But having high life leech/regenerate is a must.
Fatality makes things a lot easier too.
Thats me finished then as ive gone all way through game building my warrior the way i fight and found it fairly easy but last part is nigh on impossible
for me with this build..and ive just tryed again another 10 times
im hiding behind a piller as i fopund i have 1 skill book left before i entered memory sequence and tryed it in hiding skill....so i call up my monster and demon as they die and stay in hiding behind pilller...but after about the 2nd call up of them the divine seems to know where i am and comes looking for me and of course when we fight all his mates pile in
Strange if i need certain skills to finish the last sequence when ive gone through game so well

Oh well other than the balance at the end its been one of the most enjoyable games ive played in 20 years

ill start on dragon age now