I am playing as a Ranger, with some of the Mage powers, and at lvl 34 after playing the final Battles I have figured out a pretty good setup to win; after you help close the rifts in Aleroth, go back to the battle tower and unlearn all skills, then Exploding Arrow’s 10, Magic Blast 12, Ranger Strength 10, Destruction 5, Summon Mastery 10, Reflect 5, Hide in Shadows 2, Summon Demon 10, Regenerate 2, Stun Arrows 3, you will need to pay your trainer for advanced training to get some of these levels, when you get to the Hall of Echoes you can get 5 more skill points by reading the minds of the Memory Eater that greets you, Marious, Sasson, Amdusius, and Ba’al , I used all of these for Mana Efficiency, after the fight in the arena and going to save Ygerna, make sure you have both summoned both your creature and demon before you enter the transporter, as for the final fight with the Divine, as soon as it started roll to the right and hit Hide in Shadows. Go to the other end of the room (I hid behind the right rear column looking from where you came in), waited till my creature was dead, then moved slightly away from the column and slightly right, as soon as I could target anyone in the room fire a exploding arrow and it killed most if not all of the other soldiers there, moved close to the column again and waited till Exploding arrows was recharged, the Divine was the first to come, hit him the magic blast, he’s dead, Hide in the Shadows again, waited for the magic blast was recharged, about the time the Hide in Shadows lasts, Zandalor was next, hit him with the magic Blast and the exploding arrow, that finished him, then the final movie, you can modify this as necessary, but it has enabled me to go back to my other saved games that I could not win and win them also, ENJOY