Joined: Dec 2009
Wow, troll derail FTW  I've read responses to him but my brain bleeds when I try to read his messages. My fingers scrolls as I wince in pain and I must get the bad letters away from me eyes... Anywhoo.... Divinity 2 does have great visuals. I was playing it last night on my *GASP* xbox 360 (I r teh retard eye cannot run a Pee cee!), lounging on my couch sipping a Belgian beer (You guys are the $*& best brewers in the world) and I had to stop and admire some scenes quite often. And I'm still in Broken Valley (just left Lovis tower). Can't wait to see what else is out there. I would kill for an optimization patch for the 360 but otherwise the visuals are awesome. Love the armor and sword art too!
Joined: Jan 2010
u should not call me troll only becouse my english sux . becouse yes its sux badly not my foult tho when i was young in my country no one teach english only russian so everything i learn i got from games/movies etc anyway rly jorien pls look for screens from full modet oblivion than say that d2 got good graphic if u dont wanna search ![[Linked Image]](http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/9517/screenshot12x.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6155/screenshot2x.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/6492/screenshot4je.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/5660/screenshot7w.th.jpg) this is from my oblivion with alot graphic mods only tecture mods are more than 5 gb compare to to low res textures in d2 to shitty hdr no aa + hdr and alot of other DEPRECATED solutions . and i know obli is for consoles too but pls compare screenshots from console obli with this ones than u see diference between how games can look and how they look due of all this console shiet limits . thanx and cyu unreal tell me one thing are u rly belive in what u say ? pls compare xbox to nvidia gtx 275 and yes e8400 is faster than xbox . ghz is not speed factor of processor at all but perfomance . same like 2 core pentium with 3 ghz is alot slower in games than 2 cores c2d wih only 2500 ghz . just read some guru 3d site articles or so. i rly want to end this hmm flame war but if u dont understood that ghz != power is not my foult and most important in games is GPU not processor ANYWAY also there is only one game that use more than 2 cores and its arma2 so no use of that 3 cores and btw e8400 got 6 mb of cashe shitbox got 1 more cashe faster games :P also if i understood corectly this tech spec u provide this processor is shared for graphic and normal data procesing so if u want compare it to pc u need compare it to a : main cpu - e8400 3 ghz ( oc to 4 without problems) 6 mb l2 cashe gpu : GTX 275 (cannot provide spec now cuz im lazy) + oc and than tell me that this punny 3 cores with 1 mb cashe are faster jesus fu christ and unreal i dont mind competive play on consoles .. IN FREEKING CONSOLE GENRES LIKE clasic tpp or freeking street fighter dont try to make clasic pc genres on pad becouse its end as disater with uber borring controls and fights : d2 fight = click left mouse button till u kill enemy. check how this looks in gothic 2 to compare. also dragons age dont got auto aim cuz DAO is team rpg when your team is on auto most of time if u make tactics right so no point in auto aim . is like cry for auto aim in hmm nvn totally diferent type of rpg. compare it to gothic 1/2 whre fights was actually skill based not left click to freeking death
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 08/01/10 10:15 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
If they want to compete with Dragon Age, they need better graphics. You are blind as a bat! Dragon Age is UGLY compared to Divinity II. Just compare the trees in environment! The ones in Divnity II look like they are two console generations better! Divinity II is better looking game, in my opinion. DA only wins out by having more detailed character models and customization options.
Joined: Jan 2010
elektro cuz stupid ea make mistake and put low res textures in DAO by mistake i cna provide u screens with hight res textures they realase . and is not only aboute graphic DAO got alot more playability cuz u can make alot diferent builds and u can make another party each time u play, also many times one way close another way cus DAO is no linear d2 is linear like freeking hell u cannot do anything to change anything in world so what a point in play it again ? non the same is risen is rly good game but totally linear and short i dont say d2 is bad game beoouse is not ( is good to kill time when ur waiting for arcania the gothic tale ) but is not the game larian say it will be. totally stupid skill balance retardet lack of any balance in exp/damage system ( first time ever i found that the when pc is lvl 7 mob make 200 damage cuz hes lvl 13 but when player is lvl 13 the same mob make shiet not damage at all ) and this end like deamon baal who die after 2 fireballs and mak to pc 0 damage
if they realase addon that will rebalance this shiet and rebalance skills i will buy it to enjoy annother skill builds etc. also the full 3d they write in press etc is joke becouse dragon mode is more like comanche simulator not dragon totally no synergy with human mode and i dont need to mention of non visible walls everywhere ...
Joined: Jan 2010
I find Divinity II to be very non-linear in feeling, at least in Broken Valley so far. And I could care less about replayability. In fact, I hate forced replays for achievements and what not. I don't have the time to replay games, I have too many other ones waiting to play.
The balancing you describe sounds about right for a classic RPG. Maybe this game is too old school for you.
Joined: Jan 2010
first thing broken valley is fun ius truth .. later is only worse D2 is linear u can make some choices but they dont change anything for real ( like u can make banit camp quest in 2 ways but at end ur forced to go to temple and fight the same semi boss anyway) also later in game u will see that there are some rly stupid quests and of course not mather what u do end is always exacly tyhe same i will not spoil it to u but u will crahs your pc/xbox after end of this game
Also the balancig SUX its not to oldschool for me is SUX . when u 5 lvls more than mob ur totally god mode on this mob cannot do anythign to u even if u naked just pls realize that one of last bosses got lvl lower than u will have and he hit u for 0 o0 this is freeking joke by last 5-6 hours of game i dont use even one potion or heal spell cuz mobs just makee 0 damage literally 0 this is not lack of balance isuee this is bad concept from beggining
also u say u got no time to replay games cuz there is alot of others .. sure there is but i played in 90% of rpg out of there and if i buy game i pay for at last 6-0 hours of play .. at last cuz this is rly low for good rpg. an wtf if ur know how to build toon in d2 u can end it easy in 24 hours with make almost every quest and discove almost every secret . mostly becouse everything is ALWAYS the same. the same mob stand in the same spot every freeking time u play every riddle is exacly the same dont even 2 versions , u will found how stupid this is in tomb of this dragon knight on fjords . if u dont understood what is good balance and not linear game try planescape: torment best cRPG ever
aand like i say broken valey is good and fun cuz mobs are actually strong ( cuz outlvl u ) but when one of semi bosees shoot u for full hp from bow u will not find this game balanced( and there is no way to get biger lvl at that point cuz even if u kill all mobs and make all quests this semi boss hard over lvl u at that point and of course u can go to fjords but thre mobs are even stronger at that point than this boss so ur virtually need pray for luck in this boss fight or dont allow him use bow so any mage/ranger is screwed )
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 08/01/10 10:53 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
u should not call me troll only becouse my english sux . becouse yes its sux badly not my foult tho when i was young in my country no one teach english only russian so everything i learn i got from games/movies etc anyway rly jorien pls look for screens from full modet oblivion than say that d2 got good graphic if u dont wanna search ![[Linked Image]](http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/9517/screenshot12x.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6155/screenshot2x.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/6492/screenshot4je.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/5660/screenshot7w.th.jpg) this is from my oblivion with alot graphic mods only tecture mods are more than 5 gb compare to to low res textures in d2 to shitty hdr no aa + hdr and alot of other DEPRECATED solutions . and i know obli is for consoles too but pls compare screenshots from console obli with this ones than u see diference between how games can look and how they look due of all this console shiet limits . thanx and cyu unreal tell me one thing are u rly belive in what u say ? pls compare xbox to nvidia gtx 275 and yes e8400 is faster than xbox . ghz is not speed factor of processor at all but perfomance . same like 2 core pentium with 3 ghz is alot slower in games than 2 cores c2d wih only 2500 ghz . just read some guru 3d site articles or so. i rly want to end this hmm flame war but if u dont understood that ghz != power is not my foult and most important in games is GPU not processor ANYWAY also there is only one game that use more than 2 cores and its arma2 so no use of that 3 cores and btw e8400 got 6 mb of cashe shitbox got 1 more cashe faster games :P also if i understood corectly this tech spec u provide this processor is shared for graphic and normal data procesing so if u want compare it to pc u need compare it to a : main cpu - e8400 3 ghz ( oc to 4 without problems) 6 mb l2 cashe gpu : GTX 275 (cannot provide spec now cuz im lazy) + oc and than tell me that this punny 3 cores with 1 mb cashe are faster jesus fu christ and unreal i dont mind competive play on consoles .. IN FREEKING CONSOLE GENRES LIKE clasic tpp or freeking street fighter dont try to make clasic pc genres on pad becouse its end as disater with uber borring controls and fights : d2 fight = click left mouse button till u kill enemy. check how this looks in gothic 2 to compare. also dragons age dont got auto aim cuz DAO is team rpg when your team is on auto most of time if u make tactics right so no point in auto aim . is like cry for auto aim in hmm nvn totally diferent type of rpg. compare it to gothic 1/2 whre fights was actually skill based not left click to freeking death Firstly, you prolly have 2 DVD's worth of extra assets to make Oblivion look better. This was to make a game developed by a behemoth of the genre with a lot more resources. And you complain D2 which is developed by a small devhouse is worse looking? Besides I have those exact same mods, and except for higher poly models and bigger textures, the Oblivion engine is an outdated version of ... get this ... THE SAME GAMEBRYO ENGINE (with some tweaking)... If someone say, were to do custom models and textures for D2, it will look at least as good, probably a lot better. Unfortunately Larian hasn't got a modding community like Bethesda does. And secondly, artistically, Divinity II is far superior to the uninspired and repetetive drab that is anything that Bethesda did. Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 etc... there's a reason why so many 'visual' mods are out their for these games. Because nearly noone likes the stock assets of those games. Oh and compare this... Oblivion 'town': http://images.xboxyde.com/gallery/public/4931/1189_0001.jpg Divinity 2 town: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/5660/thumb1280x1280274443479rm2.jpg Oh, and I nearly forgot: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ego-dragonis-divinity-2-texturen-modI agree DII hasn't the most optimized engine out there, nor the most techy, but it looks damn sexy.
Last edited by Draghermosran; 08/01/10 11:26 PM. Reason: big images to urls
It's one of these days...
Joined: Jan 2010
Well, at least it's not like Bioware games where they want you to play the game in full five times over to get all the achievements. Who has that kind of time when one playthrough can take 120 hours in Dragon Age!?!
I want to play the game once, and be done with it.
Last edited by ElektroDragon; 08/01/10 11:21 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
dragher.. i post this screens not to show that oblivion got better graphic but to show why d2 dont got as good graphic as it can have BECOUSE ITS NEED RUN ON FU XSHIETBOBX . so if larian was be not limited by xbox power they can make d2 looks 5 times better ( same like ppl do with oblivion cuz vanilal obli sux too) so i never say oblivion is superior to d2 i say pc is superior to any console and cuz of this crap toys called xbox pc players need to look on ulgy textures low poligons models crap animations no aa + hdr and other things what make console games crap. period of course there will be modding comunity for d2 who make the game looks like it should from beggining ( and is not cuz xbox is piece of bill gates shiet ) but this dont change anything. im rly tired of buy all new games just to find out low res textures freeking ulgy models and invisible walls everywhere becouse some retards are to stupid to buy or made pc.
draghen nice pic expecially this round wooden things ( dont know name in english) so bad that they dont round at all
and to this second guy u dont like bioware games cuz u need play in them many times?? o0 rly stupid reazon like freeking hell for every player replayability is a key for good game . pls dont be so carebear wow fan m8 :P if u want easy game that u dont need to play again i poposal tetris if i pay 50$ i want play in the game long time at last few times not end it once and know everything . like morrowind u can play morrowind by months 20 times or so and always get fun same baldurs planescape gothic ultra good arcanum or my fevor wizardy 7 and 8 . so if i got chooice buy DAO and play in it by 120 hours easly end it 5x6 times or for the same price buy d2 and end it in 24 hours and never play it again cuz is no real point becouse everything is the same and dificulty lvl is one big retardet joke i chooice DAO . of course popably ur rich enought to buy new game each day whatever but most of ppl are not or maybe u simply torrent games .. whatver
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 08/01/10 11:30 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
dragher.. i post this screens not to show that oblivion got better graphic but to show why d2 dont got as good graphic as it can have BECOUSE ITS NEED RUN ON FU XSHIETBOBX . so if larian was be not limited by xbox power they can make d2 looks 5 times better ( same like ppl do with oblivion cuz vanilal obli sux too) so i never say oblivion is superior to d2 i say pc is superior to any console and cuz of this crap toys called xbox pc players need to look on ulgy textures low poligons models crap animations no aa + hdr and other things what make console games crap. period of course there will be modding comunity for d2 who make the game looks like it should from beggining ( and is not cuz xbox is piece of bill gates shiet ) but this dont change anything. im rly tired of buy all new games just to find out low res textures freeking ulgy models and invisible walls everywhere becouse some retards are to stupid to buy or made pc. I'm sorry but I must have misunderstood you then. Still my point about resources still stands, a small studio like Larian can't afford the extra time spent on better textures etc. Nor can they afford huge textures to jack up the minimum specs either.
It's one of these days...
Joined: Dec 2009
Marcus I wasn't calling you a troll because of your english. It was because of the way you speak to others and the way you're turned this discussion into a console VS pc extravaganza. Just wanted to clear that up.
Also, I have a monster PC with a killer video card, but get this, I choose NOT to use it! It's even attached to the same plasma HDTV as my xbox 360! Thing is, I have my reasons, and for some, graphics aren't the "end all be all". For you, they matter, and I can see that. Kudos! I used to be the same way!
I modded Oblivion just like you, with texture enhancements, game mods, you name it. I spent hours tweaking every single aspect of every game. Then, one day I realized that I was tweaking more than playing the damned games, and I was tired of banging my head against the wall due to technical issues, I was tired of spending hundreds every 6 months on PC upgrades. I figured consoles were an easy solution. I was right. I never looked back. That's right, a devout Pc gamer for 20 years, and I jumped ship.
Graphics aren't everything, my Russian friend. One thing we can both agree on, is that Divinity II's art and style are beautiful and unique. The engine needs some work, but everything around it is wonderful.
Last edited by Jorlen; 08/01/10 11:32 PM.
Joined: Jan 2010
exacly minimum spec .. but not for pc. most of modern pcs ( 2 years or so) can run oblivion with all that mods in hight resolution without problem. only real reazon why they make its looks like this is crap console i rly dont expect to see circles like that in game from 2009 year. also we dont even mention posibilities of dx10 and pixel shader 4.0 ..
anyway nice screen m8
im not russian :P im from poland .
and i never say graphic is so important ^^ i still play in starcraft on bnet or in my beloved wizardry 8. and what wrong is in spend alot of time in game tweaking ? i found this rly funny and u can learn alot. but u got some point, i never end oblivion cuz was borring like hell so i spend alot more time on modding it than on actually play it^^. but for me consoles are not solution becouse i play mostly in pvp games aka warcraft 3 dota or new port from s2 Heroes of Nevereth . also in Shadobwane mmo and there is simple no such real competive games on console .. maybe eccept rly good street fighter 4 ( but is on pc too) imho ai in games is not enought to give me any pleasure of beating it anymore.
and yes the d2 concepts are good but so bad every npc looks the same lack fo armor models rly bad animations. and i find one thing in d2 graphic that rly is anyoing the lack of real movement feel same crap like in 2 worlds our avatar simply act to fast turn in place etc. with fast laser mouse is just overresponsive so its looks some kind not natural .
anyway i never say d2 is bad im freeking pissed on larians thet they dont make this game what it can be u can easy see that first part of game is supeior to second part propably becouse lack of time and whole DAO entrance ... anyway peace and i rly dont wanted to make pc vs consoles flame i just simply use to say what i think ..
and jorlen this is myth that console is cheaper than pc . if u know how to build optimal pc u can build it for 2 times cost of console and it will be able to play any modern game by next 2 years than u can simply upgrade your pc for lower cost than buy new console . also when new generation of consoles go out devs stop make games on old ones so you can find yourself in hole with 0 new games on your console . and of course console is gaming only pc is multi purpouse
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 08/01/10 11:57 PM.
Joined: Nov 2009
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Jan 2010
SHALE dont think so ![[Linked Image]](http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/3571/shale.th.jpg) morrigan too ![[Linked Image]](http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5431/moria.th.jpg) and this is not moddet gimme time to download vhight res texture packs lool :P
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 09/01/10 12:20 AM.
Joined: Dec 2009
Marcus I wasn't calling you a troll because of your english. It was because of the way you speak to others and the way you're turned this discussion into a console VS pc extravaganza. This. Marcus you need to understand that while on paper the Xbox 360 hardware might look weak to you, you clearly do not understand how it all works together within the architecture, or how the hardware has actually been designed to perform better. All your little arguments about caches etc mean nothing in a triple core multi threaded CPU that is designed for a specific purpose rather than a general one, which is designed to tap into other resouces at a hardware level. That doesn't have to run other programs in the background. Also note that games for the Xbox 360 are designed and developed to work with the triple core multi threaded CPU. Rather than just use two cores. It works faster and better for its purpose than the CPU you listed (which is also alot newer). Also if you want to make comparisons it's really pointless doing it with more modern hardware. If I wanted to do that I'd just bust out the I7's or the Quad Core Phenoms. It's been pointed out to you dozens of times already that everyone knows the Xbox 360 has outdated hardware (after all it's a four year old console). That doesn't make it any less capable of running top quality games, with outstanding visuals. People know that a high end PC can push better graphics, frame rates, resolutions, etc. Not everyone wants to pay that expense, neither do they need to so that they can get a good gaming experience. The fact that th Xbox 360 is actually capable of rendering the graphics it can with four year old hardware is testament to what it can do, and what it's capable of in the future. The best thing is it's still got a few years left in it and we have yet to see what it can do at it's fullest potential. In the end though none of this is even relevant. It has absolutely nothing to do with Divinity 2's graphics on the PC. Divinity 2 was designed for the PC first then ported to the Xbox 360 later. So your whole argument is flawed before it even started. DIvinity 2 wasn't gimped because it was released multi format. It ust doesn't look that great technically full stop. Funnily enough though PC users are having more issues graphically than console users (got to love hardware compatibility issues). Have fun with that. I also find it funny that people cant be competitive on the Xbox 360 just because you think it's stupid. You really need to grow up kid. The console industry is one hell of alot bigger, hardcore, and competitive, than you think it is. I think just about everyone in this forum knows the pros and cons of PC gaming vs console gaming. Most of us knew these pros and cons when we chose our platform. Do you see us hating on the other platform because they got something better? I suggest you put your immaturity aside, aswell as your biased ignorance, and just accept the fact that the gaming industry is the way it is. It's funny because I expect the sort of comments you come out with from a 12 year old PS3 fanboy, or even a Xbox 360 fanboy. Just goes to show there's idiots on the other side of the fence after all. I'm done with you because you quite clearly can't see the bigger picture, or listen to what others are actually trying to tell you. You quite clearly don't understand how the Xbox 360 works because you think it just works like a PC. All you want to do here is hate on a system, with little understanding of its hardware, or it's architecture or optimisation, and which has no relevance to you anyway, and start a platform war over it just because you don't like it. Have a nice day (and use a spellchecker if you want to improve your English).
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 09/01/10 01:07 AM.
Joined: Jan 2010
first all this crap aboute xbox processor need only render graphic etc is bulsheit if u want so compare to any freeking graphic card damn old gf 8800 who can eb bought by 50$ got 2 times more graphic power than this xbox also xbox can run d2 ONLY becouse devs make LOW graphic on D2 SO SHITBOX can handle it if they dont need to like i show u on obli screens ( game 3 years old on the same engine) the game can looks 5 or 6 time better. AND THIS IS MY FUCKING POINT your old peice of shiet from bill gates make US pc users need to look on THIS CRAP graphic so why the fuck we need to pay 50$ for game that dotnt use even 50% of our pc power ? u know why ? cuz bill gates make shietload of cash on that crap due of retardet usa citizens who buy everything what this fuckard sell to them . i was try to be polite but u dont fucking understood that shiet i think i dont want to play game with 5 years old graphic on my 2 k $ pc just becosue some fuckards cannot buy real pc . and d2 is just top of the iceberg almost all new freeking games need to work on that fucking shit xbox same crap like with one true os .. windows same piece of crap like xbox . but whatever if the screens dont show u how xbox is lame comparable to modern pc w8 till some guys wil make mods fro d2 with ultra graphic then fuckards like u will cry that d2 on theyr shitboxes looks ugly comparable to pc version like was in fucking shitload of games already . imho go play tetris on your punny toy stupid shitbox fanboy .. PERIOD
and im not kid propably im few good years older than most ppl on this forum .. kid and of course i know that whole console world is big.. in usa in euro almost no one use that piece of crap cuz euro ppl actually got brains and dont eat that bills shiet . Just check how good xbox games are sell in europe or xbox itself compare to to pc than tell me how big xbox market is .. or go invade iraq ... flame war ftw
Last edited by marcusdavidus; 09/01/10 01:17 AM.
Joined: Nov 2009
Fanboys of any kind suck, including PC fanboys. Cut it out.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Jan 2010
u got point libertan . but i never say consoles are bad or whatever i say dont make PC games on consoles cuz pc users suffers on this. play in ff or mario or resident or street fighter this are games for console not real big cRPG cvuz console limitation make potentially good game a crap small world invisible walls shitty animation shitty models . look how its looks on ps3 . ps3 got its own games and ps3 games are rly freeking good like god of war etc simply best in its genre.but fucking microsoft need mes with pc gnres cuz they want more and mroe cash and they simply got 0 cash from new graphic card to your pc cuz they dont makealso im fucking sure that they push larian to make it on xbox they use to do that with alot of small studios so maybe larian want make d2 how it mean to be but due of microsoft and xobox they cant .. and this is fucking over for now
imho im going play non my ps3 in DMC
Joined: Dec 2009
first all this crap aboute xbox processor need only render graphic etc is bulsheit if u want so compare to any freeking graphic card damn old gf 8800 who can eb bought by 50$ got 2 times more graphic power than this xbox Who said a processor only needs to render graphics? I would suggest you clearly read what other people are saying. This is why you are making yourself look like a total and utter fool. But here's the really funny thing. It doesn't matter what hardware you throw up. The Xbox 360 is still capable of rendering pretty good graphics that are comparable to what mid range PC's can render today. For a four year old system, that's pretty damn good. All with what's, according to you, inferior hardware. also xbox can run d2 ONLY becouse devs make LOW graphic on D2 SO SHITBOX can handle it if they dont need to like i show u on obli screens ( game 3 years old on the same engine) the game can looks 5 or 6 time better. AND THIS IS MY FUCKING POINT your old peice of shiet from bill gates make US pc users need to look on THIS CRAP graphic so why the fuck we need to pay 50$ for game that dotnt use even 50% of our pc power ? u know why ? cuz bill gates make shietload of cash on that crap due of retardet usa citizens who buy everything what this fuckard sell to them . i was try to be polite but u dont fucking understood that shiet i think Trying to be polite? You've been aggressive towards people since your first post in this thread. I'm still laughing my ass off at all this Microsoft conspiracy. You really have it in your head that it's the XBox 360's fault Divinity 2 doesn't look great on your PC don't you? If that's what you truly think you clearly are an idiotic retard. Most especially when Divinity 2 looks significantly better on the PC (technical graphical issues aside). i dont want to play game with 5 years old graphic on my 2 k $ pc just becosue some fuckards cannot buy real pc . and d2 is just top of the iceberg almost all new freeking games need to work on that fucking shit xbox same crap like with one true os .. windows same piece of crap like xbox . but whatever if the screens dont show u how xbox is lame comparable to modern pc w8 till some guys wil make mods fro d2 with ultra graphic then fuckards like u will cry that d2 on theyr shitboxes looks ugly comparable to pc version like was in fucking shitload of games already . Again you're just telling people what they already know and have known for years. You really need to get your head out of the sand and actually take in what people are telling you. The thing you still don't get is that first and foremost Divinity was built for PC, and looks better on PC. So this voids your whole argument. Personally I'm loving how you're getting all wound up over a console. It's pretty funny. imho go play tetris on your punny toy stupid shitbox fanboy .. PERIOD Oooh want to start throwing out insults now do you Alice? Might help if I was a Xbox fanboy. I actually prefer playing on my PC hving spent the past four years playing Guild Wars since beta, and playing Unreal Tournament games since 1999. Nice try though kid. and im not kid propably im few good years older than most ppl on this forum .. kid Really? I would suggest you start acting your age then and not your shoe size. For what is supposedly an adult you sure as hell sound like a 12 year old suffering from a severe case of nerd rage while on steroids. If you want people to treat you like an adult, if you are one, I would suggest acting like one. If you can't do that, then expect to continue to be treated the same. and of course i know that whole console world is big.. in usa in euro almost no one use that piece of crap cuz euro ppl actually got brains and dont eat that bills shiet . Just check how good xbox games are sell in europe or xbox itself compare to to pc than tell me how big xbox market is .. 10 million + Xbox 360 users in Europe isn't a small number for an American made console, which initially last generation didn't take off very well at all, especially when shared with sales for the PS3 and PC markets aswell. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/european-xbox-360-sales-hit-10-millionBeen there, done that, and gotten the T-Shirt. You'll find we've moved on to other countries now kid.
Last edited by Unreal Warfare; 09/01/10 02:49 AM.
Joined: Nov 2009
u got point libertan . but i never say consoles are bad or whatever i say dont make PC games on consoles cuz pc users suffers on this. play in ff or mario or resident or street fighter this are games for console not real big cRPG cvuz console limitation make potentially good game a crap small world invisible walls shitty animation shitty models . look how its looks on ps3 . ps3 got its own games and ps3 games are rly freeking good like god of war etc simply best in its genre.but fucking microsoft need mes with pc gnres cuz they want more and mroe cash and they simply got 0 cash from new graphic card to your pc cuz they dont makealso im fucking sure that they push larian to make it on xbox they use to do that with alot of small studios so maybe larian want make d2 how it mean to be but due of microsoft and xobox they cant .. and this is fucking over for now
imho im going play non my ps3 in DMC Lol, I'm not a God of War fan. Once you played one, you've played 'em all. Hack, slash, hack, slash, repeat, QTE, QTE, hack, slash, hack, slash, rinse, wash and repeat. The 360 and PS3 both have its own games. They both have potentially original and exciting new IP's like Alan Wake and Heavy Rain. Sony is not your friend. Get over it. Microsoft and Sony are in the business for money and power, not for your acceptance. I own a PC, a 360, a PS3, a Wii, a PSP, AND a DS. It's the best way to go. Also, do you really believe Microsoft pushed Larian to develop Divinity II for Xbox 360? If you believe that, you're either just wrong or a conspiracy loon. Larian can't be forced and Microsoft wouldn't force or push a small developer to develop a niche title on their system. They care about money, just like Sony, not niche gameplay experiences. Divinity II is the game it was always meant to be and no shortcuts were made to the PC version to get it on the 360. Fact. Now stop your bullshit, please.
Last edited by Libertarian; 09/01/10 02:52 AM.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.