Joined: Sep 2011
Now, I already have my physical copy of this game, but from experience this game is as rare as hen's teeth to try find in a physical form, (just do a Google search and you won't find any sellers having a physical copy for PC for sale) the actual game DVD and paper manual, so if there are some of you that would want it this way, as opposed to just downloading the digital version which I really don't like as I prefer hard copies of my games, a seller on eBay is selling several copies, only until 03/10/11 she is trustworthy as I've had dealings in the past with this seller, all positive. (When I refer to copies in this post, I mean legally purchased) Platform is PC, and yes, I think this game is great! Here's the link: Physical copy of Divinity 2 DKS for PC on eBay
Joined: Mar 2003
Is that you, via this ebay link ? Is this kind of an advertisement for your self ?
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
I know I'm confused is it a member is it a spambot who can tell 
Joined: Mar 2003
It is the PC version that can be hard to find, with no retail release in the US or UK.
Joined: Sep 2011
First off, I am NOT the seller nor am I in any way, shape or form associated with the seller on eBay. @Demonic: The physical copies that you link from Amazon are for the Xbox 360 version of the game, NOT the PC version which is what I am pointing out in this thread. @Raze: It is the PC version and this is next to impossible to find as hard copy, believe me, I tried to find one several months back on the internet and couldn't find one, it was by sheer luck that my local game store had just ONE copy left from the limited number of physical copies that were made, that I got mine.
Please don't take this the wrong way, as I said there are others who like me prefer to buy the physical copies of their games versus downloading one, you are free to disregard this thread but to those that are interested there is the link. I like this game and all I wanted to do was to point interested persons that haven't tried this game due to being put off by digital downloads to do so by buying the physical copy and giving it a go.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
Well I play the Xbox version so I'm ok but thank you for the thought it was very kind of you & welcome to the forums by the way 
Joined: Sep 2011
Joined: Mar 2003
Well, I must say that I've seen several spammers lately, so I became a bit careful ...
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
yeah tell me about it, they seem to have been coming out of the woodwork by the dozen in the past week alone.
Joined: Apr 2011
Well, I can walk to a shop in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and buy both the DKS and original D2, both for 20 euro. Why anyone would get the original for the same price beats me. Then again their "vanilla" Two Worlds II is 5 euro more expensive than the Gold Edition, so the guys seem to hold pretty weird pricing in the first place...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
My mistake then. The 360 version is plentiful but I guess the PC version isn't then. I just performed a search for DKS (PC version) on Amazon.com and only found the download. So I suppose this should be helpful for those wanting a physical PC copy and I get what you mean OP, I find physical goods better than digital goods too. Sadly, everything is becoming digital these days...
Joined: Mar 2003
HEre, there are physical specimens of DKS available - but still at a very high price (for my taste) of around 40 Euros. I don't think I remember shops selling it for less.
So I'll have either to wait until its price drops, or put away money for it.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: May 2003
Format: PAL (UK Standard)
This will work on a standard American computer, yes?
I'm rather tempted to buy it, I must admit.
Joined: Apr 2011
PC games are not reigon locked they will work on any computer worldwide. PAL / NTSC / SECAM is just the type of video signal sent to your TV via your antenna socket (RF) which some old consoles still use. Most however connect via component, composite or HDMI but there are differences e.g Europe uses 50hz 576 lines where the USA / Canada uses 60hz 480 lines. HD resolutions 720 and 1080 are the same no matter where you live in the world. HD can only be connected via component or HDMI which is just that; video in it's component form and not encoded in PAL or NTSC. Of course your computer connects to your monitor via VGA or DVI which is just bare red, green and blue video.
The only thing I'd like to know is if console games are reigon locked so a European game won't work on a console in the USA.
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Joined: Jan 2010
Is the physical PC version really that rare? Here in the Netherlands you can buy it at just about every game shop, as well as online. I pre-ordered it for about 29 euro, shipping inclusive...
Joined: Jun 2011
Elena, I think the physical PC version is quite rare in the US.
Specialization is for insects! - Robert A. Heinlein
Joined: Mar 2003
Neither the US or UK got a physical release of the PC version of DKS.
Joined: Jan 2010
Hmm I didn't realize it wasn't released physical in the US or UK. A shame, I'd say, for such a good game. And I guess its too expansive to import it from the mainland of Europe
Joined: Apr 2011
Is the physical PC version really that rare? Here in the Netherlands you can buy it at just about every game shop, as well as online. I pre-ordered it for about 29 euro, shipping inclusive... Yup, can't hit a store without DKS for 20 euro. Some even have the original Ego Draconis. Maybe we should start buying them all and selling them off to Americans on Ebay xD