of Lies fortress) where you must combine human and dragon form... 2) for the gamers they love a bad ending or a unexpect ending ... there is nothing wrong with, but so many gamers where dissapointed I can read on this forum (and other forums)! 3) for the gamers they love the bad guy: a possibility to choose the side of the Damned One and destroy together whole Rivellon  ! And for the gamers they love variation, is also a very good thing Before I play Divinity II and I saw the video-fragments of this game (and also the introvideo!) I though I would experience a great battle between me like a Dragon and the Damned One they wish to destroy all Zeppelins! And so I though I must protect a Zeppelin (or more) ... but sadly, nothing of that came up ...  ... I had also whole the time the feeling when I play d II: this game isn't fully developed ! Larian haven't the time and/or the money I'm afraid ...! I love this game, but on this moment "the critical gamer" speaks in/for me!!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
1.) respawning mobs as said before for those of us that LIKE to grind away a level where and whenever we want-- i understand some people don't like to play that way, but to remove it because of that is silly simply because if they dont want to grind they dont have to! Those of us who want to CANT and there is a big difference there. 2.) Vsync
those are honestly the only faults I have found in the game! good work Larian-- can't wait to play more games made by you guys!
Joined: Mar 2003
Respawning was never 'removed', it was simply never in the design in the first place. Neither of the previous games in the Divinity series had respawning opponents, though Beyond Divinity did have the optional battlefields (randomly generated dungeons / quests) if you wanted more combat, experience or loot.
You may not have to grind if there are respawning opponents, but you would certainly have to keep fighting the same opponents over and over every time you wanted to head back to town to sell loot, check for equipment upgrades, complete a quest, etc. There are a couple places in the game you can keep triggering the respawn of opponents, though.
Joined: Apr 2005
My suggestions for a next game: 1) Totally freedom (seemless world)!!!! So NOT such a thing as in D II you can't go back after entering Hall of Echoes! Please Larian, listen to the frustratings of our fans/gamers!! 2) More kind of different enemies and NPC's like in DD (races like Orcs, Imps, Elfs, Dragons, Humans, Darves, ... are great in DD!) and also more different area's (different cities of races for example) will be great! 3) a little more Skills and the possibility to make potions by yourself like in DD, fun! Also the skill 'known creature' (or in a Logbook some stats of each kind of an enemy I have killed is also fine)... 4)Combat : I wish I can clearly "block" attacks with a shield! 5) I love a fully fantasy world, but a little more sense in the storyline is a great improvement and maybe more than 1 ending will be very good!! 6) A little more Main Quests may also be great! 7) "Not done" I find: such a things like Aleroth: "see a city with houses etc", but can't explore all things!! Good things they must not change for me are: the interface is nice, also the fact I can see immediately what the effects are on my stats when I change an equipment-item!! And enchantments I can make or change, good thing! Mind reading is very funny and the Quest are most of the time great! Maybe I have later on more wishes because I give this game a second change! Yesterday I played from the start, this time with a female ranger hero  ... "Be the One" who go to explore some Quests in a different way ... so Larian, despite my critical opinion about D II, I'm still a fan of our games! But be honest, many things I find better in DD! Combine the good strong things from both games and Divinity 3 will be very very great!! But please, don't forget : a totally seemless world AND a more stronger ending!! I'm begging you Larian!!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2010
Just listing ideas in dot points Fights with Slayers would be good since they are still around so maybe Your dragon against a few airships full of angry slayers. More skills in dragon form so you actually feel like a dragon More dragon animations so the flying seems fluid More dialogue and back story with the people inside your tower maybe romantic interests like Rhode or your weapons trainer possibly? More races perhaps Elves emerge from Hiding ? Melee attacks with Dragon Imagining the fun of charging other dragons and clawing at them etc I loved the skill and combat system More of Aleroth and don't kill off entire areas like Broken Valley and sentinal island by just going oh yeah the land is poisoned now . The ability to land as a dragon would be nice The ability to actually destroy flying fortresses perhaps by destroying generators which causes them to crash not just sit outside your tower Better Dragon animations please with the ability to attack npcs on the ground with reason though example a mission where the Black Ring are assualting Aleroth where you fly up and stop the soldiers from entering the city or attacking the Black rings troops stationed on the Flying fortresses would make sense. Customisable dragon You know different colours,Wings,Legs with more armor and weapons. Small thing would be to change the falling animations from huge heights to freefalling not staying perfect still in the air would be cool jumping off a cliff then transforming into a dragon just before you hit the bottom? The fight with Damian should be 1 on 1 not Damian and a thosands guys helping him sort of would ruin his image as a god.
Joined: Apr 2005
Hi angryfan, you do some good suggestions  For the Dragonform I have almost the same wishes like you... And I wish more kind of equipment for my Dragon  ... OR 1 or 2 skills more will be nice if posible? 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Dec 2009
Man Aleroth was a big disappointing. It was pleasant, but so short, and could add a lot more to the game, like whole new area (like the size of lets say 4 times broken valley village), so much potential was lost, a quest like monsters roaming around and you need to clear the city. Besides the city itself looked very nice and I really wanted to explore it, had a lot of atmosphere with the rain and pointy high buildings and all that.
Joined: Oct 2009
I will say again staffs,robes,wands and hands
Ability to chose betwen good and evil but not in the end of the game Something similiar to Fable 1 were you have to fight twice against finall boss. First time you decide what path you take
Joined: Jan 2010
What angryfan said about the dragon combat was great. Actually I'd like the dragon combat to be a bit more like Lair(which unlike many people I liked, controls were fine). Melee attacks with your dragon should diffidently be in the sequel. The only problem is your dragon form seems kinda small or not bulky and strong enough for close combat. Look at Talana's dead body after the dream, it's like 10-12 feet. Also the dragon's forearms and wings are fused so besides ramming or maybe a bite your dragon form can't really melee.
It would also be great if you could get a bonus for divinity data. Like in the next game you would get extra stat and skill points from the beginning or at some point during it. I think you could bring the character over, the Dot Hack games did a great job with migrating your character. Also say Whirlwind or Magic Missile is in the next one, for every 'stage' of that skill you had you could gain 1 point in it for the new game. Say you had 9 points in whirlwind, you could then start with a rank two whirlwind in the next game because you had enough points to be in the second stage/form of whirlwind.
You should also get new skills. Like the mage skill tree should gain an Ice and Lightning spell, which is needed because 4 attack spells is pathetic for such a huge game. Also when you upgrade a skill(rank 6-10) it gains a new power. Like whirlwind could gain a second and maybe a third spin. The summons could also become stronger, like the undead becomes undead lord(has bone spikes growing out of it and has 2 or 3 claws instead of one) when you upgrade, ghost becomes wraith(looks like death god from Naruto) and demon becomes demon king(demon would become a bit bigger). They would also have more powers. Undead could gain rush at rank 2/3 and lord would gain fatality, ghost would have healing(the spell) and you could set when it uses it and wraith would gain Fear to remove an enemy from battle for a while, Demon would have curse and demon king would maybe get the new lightning spell or something else. Summon Mastery will enable you to have more than one summon out, like rank 2/3 lets you have 2 and rank 5 lets you have 3 ontop of the power increase.
This could come from your character being frozen, the hero sees the dragon memories but him being half-dragon allows him to control them and become more powerful instead of going mad. Or perhaps Patriarch sees the world needs him and helps you, at the same time merging with you or upgrading you. Also Larian makes it where you can see ground enemies but not attack them to keep balance, but you can 'interact' with them. Like a bunch of enemies are on a bridge so you use your dragon form to destroy it killing the enemies, but as a consequence you get an EXP penalty or no EXP for taking the easy way. Also your dragon form gets more powers like you do. Like it can use an ice breath or fire an ice projectile to freeze an enemy and make it fall to its doom. Or you freeze a ballista and then smash it. Perhaps it also gets bigger and gains arms so it can do proper melee. You also gain a half-dragon form which uses claws and therefore gives a reason to upgrade the unarmed expertise skill. It can also use a few dragon moves like fire breath and dragon shield as well as all your human moves. Imagine sprinting around as a dragon humanoid slashing enemies. You would also be able to glide in this form which would be great for some platforming. Speaking of that, Larian you can't put platforming in an RPG without actual platforming skills, like oh... I don't know, how bout the basic ledge grab? What kind of almighty dragon knight can't grab a ledge?
Also more dramatic boss fights. Can't go wrong with a sea serpent boss fight, Lair had it, God of war had it. Heck the sea serpent/hydra battle is practically what made the first god of war so popular, next to the orgy afterwards. Basically you need more 'angels singing in the background' moments. More hardcore additions like what I've said.
Last edited by 30johner; 31/01/10 07:32 PM.
Joined: Dec 2009
You know guys if you just treat the Dragon Combat part as an arcade style game, its not so bad. It can be definitely improved, but still its enjoyable as it is.