Joined: Nov 2009
"Level" counts way too much in this game... I tried to face stone (level 28 boss) at level 26... he charged me for 300 damage every time, leaving me stunned and at less than 5% health, then he will finish me off with a second hit... Once I managed to beat him by immidiately going invis (load until i get it off in time), run away, blast with magic missile, and use potions to health the damage from his magic missiles... but I decided not to follow, i reloaded, retreated, and went to do some other quests...
If I snuck near him while invisible and hit him with my wall of fire, it did practically no damage, and he still killed me in two normal hits.
When I came back I was level 31. I had gotten one extra rank of magic missle that doubled its damage. But that wasn't really the issue, I just walked up to him... his charge attack did insignificant damage which I healed almost as fast as he was hitting me, and did not stun me. The arena was a joke, I was using firewall to drop everyone and they were not able to hurt me... (speaking of, goblins have been doing 0 damage per hit for several levels now)..
This is not the first time I noticed how significant LEVEL is... Level seems to be the KEY to victory over anyone... your skills matter little. If they are higher level you will be slaughtered, if they are lower level they are harmless... It might seem crazy to "waste" 15 skill points on wisdom, that can mean another "combat" useful ability maxed out... but those don't seem to matter nearly as much as another 2 levels by the end of the game (actually you will only waste 13 skill points, because you get 2 extra from those 2 extra levels you gain... so total is -15 points used +2 gained from skill = 13 used up total by skill)
I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman!
Joined: Oct 2008
Finally someone agrees with me.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Nov 2009
You know, I really should have posted this in the "hints and tips" section.
I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman!
Joined: Oct 2008
Yeah, you should have, but i`m no mod. =(
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
It seems if you're at least 5 levels above enemies, enemies simply stop doing damage.
That said, I easily beat Stone at level 28 with a mage. Had to jump around a bit and use some potions, but it was certainly not impossible.
Joined: Aug 2009
From the start of the game I've tried to put all available skillpoints into Wisdom and at the end of the game I've got just.. +2 levels with Wisdom (compare to my first play). Soo... do you still think it is worth it? Or may be it is better to use selective mindread only when you REALLL need that and save some 3k exp? :P
Joined: Oct 2009
Agreed I have wisdom on 15
Joined: Jan 2009
Wisdom is worthless. The game is indeed made so that you can beat anything that's lower level than you, basically. However, if you put your points right, you can beat things two levels above you with no trouble. Of course, if you load up on wisdom and mindread, you're hardly going to cut through butter. But skills do matter. If you put them where they should be.
For instance, instead of putting 15 points in wisdom, put 3 points in summon demon or something MUCH better. Summoning is overpowered in this game. So is regen stacking & itemization. With enough regen and high armor rating, you don't need any healing. In general, priest skills are quite insane. Good thing this is a pve game, because pvp everyone would be a priest. It's just too easy.
I can't believe mages are actually complaining about balance in this game. If you're not playing on hard, this should be a breeze for your class. It was easy for me as a warrior, and warriors are worthless compared to magic users.
Joined: Nov 2009
Well If you're playing on hard do monsters give more exp?
Joined: Nov 2009
If the game is made so you auto win anything lower level than you, then I don't see how wisdom could be useless... 2 levels higher means significant power increase.
I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman!
Joined: Jan 2009
Yet, 15 wasted skillpoints means significant power decrease.
Joined: Nov 2009
wisdome FAILS!!!!!!, its useless, pure useless, if you use your head it is very posible to beat enemies even 5 lvls higher. Sword told moust of it : summone Deamon and summone creater (crystal skull) are both so overpowerd that they can easy take on moust bosses in the game by their own, also here is a boom combo that strike down moust enemies to half Hp: Exploding arrow (5) (can hit even 1000 with VERY good equipment, moust hits are 800s and so on) and that beter magick missail at lvl 5 plus destruction at 4, you hit more then 1000 each combo, both attack recharg quickly and dont waste too much mana, all you have to do is finish the enemie with mele/bow after a few strikes of that if they are still alive