Role Player Types ListBy no means exhaustive, I am sure, this is my attempt to put together a list of the various types of RPG player. This list is meant for amusement value, not to hurt or offend anyone, so please take it as such

Nonetheless, I will be shocked if any Tabletop gamer has not played with most or all of these types

Rules Lawyer - Whose mastery of minutiae is such that he can point out exactly why his character should be able to do the impossible, because of page 37 paragraph 9 of The Good Dodge Guide (Print run: 200 copies)
Roll Player - Loves dice and wants to decide absolutely everything by rolling them! Always wants to know if he can make a stat check instead of role playing or, indeed, anything else.
Role Player - Lives for the freeform acting part of the game. Will always act 'in character' - often even to the point of using a different voice to his normal one.
Powergamer - Loves high level high challenge campaigns. The true Powergame may be playing a character who is as powerful as a mythic hero, but that's OK as chances are the opposition are just as mythic if not more so.
Monty Hauler - Loves treasure in all its forms, whether it be levels, equipment or money, but hates having to work for it. The Monty Hauler may control a mythic hero, but he'll be fighting low level opposition that wouldn't threaten him on the best day of their lives. Low level opposition 'guarding' the wealth of nations, of course...
Combatant! - Loves nothing more than the fight. Often gets bored and seems half asleep when there's any actual talking to be done, but once everyone is gearing up for combat he'll be wide awake and active.
One-Up - Not interested in being part of a co-operative game, One-Up lives to WIN! And in his mind, winning doesn't mean getting out with cool loot and his friends around him, it means proving he is better than any other player. Not a good trait in a player and a decidedly bad trait in a GM.
Mister Eeevil! - Doesn't matter what alignment or class his character is supposed to be, or what noble traits he is supposed to possess, Mister Eeevil will only ever play any character one way - as a self serving swine. Often combined with One-Up.
Number Cruncher - Loves formulae. Ideally, he wants to have some sort of equation for everything and loves really complex systems that rely on a lot of maths. Pften seems less interested in playing the actual game, oddly, but really loves tinkering around with the system to 'improve it' by adding more and more maths based complexity.
Devious - You may pass the odd note to the GM to let him know when you are doing something underhanded. Devious never STOPS passing notes. If he isn't plotting something with an NPC, it's because he's plotting something with one or more of the other players instead. Lives for intrigue and the revelation of his master plan!
The Planner - Always having a plan for everything, if taken into a new situation the first thing The Planner will do is create a new plan for it. The Planner hates being taken by surprise, but give him enough preparation time and he can punch so far above his supposed limits you'll even see the GM wince when he realises his 'tough' boss just wasn't anywhere near tough enough...
Spontaneity Sid - always asleep at the planning stage of any mission, Spontaneity Sid will suddenly wake up when things hit the fan and suddenly make up the most brilliant method of getting out of whatever the problem is. Spontaneity Sid is the opposite of The Planner and they tend to drive each other mad, but the real difference is that Spontaneity Sid needs the sudden kick of imminent danger to move his brain into high gear and he thinks incredibly fast on his feet.
Helpless - No matter how long Helpless is in the group, he will never learn the rules, always needs telling what to do in any situation and will without fail need to be told which dice to roll and when to roll them. Helpless in any situation, but then they have no interest in the game anyway and are only there to support their loved one who adores role playing and has endless patience with Helpless as a result.
Failed Samurai - Need a character to hold the fort valiantly while the rest of the group run away? Look no further than Failed Samurai! Always willing to sacrifice his character for the good of the group, Failed Samurai has not yet realised that more characters survive if you are less willing for them to die. Often collects enough dead characters to fill a small cemetary.
Hoarder - Collector of useful stuff of every kind, Hoarder has more charged items than the local magic shop and more potions than the local witch, but he never uses any of them, just hoards them against a future need that in his mind will never come.
Funny Guy - Always ready with a quip that will make you laugh, Funny Guy is guaranteed to crack jokes in any situation, however inappropriate. Your characters may all be at the state funeral of a world's most respected Jedi Knight and Funny Guy will HAVE to ask in a loud voice just what that light sabre is compensating for anyway!
So what player types have I missed? Add your own!

(Hugethanks to Alrik for the idea
