Joined: Jan 2010
[quote=Libertarian][quote=Lar_q]We offered it to a number of US publishers, but most first want to see how it performs in Europe. We're doing our best to make it perform well so that it can hopefully be published early next year in the US. I expect it's the same for a lot of other independent devs in Europe. I know this is kinda jumping the gun, and is a "last resort" doom and gloom scenario if Larian is not able to get a publisher in the USA for DKS. I was wondering if it would be possible to buy directly from Larian's store? I know if DKS Xbox 360 become available for those in the USA, I would definately buy a copy to support the studio. I bought the origional of Divinity II both on PC and the Xbox 360, and I'm just waiting to purchase either a UK version of DKS PC (boxed, not digital) or when/if the PC boxed version comes out in the USA.
Joined: Jul 2010
Ive wondered that myself, but i doubt it will happen.
Physical distribution is a lot more complicated than digital distribution and I think any small developer would be opening a proverbial pandora's box by setting the precedent of distributing their own product on any sort of scale (excluding digital distribution).
Using a script to accept payment and allow downloading is a far cry from taking orders and having to post copies around the world (im not sure how customs would work into this, but the worlds' government tend to want a piece of every commercial pie).
Our best bet for an xbox release will probably be to either wait for a US release or import a copy in from Canada, as Canadian xbox games share the same region and format as US xbox games.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Unfortunately, you need to have Microsoft publisher status within the territory to be able to do that - getting that status requires publishing at least a number of games, which we haven't got, so I'm afraid that's not going to happen. But there's hope on the horizon for getting it in the US 
Joined: Jun 2010
And how far the horizon is??? Not too far I hope? 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
I'm trying to will it very close. Picked up a cool book on making things reality the other day, so that might help 
Joined: Nov 2009
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Jan 2010
That is great news, Lar_q. I'm happy to hear that the USA will most likely not loose out on a excellent re-do, plus the expansion, like what happened with Sacred 2 and its expansion ( I did eventually import the Sacred 2 Gold UK version). With Gothic 4 already out, and soon DKS, Venetica, Drakensang:River of Time, Two Worlds II, and the Witcher II on the horizon, its a great time to be a fan of European styled RPG adventures & action/adventure RPGs.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Errr... I didn't confirm anything yet, just that thanks to your feedback and the feedback we're getting in general, people are answering my calls again.
Joined: Nov 2010
I hope that means that more Publishers are answering your calls and that the odds of Seeing a USA Release have gone up.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
well as far as I'm conserned any publisher that's not interested in such an amazing game as Divinity needs their head examend & are in need of spending some time in their local asylam as thay are damb right crazy & should be removed from sociaty for their stupidity. As for the new upcomming games 2 worlds 2 is one game I won't be buying 2 worlds bored me 2 sleep litrally the story was out right rubbish the gameplay was ok but the lack of a good story made me not even want 2 finish the waste of space.
Joined: Oct 2010
Hopefully what you are working on will come to bear fruit. If it doesn't, maybe Atlus is a publisher to consider. They seem to be a forward thinking publisher as they have picked up a few games no one else would.