Now i've played all the Divinity games I can't wait for Divinity 3 laugh. I wonder how the story will play out. Will the Slayers be hunted down them-selves or will they be offered a chance at redemption? What (if anything) will Rhode do now the divine is back and will (hopefully) tell everyone that the Dragon Knights weren't to blame. I have so many ideas flying around my head its spinning lol.

Here I will put my top 3 'most want to happen/see' in the next game

1. I'd like to find out what really happened to Maxos? Were is he and whats he been doing? And if u can find him... will he tell the last Dragon Knight how to create more? (that is if the Character you play is still the Dragon Knight?)

2. I would love the slayers to be told they've been doing Damian's will (maybe just a CS with Rhode being told) and then be given a chance at redemption... Not by the Divine but by the Dragon Knight... Some thing like 'Help me find Maxos and maybe you can become Dragon Knights your selves?'

3. I'd love alittle more depth to the Character Creation or maybe something like create your own 'one of a kind' armor that you can tailor to what ever class your playing laugh

I'd love to hear other players ideas as well so feel free to add your own (3 if possible so its not to long a reply) or comment on mine (please be kind ><)

P.S Divinity 2 The Dragon Knight Saga was a great game to play. Glad u fixed the bugs laugh