Joined: Mar 2010
This topic is to help players who wants to own complete sets of dragon armor for look , powers , skills or whatever. May contain Spoilers.I dont know if a thread like this exists.I Forgot where the chainmail leggings are located, but as there are rarely people asking for the location of it, i'm sure you will find it on the way in the main quests. :P Bone Dragon Armor : Helmet Looted From Amdusias in the Maxos Temple after killing him, Hard to miss.
(+1 To Dragon Spirit) Cuirass Looted From the Coffer in the battle tower after defeating Laiken
(+40% to Hitpoints) Leggings Looted From the Coffer in the battle tower after defeating Laiken
(+40% to Offence) Claw Piece Looted from Lovis' armor chest after completing the quest "Lost Soul" by returning the stone to lovis.the chest is next to his throne.
(+1 to Dragon Shield) Tail Piece Looted from a chest in the Temple of Doom in the bandit camp in broken valley.the chest is in a wagon after defeating Jagon and before entering the portal to meet laiken for the first time.
(+1 to Dragon Polymorph) Crystal Dragon Armor :Helmet Looted from orobas' chest after completing the quest "Down the Hatch".The chest may only be opened after answering 3 memory questions correctly, fail and u wont get a second attempt.
(+1 to Fire Sphere) Cuirass Looted from a chest in Bellegar's cave in the Fjords(AKA Mysterious Cave).To obtain this piece of armor , the player must make all the evil choices(or extremely evil)and not a single good choice.The chest is located behind the weapon rack at the last room."
(+40% to Hitpoints) Leggings Looted from a chest in Raze's headquarters in his flying fortress.Hard to miss if you go through every chest in there.
(+40% to Defence) Claw Piece Looted From a chest in Aleroth's ministry.the chest is on the second floor, to your left.
(+1 to Firebreath) Tail Piece Looted From a chest in Rayhun's headquarters, in the destroyed broken valley.
(+1 to Dragon Burst) Chainmail Dragon Armor :Helmet Looted from a chest in the High hall well cave after accepting the quest "The Horror of High Hall" from beatrice.It can only be looted from reading Zagan's mind.The chest is located at the end of the cave, near the portal which warps you out.
(+1 to Fire Sphere) Cuirass This is actually Svadilfari's Dragon armor.It can be looted from a chest in the red hammer tribe cave after readng his mind.the chest is behind the place where u first meet him.
(+40% to Mana) Leggings(Will update ASAP once i find out the location.) Claw piece Looted from barnabus' cave(Sinister cave or old cave) in the portal which leads to moving platforms.After reaching the top by maneuvering through the platforms , the chest is next to a portal which teleports u to a generator.
(+1 to Dragon Spirit) Tail Piece This one is tricky, it is in a chest IN champion's harbour.In the area which is fenced up near irwin, search the corner for 2 grain sacks, in one of the huge grain sacks lies a key u can pick up.This key opens a chest near Aurelius' shack, which contains the armor piece.
(+1 to Dragon Shield) Plate Dragon Armor :Helmet Looted from a chest in kali's headquarters in her flying fortress.Hard to miss
(+1 to Firebreath) Cuirass Looted from a chest in Bellegar's cave in the Fjords(AKA Mysterious Cave).To obtain this piece of armor , the player must make all the good choices(or extremely good)and not a single evil choice.The chest is located behind the weapon rack at the last room.
(+40% to Mana) Leggings Looted from a chest in Stone's greenery in his flying fortress, Opposite the fountain.
(+40% to Defence) CLaw piece Looted from a chest in Geshniz's headquarter's in destroyed broken valley
(+1 to Dragon Burst) Tail piece Looted from a chest found after defeating ba'al in the mines of destroyed broken valley.
(+1 to Dragon Shield) Been a while since i played the game, may start a new one to confirm the locations. 0.o
Last edited by Detroid; 19/03/10 07:13 PM. Reason: Added Stats.
Joined: Apr 2005
I have a question: IF you wearing a complete set (for example all the "Plate Dragon Armor - pieces"), give such a "set" a extra bonus?
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Mar 2010
No , well not that i know off
Joined: Oct 2003
Nice work, Detroid! I made this a sticky.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Mar 2010
what does each armor give you
i see you i kill you
Joined: Oct 2003
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Dec 2007
And + 40% offence/defence or health/mana for some of the pieces. Nice job!
The Question isn't how The Question is when and the answer is now
Joined: Mar 2010
Thanks for the Sticky Macbeth, appreciate it!
I'll add in the stats of each armor piece if necessary, just have to find them online =O
EDIT: Stats have been added, it is in the spoiler "box" , the last line.
Last edited by Detroid; 19/03/10 07:15 PM.
Joined: Oct 2009
i cant find the key in the grain bag i know where it is in the fenced off part behind irwin but i dont have the option to open any grain bags is this a bug or does it maybe require a mindread or is it just me being stupid?
Joined: Mar 2003
Standing at the entrance of the fenced area, there are 2 large, open sacks of grain in the far left corner. The key is visible sticking upright out of the grain, though hard to see as it is gold on yellow.
Joined: Feb 2010
I have a question: IF you wearing a complete set (for example all the "Plate Dragon Armor - pieces"), give such a "set" a extra bonus? I was wondering this, also.
Joined: Oct 2009
Joined: Apr 2010
I like your post its quite informative and i love to visit you again as you have done a wonderful job. i love to bookmark this site and would send it to other friends to read it and visit it to get upto date and quite interesting information.
Joined: Mar 2010
Chain dragon leggings are in the imp cave behind the one guy in the cage, its in a chest
Joined: Dec 2007
can't seem to find the chest in the battle tower, are you supposed to open it before you turn into a dragon? cause if that is so, I can't get them ^^
The Question isn't how The Question is when and the answer is now
Joined: Mar 2003
The storage chest in the battle tower is along the left wall as you enter the master's chamber, beside the bed (at the back of the throne room, take the elevator down).
Joined: Dec 2007
No, not the one that is locked and you have to get to 4 other chests first. Seeing this picture, there are 2 chests. The locked one had like 1 potion for me and that was it. EDIT: And not that storage chest either ^^ I've finished this game before, Raze, but I didn't find that chest in the previous games either 
Last edited by Guthan; 12/04/10 09:38 AM.
The Question isn't how The Question is when and the answer is now
Joined: Mar 2003
There is a chest directly behind the throne when you defeat Laiken. I looted it before leaving the battle tower, but it is still there after returning. I don't recall getting any dragon armour from it, though, just from the storage chest.
Joined: Dec 2007
hmm strange, cause there is no chest for me directly behind the throne. And I didn't get armor from that chest. Let me check it again.
The Question isn't how The Question is when and the answer is now
Joined: Mar 2003
I just checked, and you need to mindread Laiken for the chest to be behind the throne (other than Laiken's sword, an ok one handed balanced weapon, I just got a common gem, a divine damage charm and a divine Indomitable Will charm).