Joined: Nov 2010
I already finished DKS once and since I have a bunch of time, I decided to play again. But this time I read all the stuff and try to find all secrets. And of course I chose another class - first time I was a pure mage (most points go to INT/SPR), now I'm the pure warrior (STR/VIT). Right now I ran thru all Broken Valley to Maxos Temple and just want to share some thoughts about things, that you might find during the second playthrough. 1. IMO warrior is WAY easier to play for, than mage. You just Rush Attack anyone, Whirlwind and kick all around with best weapons available. Seriously, I had tough fights couple times tops. Super easy comparing to mage, which which I was constantly jumping and dodging, saving and loading. Warrior even hit harder with weapons than mage with spells, MUCH harder. But maybe this is because I know game mechanics. Still the impression is as described. 2. I've missed a lot of stuff on my 1st playthrough. An interesting stuff. Didn't know there're so many hidden things there. Love'em. 3. Somehow it IS ineteresting to go thru the same stuff, despite that I still don't like storyline and seriously hate voice-overs. So yes, game's very good in general. 4. Reading gives you a lot of clues, which I missed before (a lot of'em). Still I skip books which begin from "History of..." or contain poetry, which I just don't like at all. IMO the world in DKS is not too deeply built. In Dragon Age, for example, background is just MASSIVE - I even read some extra stuff from the guide, because it was really worth it. But notes, diaries and other small stuff are more than enough to get the feeling and picture in this case. 5. Everything goes much faster the 2nd time, which is good. Guess, it'll take even less time, than the 1st time with all that exploring and secret-finding  So if you've finished the game and doubt about 2nd playthrough - don't. It really worth it.
Joined: Nov 2010
I am on my second round, playing as a mage on normal difficulty. I am enjoying it much more this time around and finding all of the games dirty little secrets. I don't think I will be bothering with the FOV part this time around though.
Last edited by Paris; 21/11/10 07:27 AM.
D2ED + More D2ED + A happy ending = A winner
Joined: Jun 2010
Well, I played D2ED three times, and while I am waiting for Xbox 360 version for NA, I am playing it again. Even though I found probably all secrets, and got all achievement (with the help of this forum and an on-line walkthrough) I am still enjoying the game all the same, it is a very nice experienca, like reading a favorite book.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
As a mage I did 6000+ damage with a maxed out fireball and 100 intelligence, one shotting entire mobs. I'm not sure if a melee character can top this.
Joined: Nov 2010
As a mage I did 6000+ damage with a maxed out fireball and 100 intelligence, one shotting entire mobs. I'm not sure if a melee character can top this. Jezusss .... thats some dense cramming there virumor  While i must admit that 6k damage to an entire group of mobs was something i never achieved on my dual-wielding warrior, i must say that i rarely died tho. i pumped up hp-regen with both skill points and enchantment on gear as much as possible so i could dish out alot of punishment and still regen alot. think thats what is most different from warrior and mage. Mages do much more damage but have weaker constitution. Of course in the end of DKS and thru FoV my damage output from weapons varied from 1000-1500 (400-800) so i could down any normal foe in 1-2-3 blade hits and with Thousand strikes i could down a boss in about 10-15 secs. It all depends how you build your toon of course
Joined: Nov 2010
As a mage I did 6000+ damage with a maxed out fireball and 100 intelligence, one shotting entire mobs. I'm not sure if a melee character can top this. I used very basic projectiles (x7 when maxed) and some blast which cripples enemies and does DPS. It's super fast, very low cooldown.
Joined: Sep 2010
1. IMO warrior is WAY easier to play for, than mage. You just Rush Attack anyone, Whirlwind and kick all around with best weapons available. Seriously, I had tough fights couple times tops. Super easy comparing to mage, which which I was constantly jumping and dodging, saving and loading. Warrior even hit harder with weapons than mage with spells, MUCH harder. But maybe this is because I know game mechanics. Still the impression is as described. You forgot Fatality. That skill is just EPIC! I took down the 2 final FoV bosses in a couple of minutes thanks to Fatality.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
I think a warrior with maxed out strength & maxed life leech, bleed & death blow should be able to eventually reach 5000 damage.
A ranger, though, is probably able to reach 10,000 damage with a critical hit on an explosive arrow.
Last edited by virumor; 21/11/10 08:47 PM.
Joined: Nov 2010
A ranger, though, is probably able to reach 10,000 damage with a critical hit on an explosive arrow. Isn't ranger a worst class in the game?
Joined: Nov 2010
My first time as a mage and I am finding it soooooo easy. I shall put the difficulty up to "Worst nightmare in hell with blood dripping from it"
D2ED + More D2ED + A happy ending = A winner
Joined: Oct 2010
Isn't ranger a worst class in the game? It is, till you get Exploding Arrows which is the sole reason to play a ranger (other than flavor, of course).
Joined: Mar 2003
I palyed ED several times, soon DKS... Mage was far easier to play. First time playing through is always harder  no matter what class. Also if you are doing everything second time thtough then you'll be getting better stuff higher level etc. I found in Ed playing a mage with just enough str to wear best armor gave best results. You weren't hurt easily if they did manage to get close, though that was rare. Summons tend to keep everyone off you before you get the better spell damage.
Insanity Is Just A Matter Of Opinion
Joined: Apr 2005
I love to play a ranger in Ego Draconis from the first playthrough on  ! My favorite skill is Ranger Stealth ... Now gonna try this with the DKs ... and I think I love it even more than before !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2010
I palyed ED several times, soon DKS... Mage was far easier to play. First time playing through is always harder  no matter what class. Also if you are doing everything second time thtough then you'll be getting better stuff higher level etc. Yeah, now I must admit that mage was much more easier, than warrior. With mage I rarely used health potions - mostly mana, because I kicked everyone from distance. You just jump and shoot. With warrior you have to go full contact and I'm having some problems fighting large group of enemies in coridors.
Last edited by Monkeyman; 27/11/10 01:44 AM.
Joined: Nov 2010
Well once battle rage or what it's name is get's maxed at 15, mixed with a whirlwind maxed at 15 and you successfully kill off all mobs around you with 1s cd.
the charge does about 5-6k damage on hit.
so yes they get overpowered too, just takes most off the game to become it.
Joined: Nov 2010
So I've finished DKS for the second time, done almost all quests, found almost all secrets, got almost all achievements. Somehow, I found this game even more interesting on the second playthrough. And here are my final thoughts:
1. If you pay attention to what people say and what's written in the books, it's not that hard to solve puzzles and find secret places. Still lack of markers and distinct quest signs over NPCs, especially in Aleroth, is a pain.
2. At the end of the game I was GOD. Nobody could even hurt me plenty. Final battle with Ygerna took a bunch of time when I played as a mage, but with warrior I killed her in like... 20-30 secs, no kidding. The only place where my warrior was a bit worse than mage were flying fortresses. All the rest was SUPER easy, especially in Aleroth, where skill books rain on you and you can easily max multiple skills.
3. Please, stop telling that FoV is worse than ED. It's not in terms of quality. It's polished much better than the original game, quests are smarter, voice-overs are pretty much OK and so on. Yes, final battle and lack of dragon shape-shifting suck ass, but in general FoV is super. I really hope developers will continue moving this way and their next game/addon will be even better.
4. Oh, and just for the end part: invisible walls ARE ugly. Please, please, please, next time do something about it. For example, if you fly too high, your brain will pop or smth like it. No more invisible walls.
So in general I'd like to thank Larian Studios for great experience. I don't like games like Morrowind/Two Worlds and never play them. Dunno why I even bothered to try DKS, but I never had any regrets. Thank you.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Maybe a warrior playthrough will be less easy with the overpowered weapons being taken out by the patch.