old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
I'll just acknowledge: the UI is stub. Especially the mana/health balls left and right...
Joined: Oct 2009
They... didn't? Did you read Swen's blog closely? The whole point of his torments is to be undependable and make things on their own money. Kickstarter is something he was discussing in the concept itself. No offense, but I am not interested in arguing with you for the sake of it over the Interwebz. Yes, I regularly check and read Swen's blog, but neither you, nor me can read minds, or foretell what the future has in for Larian. Last time I checked, this is a list of wishes, or suggestions if you will, and if you can't see what that implies, I can't help you.
Joined: Aug 2009
I just wanted to clear up possible rumors/implications that DOS and/or DC will require backing via Kickstarter. I never said they don't consider possibility of using Kickstarter for some project in future.
Joined: Nov 2012
What I want to know is ... what will be the (minimum) system requirements for this game? Grosso modo is fine allready. It's just that I've got now a laptop that's getting old & needs his retirement. It would be nice to know with what I could play this game....
What? Boo is outraged! See his fury! It's small, so look close. Trust me, it's there.
Joined: Dec 2012
2) Being able to switch between real time and turn based combat Those are fundamentally different designs...
No! All things are possible. You played Arcanum? I think that makes the game purely turn-based unnecessary. The ability to switch between turn-based and real-time must be available. If not in the game, at least in the editor.
Last edited by PUVer; 19/12/12 12:06 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Personally, I don't like the word "must" here. It's like the Borg : All games will belong to us - the RTS genre defenders.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Dec 2012
Hello, I'm from Russia, I apologize for my English  I was surprised by the simplicity of the interface, more suitable for ordinary second-class RPG, but not suitable for old-school RPG. I think a lot of support, the interface needs serious treatment, special attention should be paid to the skills panel and display of life / mana. I agree with Pointman. I do not understand why all modern RPG-makers are eager to make the interface almost Paint.  What could be easier? Or in modern developers do not have the money to pay the artist for the normal interface? Excuses such as "not to be distracted from the game" is not accepted. This is as absurd as the statement piranha bayts "we make music in this part of the Gothic gnarled , so it does not distract from the gameplay."
Last edited by PUVer; 19/12/12 12:31 PM.
Joined: Dec 2012
Personally, I don't like the word "must" here. It's like the Borg : All games will belong to us - the RTS genre defenders.
Sorry, I'm just an uneducated student from Russia. Russia. Have you heard about that? Well, vodka, balalaika, bears ...
Joined: Oct 2005
Hi there, I would appriciate it if my two main wishes could be realized: 1st: I would like to install and play the game offline und without steam or others directly from CD as I did it until up to now with dd, bd, Ego Draconis and so on. 2nd: I use the mouse with my left hand and the keyboard with my right hand. So it would be great if i could choose the keys of the keyboard without restrictions for the use of the keys and in the best purpose for the handling of the keyboaard with the right hand. With my best regards
Joined: Apr 2005
It's great to have a wealth of components for formulas/recipes/enchantments/potions. It's even greater with a comprehensive in-game help function.
1) There should be a list of known formulas that is always accessible, so players can check which options they have and which components they should be looking for. Numbers for components you have might be highlighted in green, numbers for those you don't have might be highlighted in red. 2) When placing the mouse over a component, a tooltip might list the known formulas it is used in, so players quickly know how useful it (currently) is. This should work both in the inventory and in the trading screen.
Combined, this would make it quite convenient to use the whole system. And these are just the basics. If you want to get fancy, you can
3) add tick boxes to the list of formulas - if ticked, players won't use the corresponding formula (anymore) and don't want it to show up in the tooltips. 4) enable accessing the list of formulas in the trading screen, and clicking on a formula lets you buy all components for one use (shift-clicking might let you buy only the components you are still missing for one use). 5) add general tooltip infos for unknown formulas depending on your alchemy [or other appropriate] skill, like "Used for brewing powerful healing potions" or "Used for enchantments providing additional fire protection".
Joined: Apr 2005
Very good idea Lurker ! I'm in for this !  In Divinity II: I missed such things like this a bit while busy with Formula's for Alchemy, Enchantments, etc ...
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Sep 2011
My attitude towards this game has changed but I would immediately buy it if Arhu is in it  That cat has really intrigued me since Divine Divinity.
Joined: Mar 2003
Wow, that is one awesome avatar you have there, J747L!  And I'd love to expand upon my wishlist, but I can't, since I can't (don't want to) play Divine Divinity because of the music bug. Please fix ... please?
Joined: Mar 2003
Actually Arhu is in the game again. A much younger version of Arhu. Although he isn't a cat yet when you meet him.
Joined: Sep 2011
Thanks Arhu (oh boy that felt a bit weird, I'm having a conversation with powerful mage-cat  ). Story behind that avatar is, that's supposed to be "you"(arhu) but I blundered on the blue eyes. I was a bored that day so I added Zandalor's hat. @Myrthos, that's good news but something crossed my mind... err... I hope the players aren't/weren't responsible for turning him into a cat and all.
Joined: Aug 2009
I just wanted to clear up possible rumors/implications that DOS and/or DC will require backing via Kickstarter. I never said they don't consider possibility of using Kickstarter for some project in future. Woah nelly.
Joined: Mar 2003
@Myrthos, that's good news but something crossed my mind... err... I hope the players aren't/weren't responsible for turning him into a cat and all. I hope we are. Arhu isn't Arhu unless he is on all four and furry 
Joined: Apr 2010
I don't know if it's possible, but I'd appreciate a graphical filter option to tone down the chromatic values in the game. Colors seems too saturated and therefore the look borders on cartoony. I prefer a more realistic aesthetic. Something closer to the original Divine Divinity color palette would be ideal.
Last edited by slimgrin; 29/03/13 09:42 PM.
Joined: Mar 2013
It will be possible to customize the characters in the raw game? (without mods) I like the original two characters, gorgeous and interesting both, I just wonder for more physical variants, the name, and those kinds of aesthetic things.
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, there will be character customization (and possibly more of it, depending on how the kickstarter does). From the D:OS FAQ: When you start a new game, you will have to create one male hero and one female hero. You choose their appearance, and you customize your starting build by distributing stat points and by choosing your first skills. Welcome to the forum. 
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