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#417899 05/08/10 08:54 AM
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I can't seem to beat the guy when I get to human form and I don't know how to get the yellow force field to go down....Could someone help me please?!

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Use search button or wait for Raze

Raven.rpg #418058 05/08/10 10:17 PM
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Help on Killing Amdusias. Any tips would be nice.

The force field in the hallway will be dropped once Amdusias is dead.
BTW, there will be a couple opponents past the force field, and then there is a teleporter which will bring you to Sentinel Island. Your first encounter there you can mindread to go up a level, so the higher level you are (I made it to level 18 in the fjords) the more of an experience bonus that will be. You don't need to get to a high level, but it would be better if you got to a new level before entering, to get a full level bonus.

Welcome to the forum. wave

Raze #418127 06/08/10 08:33 AM
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There you are
Raze is here laugh

Raze #418141 06/08/10 11:45 AM
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Heya :D,
have been following these threads for a while (very helpful esp. all the various character building ones), because despite arriving at the hall of echoes with a pretty maxed out warrior - untouchable outside hoe, massive health regen/melee offence/ hps etc. I kept getting pwned in approx 3 seconds flat mad despite kicking butt without exception beforehand and being a pretty mobile and strategic (or so I thought) player. So.. I gave up and decided to have another go from scratch. Playing a ranger this time (awesome btw) and was wondering which skill to invest in: splitting arrows or explosive arrows. There seems to be a fair bit of conflicting opinion on this issue, so if anyone who's clued up feels like it I'd really appreciate the advice! smile
Also, to the good folk at Larian, fantastic game! Nice to know someone still knows how to make a really good rpg! Oh, and also (ahem), like an idiot I saw the 'draw me a dragon' thread on the forum and went ahead without checking the dates. D'oh! I've spent HOURS frustrating over this damn thing, and though it's not quite finished, it's lookin' pretty good. Question is, if I do finish it, can I post it anyhoo, or have I served myself right for being such an airhead silly

There may be no slaughter without laughter
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Originally Posted by nick evans
Heya :D,
have been following these threads for a while (very helpful esp. all the various character building ones), because despite arriving at the hall of echoes with a pretty maxed out warrior - untouchable outside hoe, massive health regen/melee offence/ hps etc. I kept getting pwned in approx 3 seconds flat mad despite kicking butt without exception beforehand and being a pretty mobile and strategic (or so I thought) player. So.. :

I'm a bit concerned over this, can the game not be completed by certain character builds, sounds like you have a pretty awesome build, but getting killed in 3 seconds makes me wonder if i should continue (been a blast so far with no problems in combat), But, if I'm headed for a pile of frustration at the end, well that bothers me, I dont mind replaying a really good game.... but only after completing it first smile

Fiach #418144 06/08/10 12:04 PM
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I shouldn't worry about it too much. From what I've read, no-one else seems to have had any particular problems - any character warrior/mage/ranger should be able to get through, no probs. Seems to be a unique (if slightly embarrasing) conundrum! smile

There may be no slaughter without laughter
Fiach #418145 06/08/10 12:11 PM
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You "Blast" ... ? Do you mean using Magic Blast ? wink That's indeed a very powerful spell smile

And for a Ranger (I love it play a ranger!) Explosive Arrows is great and powerful ! But I haven't try Splitting Arrows yet, so I can't say how that skill is ....

If you play a Ranger, take also at least 2 points in Ranger Stealth (passive skill) so you can shoot arrows (AND MAGIC SPELLS !!!) from a greater distance !! I love this skill too biggrin

Melee fight I find also big fun, especially with a Axe (or two) or a Two-Handed Sword, but I'm NOT so fast in my hand-eye-coordination ... so I must take skills take give me a little bit more "time". So for me "Stun Arrows" or "Poison Arrows" are also good ones. Last time I find a Jewel with a point in Stun Arrows .

Last edited by Joram; 06/08/10 12:14 PM.

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joram #418147 06/08/10 12:39 PM
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Awright! Will give it some with the exploding arrows, then! (Gotta admit it sounded like more fun anyway).

Oh, and to Fiach, just checked on the old savegame with my warrior - he's lvl33 VIT 63, STNGH 80 something, with the rest evenly spread. Full ranks in 2H weapons, 11 ranks jump attack, Full ranks whirlwind & Regen (pretty sure it's full, anyhoo - ought to take a screenshot really) 3 ranks life leech, evade and a few other passive skills. Did notice however, seems to have 10 ranks in Reflect, too.. Generally a bit of a no no, but it was a first play, so there you go. Also
2H sword melee 66-333, 22-22 magic dam, Full Ulthrings' armor + enchantments.
Knowing what I do now I think with some decent enchantments and a skill shuffle it should be doable, though It gave me one hell of a headache at the time! So just keep going, there isn't a wrong way to play it, though I heartily recommend trying an archer next time wink

There may be no slaughter without laughter
Joram #418148 06/08/10 12:45 PM
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Nah, by "Blast" I mean having fun :), but yes I do use Magic Blast.

I find the Mage a little annoying because the animations take so long, you always (it seems) get hit before you can dodge after casting, enemies seem to have much superior range (casters and archers), making "strategic withdrawals" a necessity rather than a "tactic". smile

I usually play a ranger class, but sometimes the areas are so confined in D2, It would seem a bit of a chore to play the whole game like that, but it is something I look forward to trying in greater depth.

Fiach #418149 06/08/10 12:49 PM
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I will definately try a melee Nick, I have heard its more challenging, Priest also looks interesting, so hopefully I will be able to play a few times as I really enjoy the game (just met the "Eugenes" ("careful with that axe" cracked me up smile also Jackal and Clyde :)).

Fiach #418179 06/08/10 03:25 PM
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You can post the dragon picture, if you wish.

Your build looks ok (Bleed would have been much better than Reflect). Level 33 should have been good enough, though another level or two would make things easier. The game has been completed a few times at level 30/31, and one person reported completing the game at level 26, though with a very indirect combat strategy (summon creature/demon, run away, spam Magic Missile / Firewall).
At the skill trainer you can pay to unlearn all your skills, so you can reinvest the points differently.

At least one other person had problems at the start of the Hall of Echoes, and decided to start over and build a better character. The advice below may help you out with your warrior character, if you want to give it another shot.

Another..Hall of Echoes question

And people have had trouble with later sections

I need help with a battle (Spoilers) Ygerna's memory

help im stuck in hall of echoes

Raze #418187 06/08/10 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Raze
Bleed would have been much better than Reflect).

Why this if I may ask ?

Because I never saw much sense in bleed instead of in reflect.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Level 10 Bleed has a 32% chance of doubling your damage. As you become stronger and upgrade your weapons, Bleed becomes more effective.

Level 10 Reflect directs 92% of damage back at your attacker. As you become stronger and upgrade your armour, Reflect becomes less effective. With opponents a few levels lower that yourself, Reflect is useless, since they can not do significant amounts of damage. In general, opponents also have a lot more hit points than you do, so even if you are taking a lot of damage, you are not doing much harm by reflecting some of it back.

In games where there is a very large amount of damage reflected back (like 10 or 100 times the original damage), I've seen people recommend this type of skill to handle weak opponents by simply letting them attack (an insignificant amount of damage to your character could still be enough for them to end up killing themselves). I never use these skills, though.

Raze #418195 06/08/10 04:15 PM
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Okay, I see. Now, I play primarily an archer, with swords only secondary - for close combat.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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If you are not playing a melee character, then Bleed isn't going to be much help, so Reflect might be more useful (though there are still probably better choices on skill selection for rangers or mages). I'll start a ranger character when DKS is released, but Reflect doesn't fit my playstyle.

BTW, if you do want some kind of retribution in D2:ED against opponents that attack you, IMNSHO you would be better served with a few Static Charge auras on jewelry. They trigger a counter attack that does a set amount of magic damage, rather than a percentage of what was done to you. I happened to have a Static Charge aura on something at the start of Sentinel Island, which came in handy to take out some wyverns that mostly kept out of bow range. They couldn't do any noticeable damage to me (they were level 16 IIRC, while I was 19), so any percentage based damage would not have helped.

Raze #418201 06/08/10 05:04 PM
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Ah, thanks ! smile

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Raze #418202 06/08/10 05:17 PM
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Groovy. Thanks, Raze! hehe

There may be no slaughter without laughter
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Ok, well have FINALLY finished the damn pic! Here's the link.. hope this works, I'm kinda new to this sort of thing. Hope ya like it!


Oh, and by the way, for your own mental benefit NEVER use mspaint to do something too detailed! I didn't heed the warnings and now I'll be dreaming of those horrible little pixel shaders for weeks! Aaarghh eek

There may be no slaughter without laughter
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FileFactory sucks. Here is a link with 15 less steps in order to see the Dragonpic.

Nice picture (especially handicapping yourself with MS Paint); if you had been around for the 'Draw Me A Dragon' contest nearly a year ago (many of the image links are still valid), you probably would have been in the running for the prizes (winners).

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