Joined: Mar 2010
I am escorting the zeppelin and I cannot make it to the end without the ship blowing up. My stats are defense 45 offense 63, hitpoints 1315, and mana 940. I try to fly ahead and wipe out the ballistas and nests before the ship gets there, but towards the end there are just too many islands hitting the ship, and I cannot destroy them fast enough. The ship is almost ready to blow when Zandalor exclaims that I am in the home stretch. I even set the difficulty level to casual and still cannot win. I thought the memory battle was tough, not so. Please help fellow gamers. Also, Is there anyway to make my dragon stronger before the end battle, like some better armor. It is also odd that you cannot access the dragon skills to add points as my dragon seems too weak.
Joined: Dec 2010
This is the worst part of both campaigns in my opinion, with the well-cave battle being an easy second place. Some tips which have been pointed out in other threads on this topic, and which I've used myself:
Before starting Flames of Vengeance, if you are coming from the original campaign, take off your dragon armor (in dragon form of course) and save it. You can access your battletower in FoV so you could save it there if you want. Be sure to grab the armor before starting the FoV endgame though.
Once in the air at the start of the escort, pause the game and equip your armor. The game gives us default armor that lacks any kind of bonus, which is stupid, and this is why you should use your saved armor from earlier in the game. I prefer to use pieces that boost my offense so I can destroy things faster.
1. You gain a nuke skill on your action bar: use it by flying to the center of a fortified island and setting it off - this will wipe out all nearby structures. It has a long cooldown so use it carefully.
2. Summon your wyvern companion regularly to help keep enemy attention off of you.
3. Don't forget to heal yourself often; I usually did it whenever falling to 50% health in Casual mode.
4. Breathing fire seems to be more efficient than shooting fire spheres, but requires you to be next to your target. With practice you can shoot a fire sphere on the way to the target then finish it off with fire breath.
5. Try to stay well ahead of the escort zeppelin - this requires fast-paced play.
Some people have managed to wipe out everything - I maybe wiped out half of the stuff. I think this mission is the reason why I haven't bothered to play the game since. It really irritated me. I managed to do it on my third attempt, on Casual.
Joined: Sep 2010
Thank you for this info. I am at the 2nd chapter in FOV, IE the Guanlet run with the zeppelin and have no armour. Any ideas on how to get my armour or do I have to reply FOV?
I think I know this answer (and I am not going to like it) but please confirm.
Thanks a bunch,
MadGar The Great
Joined: Jul 2004
The only way is to have an import character from D2:EG that put his armour in his inventory. Anyway, I made it without armour bonus and I'm not a great player, so you should manage to do it too 
 "The Frenglais does déjŕ exist. Many gens are parling this langue" Barta
Joined: Feb 2011
Such a disappointment to the game. An Escort mission that defines whether u complete the game or not? seriously??? There are some ppl that are not that good with excorts and i am one, thus i shall never finish this game to the end. I have tried 4 times, not ONE dragon skill book was given during the whole coarse of FOV and yet its the dragon that must save the ending. Not one piece of dragon armor or leveling opportunity was provided, and yet, its the dragon that must save the day. Very disappointing and Very bad game design.
Joined: Jan 2011
Such a disappointment to the game. An Escort mission that defines whether u complete the game or not? seriously??? There are some ppl that are not that good with excorts and i am one, thus i shall never finish this game to the end. I have tried 4 times, not ONE dragon skill book was given during the whole coarse of FOV and yet its the dragon that must save the ending. Not one piece of dragon armor or leveling opportunity was provided, and yet, its the dragon that must save the day. Very disappointing and Very bad game design. First of all, you do not need any dragon skill books as they are all or most set to maximum level, second, you import your dragon armor from DKS/ED, third, you get new powerful skill which you should use wisely. you didn't really expect you could just tackle all head on? As in most part of the game, some strategy is required, also you being able to transform into the dragon is most powerful and unique feature of the dragon knights, so of course dragon must "save the day". I also had problems on my first playthrough, second time i played on nightmare and had no problems at all. I go ahead of the zeppelin and destroy everything i can. Use eye of the patriarch on big islands, they usually have lightning towers in the center, summon wyveryns and use lots of healing potions combined with dragon spirit, combine dragon sphere with dragon breath, and don't forget dragon shield.
Joined: Oct 2009
Another very useful tip:
Pause often. In extreme cases pause as soon as one of your weapons is ready.
I would also like to repeat that you should fly way ahead of the zepellin and summon your wyvern whenever possible.
Joined: Jan 2009
I've probably played that mission too many times to be able to properly judge the difficulty but I can give a few pointers on how I do it. I pretty much only use the nuke and the fire ball A ballista tower goes down with two fireballs Every time the nuke is up you fly towards the next island with a big central tower and use it to wipe out a bunch at once. Ignore the zep and just fly ahead. Don't fly in straight angles and use speedburst to change direction often.
and finally something that saves you a lot of time and well makes it too easy is that the zep is really strong against flying enemies and can take out the spawning towers without any problem so you can mostly just ignore those and focus on lightning/ballista towers
Hope this helps those with problems on this mission.
Joined: Feb 2011
This is the worst part of both campaigns in my opinion, with the well-cave battle being an easy second place. Some tips which have been pointed out in other threads on this topic, and which I've used myself: Just finished the game myself and i agree that Endurium`s tips are very effective in completing this stage of the game. It took me some reloading to beat the escort mission, but once i actually started using the nuke skill it got alot simpler;)
Joined: Jan 2011
I failed it twice until I realized i had a new ability which would smash a full island at a time, then it was simple simple, I cleared the way and was constantly getting warned about leaving the zep to far behind so i actually waited for it often in case the mission would auto fail from being to far away
Joined: Mar 2011
use the patriarch bomb on nests/lightning towers on the islands
use the zepplin bombardment on single nests
wyvern to crowd control the flyers/dragon burst when they come for you
while waiting for patriarch to cool down fire-bomb/breath the balistas
when the zepplin captain does his suicide/crash into the tower speech, race to the tower asap
Joined: Jan 2009
A minor note: If you were wearing dragon armor at the end of Ego Draconis, it automatically appears in your Battle Tower's coffer, no need to take it off. You will need to remember to fetch it before the end, though.
Joined: Mar 2011
Can I just get a dragon-sized backpack and fly the bomb there myself?
Joined: Mar 2011
Can I just get a dragon-sized backpack and fly the bomb there myself?
LoL! As awesome as that would seem... I could imagine that getting it would be just as hard or not harder than escorting the zep.
My name is Legion: for we are many.
Joined: Jan 2009
Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy48d5gr3C4A video full of tips on how to beat this mission. Played on Nightmare skill, no less. It might be a bit harder if you started a fresh level 35 character and have no dragon armor, but that should just mean you need to drink a few more potions. Best watched in fullscreen 720p.
Joined: Mar 2011
the only thing i hate about this part is the fact that even if the blimp dosen even get hit, the captain still suiccid himself >.>
Joined: Mar 2011
the only thing i hate about this part is the fact that even if the blimp dosen even get hit, the captain still suiccid himself >.> Oh please. Whats better than seeing a zeppelin ramd up Ygernas... Much deserved justice if you ask me. *does happy dance  *
My name is Legion: for we are many.
Joined: Mar 2011
[quote=BarrelDragons]the only thing i hate about this part is the fact that even if the blimp dosen even get hit, the captain still suiccid himself >.> Oh please. Whats better than seeing a zeppelin ramd up Ygernas... Much deserved justice if you ask me. [quote] just saying if he wanted to die that bad he didn have to bring all his crew with him. he could have rider the bomb like some other people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueuauKKjPZI&feature=related
Joined: Apr 2011
Hmmm... I didn't take off my ED dragon armor. I didn't take armor out of the chest before the final battle... and it all appeared in my inventory what I was wearing in ED during that scene. (together with the Eye, which is odd, since it should have been on the zeppelin... why am I carrying it?)
Are you saying that shouldn't have been so? :S
Joined: Jan 2011
Took me about 20 tries to finish the final run of the game. I didn't fly ahead of the zepplin and thus it took me way too many tries to beat the final part of the game even on casual which is what I usually play all my games on if they have that option. The first 3/4 of the escort mission was easy. It was the last run where you are clustered by so many enemy balistas and lightning towers that screw you over. They should have made the last part of the run as easy as the first part if playing on casual. If playing at higher difficulties, make it harder.