Joined: Nov 2010
I know its stupid to ask.
I was doing moral cave because I wanted to get the whole crystal dragon set. I just felt bad that I killed, robbed, and left those people out to die. Now I have this nice "Bow of the damned one".
I also felt a little bad killing (some) of those people on sentinel island.
Anyone relate?
Joined: Nov 2010
well not really yet. but thats what you'd expect of a good rpg. if the game doesnt give you moral choices that affect you as a player or worse, not give you any choices at all, in my eyes its just a glorified action game
Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you. See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands... - Isaiah 49:15-16
Joined: Nov 2010
I have felt bad taking gold from chests from random peoples houses at times. Also the side quest where you kill the white soul-forged chicken made me feel pretty sad for the gut. I could only do it for the achivment then re-load and spare him.
Thankfully it's just a game but sometime I find myself very immersed into it.
Joined: Nov 2010
Depends on my mood. Good mood, I feel bad. Bad mood, I dont.
"In a Game of Thrones, you either win or you die. There is no middle ground"
Joined: Nov 2010
I felt a little guilty about Casper and the chicken, but when Talana says: "I can't believe you went through all that trouble just to off that raving loon.", it made me smile and I forgot about my little guilt.
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.
Joined: Nov 2010
Actually there's not a lot of that in Divinity 2. But yeah... I have a problem with games not balancing out good and bad behavior in terms of rewards. Its a rpg, but I'm an achiever type and it drives me crazy sometimes...
Joined: Nov 2010
I know its stupid to ask.
I was doing moral cave because I wanted to get the whole crystal dragon set. I just felt bad that I killed, robbed, and left those people out to die. Now I have this nice "Bow of the damned one".
I also felt a little bad killing (some) of those people on sentinel island.
Anyone relate? Yeah "morale cave". I've actually redid that cave about 4 times. I wanted to test what i get if I go through very evi path. It was almost heartbreaking to hear when those 4 villagers were burnt alive because of my decision. But then again on the other hand you think - "well its just a game, I am just checking what kind of reward I'd get through evil path". So i reloaded from save about 4 times and then in the end just went goodie path as I do most of the time. Rewards are basically the same. Either you get a Paladin Version or a Damned One - very balanced both versions. Its not the correct way though. Damned One version supposed to have higher dmg and the paladin version supposed to have higher stats adjustments. Dark forces usually push through by violance and destruction which means that evil weapons supposed to be deadlier. Paladin weapons however supposed to inspire bravery, protection and justice. In DKS both versions are pretty much the same type of weapons just different flame effect on Damned Ones.
Joined: Feb 2010
Glad to hear I'm not the only softie!! Felt so bad when the Valley went down!! I was real attached to the characters!
Joined: Feb 2010
Does anyone know if the the Goblins, etc. in the Mysterious Cave still drop Legendary items? I haven't been able to get any there since I updated.
Joined: Dec 2010
Glad to hear I'm not the only softie!! Felt so bad when the Valley went down!! I was real attached to the characters! Regarding your spoiler, so did I! Since dragon armor is mostly cosmetic, I took the good path through the moral cave and kept my bone cuirass. After hearing the first few words out of Barbatos I knew he was dead meat. Felt bad about Kenneth, but hey, Hermosa's training lines (and accent) are awesome.  That being said, I intend to repeat my efforts from Jade Empire and take my next character down the path of darkness. Will take all the servants I can't stand as well, to help me retain my dark mood while playing.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Felt bad about Kenneth, but hey, Hermosa's training lines (and accent) are awesome.  I felt pretty lousy about Kenneth, although interestingly the second time through I didn't think quite so highly of him; most likely because I felt so bad the first time I did that quest I unconsciously sanctified him, I think. The enchanter and alchemist also bothered me somewhat, though I found it hard not to be unmoved by the necromancers' plight!  But the trainer was probably my most bummer moment of the game, other than Damien throwing all his toys out the pram halfway through, that is. Occasionally I try to play RPGs as someone thoroughly unpleasant, or at least neutral, but I invariably give up after a short time. I just don't have it in me, I suppose; either that or I don't want to associate with my character any longer!
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Dec 2010
Now this is a topic! I usually go the way of the goodie-two-shoes (if that's how it's written) unless these two things happen: 1: The evil path gives me an item that is an upgrade for me and/or gives me significantly more exp. (Loot-Whore) 2: The evil path gives me an achievement or something I can't get without going down that path. (Completionist) Even though I have these two rules sometimes it breaks my heart going against my morals. I've spent plenty of time in many games pondering over my decisions and searching the internet for a conclusion that is the least painful for my moral heart. Strangely enough my morals are nowhere to be found in some of the same situation in real life. Guess it's because I can't see other peoples side as clearly as I can in games 
Joined: Dec 2010
I call it my paladin alter-ego, but it's not the mindless zombie some people assign to paladins (can probably thank D&D lore for that... sigh) Don't want to spoil anything, but there's a guy Kenneth asks us to save, and another quest from the same faction wanting the same guy dead. Well since Kenneth was feeding daisies I went to the spot and managed to save the guy anyway, though there was no official quest or reward for it. I felt pretty good  It won't be easy playing a 'dark night' character, but after what I did in Jade Empire I'm sure I can handle it. This game's humor and excellent writing always manage to pick me up when I need it.
Joined: Dec 2009
I still believe no pixels were harmed while I played 
Joined: Jan 2009
I usually take the "good" path when doing quests, although one thing I like is that this game isn't that clear what the "good" path is, like Folo and his pigs.
But recently, I went for a full-on totally evil playthrough, and here are my thoughts:
Your tears nourish me.
The evil path also has some really awesome dialogue.
"Killing Seekers is so much fun it ought to be illegal!" "It is!" "I'm not going through all that trouble. Eternity can't last that long." "You certainly have a novel way of giving head." "Oh come on, you have to admit that was funny!" "Are our lives just something to throw away for your amusement? You're mad, Dragon Knight!"
Joined: Nov 2010
For me the fact that this is a pixel world, slows down my tears to Chinese water torture speeds. The humor for me stands out too often, some of that writing has been top notch, making any dreary sad moment somewhat humorous or easy to feel OK about. I suppose the fact also that I save these desperate souls from a dammed world where only death and sickness live. Any fate I deem necessary is better than what Damain has in store for them, so I feel okee about the sour times. happy hunting