Joined: Mar 2011
...An at the very end of the story both should fall in love with one another and marry (in the end scene) ...  Like DivineMAGE and Vometia said, I would rather have her as a sex slave  as punishment or leave her as an undying statue that is able to see what is going on around her and use her as a coat rack
My name is Legion: for we are many.
Joined: Mar 2011
Like DivineMAGE and Vometia said, I would rather have her as a sex slave  as punishment or leave her as an undying statue that is able to see what is going on around her and use her as a coat rack Well as for my Dragon knight, it would be just wrong to want hill thing to happen to someone who have such high value of duty. Yes she dosen reconize you as a friend and she have the nasty habit of calling you name. But between you and me i would totaly prefer to have damien or Belegar as a ornement to my tower, the tow of them are just being unredimable asshole to my Dragon Knight. The only way i see that we could safe guard C. Rhode is by opening up her mind magicaly. Think the Divin got some spell call "remove Zelott on other" in his action bar? That or lock her up in a prison and having a nice very long chat with her.
Last edited by BarrelDragons; 31/03/11 02:52 AM.
Joined: Mar 2011
Well as for my Dragon knight, it would be just wrong to want hill thing to happen to someone who have such high value of duty. Yes she dosen reconize you as a friend and she have the nasty habit of calling you name.
But between you and me i would totaly prefer to have damien or Belegar as a ornement to my tower, the tow of them are just being unredimable asshole to my Dragon Knight. I get what youre saying. Im not really saying that she should be punished just because she was mean to you a couple of times. It more like, she punches you in the nose and then you punch hers. Yuh get me? Just a... haha your turn 
My name is Legion: for we are many.
Joined: Mar 2003
An at the very end of the story both should fall in love with one another and marry (in the end scene) ...  And in the very end scene, Rhode profites of a moment of weakness to assassinate the Dragon Knight mocking, "Haha, you've fallen in my trap!" This is not the style of games I play - hence I just LOVE Drakensang 2 !  i Say that even if the Dragon knight was holding C. Rhode hand from falling into a abyse she would still try to stab him with her free hand. Either she have a personnal stake in this, or the last ritual that we didn undergo is some realy good inductrination. What have you all against her ? She was merely following her own, il-advised agenda ..PLus, she didn't know that she was betrayed in a way, too ... In the essence, she's been Damian's tool without knowing so ... A bit like like Anakin Skywalker was Palpstines tool without knowing so ... From that perspective, she is a rather tragic figure ... a pawn in a chess play ... I always look BEHIND the masks ... 
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Jul 2004
Well, I also love that character, but I don't think she can forgive the Dragon Knight any day. It would mean for her to admit her whole life and the one of her men was a waste, and... she seems too proud for that. I actually agree with you; she is a tragic figure, but she won't give up easily.
 "The Frenglais does déjŕ exist. Many gens are parling this langue" Barta
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Rhode was very dogmatic in Ego Draconis, but she was also honorable so I don't think she'd still want the Dragon Knight dead. Not to mention, the Divine being alive would simply order her to drop her grudge.
Sure her entire life centered around killing Dragon Knights, but don't forget that most of those *were* evil.
Joined: Mar 2011
Though Im saying to just give Rhode a little slap on the hand and pretty much saying, "you idiot, Im not saying that she needs to be killed or anything like that. And yeah, she was mislead into believing what was and wasnt the truth. Whether is was the Divine that opened or eyes or something else because she was such a proud woman, that strength and conviction she had in ED would be gone. And she would probably never be able to hold her head high again. That... is punishment enough. No need for us to do it too her.
My name is Legion: for we are many.
Joined: Jan 2009
It would have been better to use her as a sex slave after you save her from that stone curse This has to be said again: What on earth is WRONG with you?
Joined: Dec 2010
Though Im saying to just give Rhode a little slap on the hand and pretty much saying, "you idiot, Im not saying that she needs to be killed or anything like that. And yeah, she was mislead into believing what was and wasnt the truth. Whether is was the Divine that opened or eyes or something else because she was such a proud woman, that strength and conviction she had in ED would be gone. And she would probably never be able to hold her head high again. That... is punishment enough. No need for us to do it too her. Yup, but i hope we will see her again somewhere in future. It would have been better to use her as a sex slave after you save her from that stone curse This has to be said again: What on earth is WRONG with you? He is male, she is hot and strong woman, is that wrong to dream?
Last edited by pall; 31/03/11 10:53 PM.
Joined: Mar 2011
Yup, but i hope we will see her again somewhere in future.
I dont remember where it was that I read it, but I did see in a topic somewhere that somebody said that she is just frozen in stone... not dead. So it just may happen *crosses fingers*. She would be a great character to the next game. He is male, she is hot and strong woman, is that wrong to dream? Nicely put! Of course now that I think about it, I would prefer the lady from Farglow that gave you the ability to mindread.
Last edited by legionangel; 31/03/11 11:37 PM.
My name is Legion: for we are many.
Joined: Mar 2011
Well C. Rhode have been a tools we have been a tools mostly everybody have been tools, so i guess that when she get out of that stone form she gona have a lot of trust issue. IF she can even figure that out. Still id say that she gona dismiss everything that we told her in effect that everybody but her been corrupt by our Dragon Knight evilness. Even if the Divine told her to back down she would call him a impersonificator.
I still would cage her up for a while for her own safety and the one of other, and try to make her see the error of her way even as futile as it might. She is a to powerfull asset to just be threw away.
But that kinda was my opinion on mostly every boss iv seen in game, i would have liked to have the litch as a necromancer in my tower, the tow sister fighting to figure out whos the stronguess as grounds troop and guard, the anger issue mage half dragon knight as scientific, the dragon elf as advisor. etc
for the woman in farglow i agreed she was awsome unfortunatly i bet damian gaz the place after we gone in the blimp as he alway do >.>
but heh nothing stoping us from having a 3 some =3
Joined: Dec 2010
for the woman in farglow i agreed she was awsome unfortunatly i bet damian gaz the place after we gone in the blimp as he alway do
Maybe not, wasn't farglow supposed to be some sort of secred, hidden village? If yes, then maybe Damian did't destroy it, and in div 3 we could meet some characters from it.
Joined: Mar 2011
for the woman in farglow i agreed she was awsome unfortunatly i bet damian gaz the place after we gone in the blimp as he alway do
Maybe not, wasn't farglow supposed to be some sort of secred, hidden village? If yes, then maybe Damian did't destroy it, and in div 3 we could meet some characters from it. alway a possibility some of the character of broken valley did succed to escape the place, a shame they mostly all got assassinated after but heh. still got to admirer how C. Rhode got in the vault whitout any item that we needed think that she asked belegar to telepo her in and than he stone her as a complementary gift : Well you are in the vault, never said in what for you would be in it though
Joined: Dec 2010
still got to admirer how C. Rhode got in the vault whitout any item that we needed think that she asked belegar to telepo her in and than he stone her as a complementary gift : Well you are in the vault, never said in what for you would be in it though Well, since she is also intelligent woman i guess she solved all puzzles when Bellegar was preocupied with us, or she simply used back doors.
Joined: Feb 2012
Combine Bellegar's rhyming twisted sense of magic, with the obvious connection (abet a hostile one) between the Dragon Knight and Rhode . . . and what do you get? (Mind you I'm playing a male character)
A union . . . Slayer and Dragon . . . equals a child. and hence the Player Character for the next Divinity Game . . .
The Child of a Slayer and a Dragon . . . - able to mind read by birth rite - able to see the trapped souls of the dead (again a Birth Rite) but without the sliver eyes . . . - able to influence/control Dragon Kin (wyverns?)
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't think there will be much in the way of dragons or wyverns in Project E (other than a possible meeting with Patriarch). A top down camera perspective doesn't preclude having flying opponents or allies, but if Larian wanted a significant amount of aerial combat, they probably would have gone with a camera system similar to Divinity 2. A dragon knight + Divine One union wouldn't need Bellegar's intervention to happen. The only question about either scenario is if enough damage was done to the Black Ring that Damian would take about 20 years to rebuild, to get enough time for a child of existing characters to be the hero in Project E. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Feb 2012
Thanks for the Welcome.  As for damage . . . if the plot if followed Atom Bombing the Armada is suppose to stop/slow Damian's war and save Aleroth. Hence a 20 gap is easily do able. Not sure the gap between Divine Divinity/Beyond Divinity, but I'm assuming around a 100 years (feel free to correct this assumption). In a top down view a wyvern is do able, it could be geared to only ranged foes/magic-users could target it, as apposed to a straight up melee character, but my thoughts (if I was building the game) would be that the wyverns would be "tool" type characters . . . IE: "Spiky get the key" (Spikey squeezes through the bars and fetches the key.) But who knows . . . 
Joined: Mar 2003
From Divine Divinity to Beyond divinity was 20 years. Shortly after Damian returned to Rivellon there was a war which lasted for years, after which more than 50 years past before the start of Divinity 2.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
She ain't that bad. She was simply tricked like you were when you joined the Slayers. It's Damien who you should be angry at for tricking everyone into believing that the Dragon Knights were responsible for The Divine's "death". Think about it, if you hadn't been chosen, your character would still be a slayer.
She ain't no zealot. She's just dedicated to her order and I'm sure that with the return of The Divine, she and the Slayers will know the error of their ways and repent.
Project E better include The Divine as one of the main characters and provide closure for characters from Divinity 2. Apparently, Laiken had a child with some female bandit as revealed in FoV, so if Project E is set a few decades into the future, I'd expect to see this child trying to hunt down the Dragon Knight for revenge.
That also makes me think of what will happen to The Dragon Knight. Will they make a cannon Dragon Knight or would the Dragon Knight be absent from Project E?
I seriously hope that Project E is the continuation of Divinity because I am curious as to how Damien is going to be now that Ygerna is dead. I'd imagine that any humanity that is left in him will vanish. Dragon Commander is all well and good but I want to see more of Zandalor, Bellegar, Damien and The Divine One.
Joined: Mar 2003
I seriously hope that Project E is the continuation of Divinity
Actually, one of the few things we know about Project E is that it will conclude the story arc of Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity and Divinity 2.