Joined: Nov 2010
Alright, so I've been literally dreaming about this game for the past five days. I would buy it right now if I could, but my brother has planed to get it for me for a early Christmas present that I'll get on thanksgiving. Well because I'm impatient and cant find some of theses answers on the forums, I thought I should just post and ask about it instead of waiting 15 or so more days.
The game looks amazing, yet I hear some bad things that I'm not that worried about because I like a challenge and all I care about is a great story line and a lot of freedom. My biggest question is where does that freedom stop? Compare the game to oblivion for me, does it have guilds or groups? Can you buy houses and stuff? Are conversations with the citizens more in depth? Can you talk to everyone? Do you edit your appearance like in oblivion or is it more like shuffling through a bunch of faces? Do you get mounts (I know you can become a dragon and fly around, but some posts make it sound like your and instant target the second you take flight(also is this true? lol))? Also can you sleep or wait like in oblivion?
(sorry to compare the game to oblivion, but that's probably the best rpg game I've played with the least boundary's.)
I never played the original divinity 2 before, and what got me interested was the trailer and screen shots on steam (which means I'm getting the PC version if that helps with the answers). Also thanks in advance to whoever reads through these questions and has answers.
Sorry to anyone who finds this post annoying, but I'm too curious to wait. *BTW this is the first time I've ever been on the forums of a game other than League of Legends... sooo that may show a lot of my anticipation for answers lol ><*
Joined: Mar 2010
Welcome to forum  Well to all your questions: NO. Appearance has a limited choices. But this game is a blast, sure all those weapons are a bit over the edge, but hey you can play with unarmed skill  Im not even sure what really attracts me in this game so much that im trying it 3rd time  I gues all those puzzles you can find and Bellegars jokes  Oh and in dragon form its hard at first until you get rid of the towers  after that boy its so fun 
Last edited by LithStud; 10/11/10 08:01 AM.
"Wisdom outweighs any wealth." Sophocles
Joined: Nov 2010
Hi Kwialek.
I will try to answer a few of your questions for you from my experience so far. I find the game to have a lot of freedom, you can wander anywhere you like, quest items/password allowing.
As yet I have not come across any mounts, saying that, you don't need them as there is a network of shrines to port you to where ever you want to go.
You can talk with most npc's, some more in depth than others. I must warn you some of the conversations are hilarious.
You can change the appearance of your chosen character in-game with the help of Illusionist.
There is no sleep or wait, it is not needed in DKS.
Hope that helps you a little.
D2ED + More D2ED + A happy ending = A winner
Joined: Apr 2005
First, a welcome to this forum Kwiatek  I'm afraid comparing the DKS with Oblivion isn't that simple and for me impossible because the DKS is soo different ! Sorry to say, but in the DKS your hero have not the possiblity to sleep and wait for a few hours ... but yeah, you always CAN wait and have a break, eat some potatoes, ... look at a lovely barmaid and drink a beer or a wine In the DKS you can make choices when you talk to NPC's and you can "mindread" NPC's too ! There're more ways to solve 1 quest ... you can choose to help a group of bandit or not ... but you must not join a specific "Guild" like in Oblivion. Also the leveling-up system is totally different! So I hope you have NOT the expectations from Oblivion when you will start your own DKS ! Oblivion is good in his own way and for the DKS I can say the same, apart from the fact that the DKS have very good humouristic acts, very great loot, very nice skills and many more strong RPG elements in my eyes !  Sorry I can't answer all your questions ...
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2010
Alright thanks, you helped fuel my impatience so much more :P. Also I'm kind of glad there aren't guilds and stuff because I've put 100hrs into oblivion and have yet to start the main quest lol. Thanks again, you were a lot of help.
Joined: Nov 2010
Hi Kwialek.
I will try to answer a few of your questions for you from my experience so far. I find the game to have a lot of freedom, you can wander anywhere you like, quest items/password allowing.
As yet I have not come across any mounts, saying that, you don't need them as there is a network of shrines to port you to where ever you want to go.
You can talk with most npc's, some more in depth than others. I must warn you some of the conversations are hilarious.
You can change the appearance of your chosen character in-game with the help of Illusionist.
There is no sleep or wait, it is not needed in DKS.
Hope that helps you a little. This helps a lot. Also I was actually hoping that this game wouldn't have alot in common with oblivion because i enjoy games that don't copy a lot of things form others. I'm glad I asked this because you guys were a lot of help, thank you.
Joined: Mar 2003
You can not buy a house, but you do take over a battle tower about a third of the way through the game, and acquire servants and a storage chest.
When you first become a dragon you will be targeted fairly quickly, and hovering in place for more than 3 or 4 seconds without any cover would be a bad idea, but the ballistas fire straight at you, so from a distance even a very slow flight would make it easy to avoid the attacks (flying opponents take a bit longer to get to you, and are not in a big hurry to attack if you are far away). There are areas where you can transform into a dragon and get attacked fairly quickly (not immediately), but that is rarely ever a problem (in human form you can see if there are any flying opponents around, or any ballistas, or other anti-dragon defenses). You get a brief taste of the dragon form earlier in the game, where there are not many opponents, and can fly around there to get a feel for it.
Joined: Jan 2010
Once your in Broken Valley this first area is massive and could take a solid days playing if not more if it's your first time to see and do everything it has to offer. It's blocked off for a reason because it's all part of the story. Once past there is really does open up and the main starting area becomes part of it with greater use of teleporters to get you around. It doesn't stop there either as much, much more will open up.
Not to spoil anything to much but it will be many days, anything to a week if not more depending on how much time you put in before you have the power to become a Dragon, but the build up to it all is amazing. Your get this far and realize the game has not even started yet!! I have not said this to put you off, just to give you an idea that this game is BIG and will keep you busy for a very long time and the journey is a beautiful one, very rewarding and a pleasure to play.
Divinity II: XBOX 360 Region: PAL (UK) Display: 1080i HDMI PC
Joined: Dec 2009
You can also download Ego Draconis demo, or wait for DKS demo (a lot of things were fixed in DKS).
Joined: Sep 2009
If i had to compare DK:S with oblivion i would say DK:S is smaller with less freedom, but with a much more interesting story and with much better interesting / diferent stuff and much better sidequesting. 1st area is quite large, with a lot of stuff to explore (larian doesnt hold your hand saying where you need to go all the time). When you spend like 10-15 hours or so you have something (not spoiling) that radicaly changes your play and its like starting fresh with new cool stuff. You never get lost in DK:S because the map is awesome, the areas are not so gigantic, but as son as you get to a landmark, you can bet there's something interesting there, and that will change your exploring goals 
Joined: Nov 2010
If i had to compare DK:S with oblivion i would say DK:S is smaller with less freedom, but with a much more interesting story and with much better interesting / diferent stuff and much better sidequesting. 1st area is quite large, with a lot of stuff to explore (larian doesnt hold your hand saying where you need to go all the time). When you spend like 10-15 hours or so you have something (not spoiling) that radicaly changes your play and its like starting fresh with new cool stuff. You never get lost in DK:S because the map is awesome, the areas are not so gigantic, but as son as you get to a landmark, you can bet there's something interesting there, and that will change your exploring goals That's a relief. In oblivion I just don't get motivated enough to explore the giant map, and if this map is smaller with better things, I'd say I'm ganna love this game. You guys all have convinced me 100% that this is probably ganna be my favorite game, thanks sooooo much!
Joined: Nov 2010
I haven't bought this game yet, hopefully this payday, but I have Ego Draconis and it sure beats the pants off Oblivion! So I imagine this remastered version will be even better, and I can't wait to try out the FoV addon!
Joined: Nov 2010
Does anyone know if the DlCs for the original version work with this version on the Xbox and will the Add on use the character from the main game or do you have to create a new character for it(I have hear that you do and want to either have that confirmed or denied)
Joined: Aug 2010
Your saved games from the original D2:ED will not work with D2:DKS
If you're on the xbox you will have to start from scratch as from what I understand, you cannot buy FoV separately like you can for the PC.
Also, don't know what you mean by DLCs...
If you just buy FoV then you can import your character directly into it. Otherwise if you buy DKS you might have to play through again.
Joined: Mar 2003
I would guess the downloadable armour sets for the PC version of D2:ED might possibly work with FoV, but will not for the PC or Xbox versions of DKS. I don't recall if there was ever an official comment on that either way.
With either FoV on PC or DKS on Xbox/PC you can start a new level 35 character at the beginning of the add-on content, if you want to get to the add-on before (or rather than) starting over with a new character.
Joined: Jan 2010
DLC is an XBOX 360 term meaning "Downloadable Content". It's a form of digital media distributed through the Internet, in our case XBL or XBOX LiVE.
Divinity II: XBOX 360 Region: PAL (UK) Display: 1080i HDMI PC
Joined: Nov 2010
Yeah, There are item DlC for Divinity 2 on XBox live and I was wondering if they would work with the remastered edition that is The Dragon Knight saga. As for importing character into FoV, You will be able to import the character used in the Main game if you are playing from the beginning of the DKS version? If that is that case,great. I just need to wait for a US playable edition to be made available for Xbox.
Joined: Mar 2003
D2:ED saves are not compatible with DKS. There were too many changes made to enemy placement, loot generation, balancing, etc.
Unfortunately, FoV only exists as a separate add-on for the PC, and the non-German versions are only available by digital distribution. FoV is too large for DLC on the Xbox, and Larian could not get it published on disk, so that content is only accessible as part of DKS.
Joined: Nov 2010
I understand that D2:ED saves are not compatible with DKS. My last post was asking for confirmation that if you own the DKS version. You can start,play through the main game and then import that character from DKS into the FoV expansion(add-on,thought I consider it a expansion when it adds 30 hours of gameplay) instead of having to create a new character for FoV even on the DKS version.
I haven't played D2:ED at all. I'm waiting for the DKS version to come to the USA on the Xbox 360 and then I'll pick that up once it is released.
Joined: Dec 2009
It might have been said before, but is it possible to buy the German box version of FoV and play it in French (or download the French install from larian vault without paying twice ?) ? Or have the game in French for D2:ED content and in German for FoV content ?
(I love my boxes)
Last edited by melianos; 11/11/10 08:48 AM.