"there was a bit of lost in translation going in Moscow, let me explain a bit more what I was trying to tell

-We're working on improving performance, fluidity and solving whatever bugs still remained in the original game.
-We've increased the graphics quality in the expansion
-We're correcting some design issues people've had with the original game (e.g. impact of level on combat)
-The expansion offers more than 30 new and interesting quests (at this moment 36)
-In the Moscow presentation we showed off a couple of quests to make the point
-The story starts in the astral plane where you ended

and brings you back to the city of Aleroth, which is now "open for business"
-You can start right away in the expansion area with a character you get to build in the character customisation screen, or you can continue playing from an old save-game. When the original story ends, you will then seamlessly continue into the expansion area, and to a player it will feel like a natural progression of the story.
-One design goal was to provide a similar experience as the first part of the game
-Another design goal was to allow you to become a really powerful dragon knight
-It's not a standalone add-on
We basically had three goals with the expansion pack:
1. If you haven't played

yet, then you are in for a major experience when you play through the original game and continue into the expansion pack.
2. If you played

already, then you are going to see the closing of many character arcs that were still open, get the opportunity for revenge if you felt bad at the end, and discover answers to questions you might've had.
3. Several people had comments about the game saying things like "if only this and that", so we tried to take care of the "if only this and that".
It's scheduled for an august/september release and that looks pretty solid as at this point the entire expansion pack is already playable. On that note, we're looking for testers which I think Lynn will announce soon."