Joined: Feb 2003
Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga now available via OnLive !!!We're very pleased to announce that Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga is now available via OnLive. If you're wondering why we're so happy about it, it's because it takes care of that one thing that might be preventing you from playing Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga: your hardware. Via Onlive you can play at high settings on your PC, your Mac, TV and even mobile devices. No discs. No downloads.All you need is an internet connection. The service is currently only available in the US but it's scheduled to soon launch in other countries. Check it out now - it's pretty amazing!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
Ok I don't want to sound like an idiot but how would that work?
I've never played games OnLive before, if theres no downloads does that mean you have to pay every time you wish to play it. Or is it like the downloads, you just pay once & then you can access it whenever you want?
Joined: Mar 2003
You can buy short or long tern access to certain games (full access means you pay once and can play it as long as it is supported, which they say will be as long as people are still playing, but at least 3 years after release), or there is a subscription pack that will let you play any of the bundled games and give a discount on others. Most games also have a demo, which are apparently the full games, since they say you can continue with the same save if you try a demo and then purchase access. Getting Started FAQ
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
Oh ok that's cool that will mean more publicity for Divinity which is always fine by me congrats guy's I'm rooting for you I hope everything keeps going good for you all  & maybe one day you can Bankrupt EA & take there place LOL 
Joined: Apr 2005
It all sounds freaking amazing !!! Hopeone day I can play on a pc (with internet connection) the last new rpg of Larian for at least 3 years ! O, only 3 years?  That's toooooooo little !! 30 years is maybe enough to starting a "New Game" of Larian Studios and begin to find it a little bit "boring" - like maybe at some time Divine Divinity becomes for me boring ? ... Maybe! 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
You get BORED of Divinity Joram  ........ Why Can I NOT see that happening lol
Joined: Apr 2005
Hahaha .. never laught so much as today reading on this Larian forum ! FINALLY the Larian forum start going to be as funny as a Larian game ! That is what I will see, after all !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
I wonder what sort of inet connection is required for good performance. I'm i'm not mistaken they render the image and then ship a diff of each frame to your device. I guess since this is video update only they could handle low level packet loss by dropping frames or partial frames.
[Their faq suggeset you need 3+ Mbp/s which is quite a bit if this is a sustained rate.
Last edited by meme; 01/09/11 03:52 PM.
Joined: Apr 2011
Sounds like a good idea then everyone can play games regardless of their computer hardware. The UK is pretty backwards when it comes to internet connectivity speed; two of the biggest telephone companies offer 50Mb broadband if you live in a fibre optic enabled area but coverage is limited. Give it 10 years though and fast internet coverage will increase and then cloud gaming will be a big thing.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Jun 2010
So it is a renting service (you do not actually own a copy of the game at all, and when the game is pulled off that is it) which also requires a hi-speed internet access. I guess I am missing something here. Paying big bucks for rentals - when did it become a great idea? You know I would prefer to own a copy and not to be dependent for my kicks on some dudes, so I would stick with the Xbox. Nobody can take MY COPY of D2DKS from me!
Joined: Apr 2005
So it is a renting service (you do not actually own a copy of the game at all, and when the game is pulled off that is it) which also requires a hi-speed internet access. I guess I am missing something here. Paying big bucks for rentals - when did it become a great idea? You know I would prefer to own a copy and not to be dependent for my kicks on some dudes, so I would stick with the Xbox. Nobody can take MY COPY of D2DKS from me! You've a point !And: if your internet connection failed some day, for example a big storm or short-circuit or whatever by your internet provider and it's over ... But I still find the "idea" nice, but not without possible 'disadvantages' !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2011
I second that. I prefer physical copies & yes having just seen the prices for rentals that is way too steep! I didn't pay too much attention to that the first time I looked. Although you can purchase the game from them and play it forever technically you are still renting as you never have a physical copy digital or not. Also if the company goes tits-up you have lost your game.
It's a good idea though for people who don't own high end hardware or want to play on other devices; my nephew being a good example. They have a 5 year old PC and no money to buy consoles or another PC but yet have 50mb broadband.
Majority of PC players though would get a DVD / download copy unless Onlive lower their prices. I bet though in 10 years so called 'cloud' gaming will be more popular.
Last edited by Arokh; 02/09/11 06:31 PM.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: May 2003
I just want the boxed English version. Still haven't been able to find it in America 
Joined: Mar 2003
There was no US DVD release, so you'll have to import it or find a store that imports games. GoGamer.com used to carry it, but the site is down (they used to have a messages saying they were reorganizing and would be back 'soon', but now it is just a logo). AFAIK nobody in Canada that carries the game (Amazon/Gamestop) ships outside of Canada. A few people in the UK mentioned ordering from Play-asia.com (though it doesn't look like they still have it in stock), or you should be able to order from another European country (except Germany), since they include the English language version of the game (but not necessarily an English manual). I can't buy a hard copy?
Joined: Nov 2010
So it is a renting service (you do not actually own a copy of the game at all, and when the game is pulled off that is it) which also requires a hi-speed internet access. I guess I am missing something here. Paying big bucks for rentals - when did it become a great idea? You know I would prefer to own a copy and not to be dependent for my kicks on some dudes, so I would stick with the Xbox. Nobody can take MY COPY of D2DKS from me! Then you should not buy games from Steam, Origin, or the like, because they can revoke the rights to your games, or terminate your account entirely. Your point sounds reasonable, but you're really just singling out OnLive for something that is inherent in all forms of digital distribution. OnLive is not a rental service any more than Steam is a rental service (okay, technically, you CAN rent games on OnLive, but you know what I mean). Just like I doubt Steam is going to one day decide to remove games from people's accounts just for the fun of it, I highly doubt OnLive will do so as well. That is simply paranoid thinking. As for big bucks, OnLive is currently one of the cheapest, if not the cheapest, places to buy games. I can list games I've bought at extreme discounts, and games I got for free outright. For example, I received Red Faction: Armageddon for free the very same day it was released in stores. I did the same with F.E.A.R. 3 on its release date. Divinity 2 is currently on sale for $19.99, but most users are only paying $13.99. The closest I came to paying full price for a game recently was pre-ordering Batman: Arkham City for $34.99, as opposed to its normal price of $49.99. Big bucks? More like pocket change. OnLive is a wonderful service that will allow Divinity 2 to be played on a wide variety of hardware such as low-end PCs and Macs. Maybe it's something you can get into, or maybe it's not. Regardless, I will point out that there is not a single thing you've said in your post that has not, at one point, been said about Steam when that service was coming into its own.
Last edited by Ludicrum; 03/09/11 11:17 PM.
Joined: Nov 2010
I second that. I prefer physical copies & yes having just seen the prices for rentals that is way too steep! That is a perfectly reasonable and valid choice. Also, yeah, I agree that rental prices should be cheaper. Most OnLive users don't bother renting, to my experience, as oftentimes a sale comes along and they're able to buy the full game for lower than it's rental price! I didn't pay too much attention to that the first time I looked. Although you can purchase the game from them and play it forever technically you are still renting as you never have a physical copy digital or not. Also if the company goes tits-up you have lost your game. As I mentioned earlier, this same argument was levied against Steam, once upon a time. "No physical discs? Madness! What if the service disappears?" Technically these arguments are still valid. Steam could disappear tomorrow. However, most people know this to be highly unlikely. I will say, though, that if you're going to say this about OnLive then you must say it about all digital game stores. As for not having a local copy ... yes, that is part of what Cloud Gaming is. Your ability to reconcile this will determine your ability to accept it. I, at first, refused to buy any OnLive games for months for just this reason, but after a while I got over it. One interesting thing OnLive is doing is including free cloud copies of their games in the physical PC versions. If you buy a physical PC copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, you will receive a voucher for a free OnLive version of the game. Well, unless you buy it from GameStop. There's a bit of controversy going around because GameStop was caught opening copies of Deus Ex, removing the OnLive vouchers, and selling them to their customers as "new" products. It's a good idea though for people who don't own high end hardware or want to play on other devices; my nephew being a good example. They have a 5 year old PC and no money to buy consoles or another PC but yet have 50mb broadband. That is the greatest benefit of cloud gaming. I will also add that, in the near future, you'll be able to play OnLive games on tablets and smartphones. Also, OnLive has a partnership with Vizio to build it into their TVs and Blu-Ray players. Majority of PC players though would get a DVD / download copy unless Onlive lower their prices. I bet though in 10 years so called 'cloud' gaming will be more popular. I agree. Players with the hardware will get the download/physical version, but not because OnLive is expensive. It is actually INSANELY cheap. I gave a couple of examples of this in my earlier post. The reason OnLive, and cloud gaming in general, will take a while to catch on is because it will take a while for gamers to wrap their minds around it and discover that it is not as intimidating as they think. There is currently a certain level of bias against cloud gaming that must be overcome.
Last edited by Ludicrum; 03/09/11 11:35 PM.
Joined: Apr 2011
Good points, personally I try & buy boxed copies but I have started buying more from Steam basically because like you say it's been around for ages and not likley to disappear soon. They also have special offers from time to time which is cheaper than store prices.
As for onlive, thing is in the UK we always get ripped off because games & other products are often the same amount in pounnds as they are in dollars. A game that is $39.99 in the US will be sold at £39.99 in the UK. With currect exchange rates UK users are paying almost twice for the same product.
If / when onlive comes to the UK I'd be interested in certain games purchased from it for the simple reason I can play the game on my PC then continue on my laptop (a cheap celeron incapable of anything but office work) or tablet. All other games will be from stores or Steam.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Nov 2009
While I'm not a fan of purchasing streamed content from a cloud, the Onlive stuff does work relatively well. The IQ is never as crisp as running a game directly; however, it's certainly a nice option for those that don't have the hardware to run a game or to test out a game for 30 minutes. I've gotten Amnesia for free, a few other games for next to nothing during sales, and have played a good many trials to take games for a test drive.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Nov 2010
As for onlive, thing is in the UK we always get ripped off because games & other products are often the same amount in pounnds as they are in dollars. A game that is $39.99 in the US will be sold at £39.99 in the UK. With currect exchange rates UK users are paying almost twice for the same product. OnLive is officially launching in the UK on September 22nd. Pricing hasn't been announced yet, but I do hope that the difference in currency is taken into account.
Joined: May 2003
There was no US DVD release, so you'll have to import it or find a store that imports games. GoGamer.com used to carry it, but the site is down (they used to have a messages saying they were reorganizing and would be back 'soon', but now it is just a logo). AFAIK nobody in Canada that carries the game (Amazon/Gamestop) ships outside of Canada. A few people in the UK mentioned ordering from Play-asia.com (though it doesn't look like they still have it in stock), or you should be able to order from another European country (except Germany), since they include the English language version of the game (but not necessarily an English manual). I can't buy a hard copy? That is extremely depressing. I still don't have the game, since I only want the physical version. Do the Canadian stores still have the box copy?