I too am stuck at this point. Both Namdar & the woman cause the game to get stuck. I have been able to talk to both of them & read their minds while they are dreaming & give them things. As soon as they wake up & the little cut scene ends is when the game typically sticks. I say typically because i am now having the game stick as soon as i press e to talk to 1 of them.
Just to let anyone else know, I made a manual save prior to talking to any of them. I then decided to do a quick save when the game sticks to see if maybe it would come back after i had talked to them & not be stuck. Unfortunately the game loads in WITH the stick in the save...
You did the right thing, I have found that if I quicksave when stuck, then completely exit the game and re-start the game and THEN load it, that it then works and you can talk to them, BUT if you do not exit the game when you load it, it will be stuck.
Hope this helps, and of course make a manual save, just in case it doesn't work, but it should.
I know its a pain in the asshole, but as far as I know, its the only thing to do that works.