Joined: Jan 2013
I play games so that I can build myself a character that I would really enjoy being, so why let a machine chose my character, I will have to be him for the whole game. LOL
It is better to burn out then, to fade away
Joined: Jan 2008
A couple times I've hit the button just to see what the game would do, then cancelled and assigned the points myself. Auto level may work in a game if it is based on the skills you use the most, but if there are actual points to distribute, an pre-set build is generally not going to be as good a fit with a particular character / equipment / playstyle as a custom distribution.
Agreed, I like to perhaps have a look and possibly let it help my decision but it's not a real character until it has been made by the player from scratch.
Joined: Apr 2013
For me it kind of takes the fun out of building a character. I get that it can be a useful feature (I may have used it on occasion, I can't recall) but I find character creation more exciting if I base it upon my character's 'character', my intuition and trying to figure out the mechanics (even if I somewhat gimp my character, s/he feels more real that way, and I become more invested as the character).
"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
Joined: Mar 2013
I tested that option sometimes and I needed to undo the changes, is because an RPG allows you to do the same thing in different ways and I always preferred mine. I think this option works as a tutorial for new users or casuals, but no one ends up using it.
Joined: Apr 2005
I tested that option sometimes and I needed to undo the changes, is because an RPG allows you to do the same thing in different ways and I always preferred mine. I think this option works as a tutorial for new users or casuals, but no one ends up using it. Indeed, in the end no one using it, so please Larian, don't implement this "auto-assings button" ! Better spend time on more intresting things (enough work to do, I can imagine!) for Original Sin ! If I'm stuck in the game with something I first search a solution myself and if no answer, I ask on this friendly forum ! Voila, problem saved !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2013
No! Yes! No! Yes!
If the game system isn't transparent, if I don't know exactly what benefit all the stats will have then I can't make a reasoned decision about what to increase and I might as well leave it to an automated system.
If the game system is suitably transparent then I can make these choices and I probably will, simply because I won't trust the system not to make poor decisions on my behalf.
If the game system is well balanced or I do trust the system to make effective choices then I probably would end up using it for picking my stats. Stat assignment is one of those things that involve a lot of decisions but few or no choices and doesn't interest me as a result.
I'd never auto-assign skills though, if ever I am disengaged enough to auto-assign skills then I'm sure to quit soon after anyway.
Joined: Mar 2013
As a player who's in mostly for the story and atmosphere, I may use an automated level up system (if it's not making stupid choices) when fiddling with stats start to bother me too much. Which it tends to do more and more as I'm growing tired of it after having played through so many RPGs. It's been a while that I haven't played to a good RPG though, so it may be that I'm getting bored of fiddling with stats because the games themselves are boring... All in all, I surely can live without such system but I guess it'd be a nice option to have in some situations, that could make the experience more appreciable.
By the way, is it a deliberate choice not to have actual polls for this kind of feedback?
Last edited by Xodetaetl; 08/04/13 03:37 PM.
Joined: Jan 2009
Here is the only case when I'd consider using this button: In character creation, I might click a preset button like the one used in "New Game: Flames of Vengeance", just to see what the developers think that type should have their stats allocated as, but I'd be just as likely to take that as a starting point to tweak that myself. In this game, since you don't start out with 140 attribute points to play with, it's not nearly as helpful.
I'd never use it from levelling up in the game.
Joined: Apr 2013
I won't use it but I also wouldn't mind if there would be a button like that. 
Joined: Mar 2003
I'd like it being there, but wouldn't use it. Like those "custom install" routines in applications. I rarely use the quick install button, but click on custom and use the defaults  , just to see what is going to be installed. So, with such an auto button, it would be nice if you could assign "paths" to the level up process that you want to follow, along the lines of classic archetypes. So you could use the "warrior path", say, and still deviate from it later on if you want by not using the auto button. You could even do some sort of multi-classing with that by letting the player assign different paths during the game. tl;dr: No classes, but optional class-like paths via auto-button.
Last edited by Arhu; 09/04/13 07:32 AM.
Joined: Apr 2005
I love it to be buzy with numbers: formula's, etc ... so I like it to firgure all things out myself, even if this results my hero has many weak spots because of stupid (I didn't know better at first sight) decisions upgrading my hero's build : I like to learn from experience  ! Okay, this strategy is only opportune for those who have a big box of patience and not a large rack of unplayed games! (I sell away a lot of games I'm not intrested in anymore, because ... Larian Games are the best !!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2010
Joined: Jun 2012
Nah, that stuff's not for me.
Joined: Mar 2013
I don't, but wouldn't mind if present in options (turn on/of).
Last edited by Liahim; 09/04/13 02:52 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Depends on how punishing or complex the character system is, I really couldn't be bothered to plan out all the different characters in NWN2 so I usually used the presets on them, tweaking things here and there to my preference (spell choices usually). My PC otoh I fully developed myself.
In VtM: Bloodlines otoh I had an actual sheet of paper with my entire character planned out in advance, that game also felt a lot less punishing if you left the beaten path for some reason.
I guess I like planning my skillpoints out but don't usually want to bother with the stat points, especially since it's often very unclear how they *really* affect your character and how important certain things are for certain builds. If playing a Wizard it would be obvious you'll need int, but what about str, dex or con? Do you need them or can you compensate for them with voodoo? If you need them how much of them do you need? I find a feature that *suggests* where to put points to be very helpful to find out how the game sees the balance between various stats.
Last edited by theBlackDragon; 09/04/13 04:11 PM.
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Apr 2013
Wouldnt use it probably, though ofcourse information with each stats saying what it does would be great :P
 Butler at WoOS - Weresheeps unite!
Joined: Mar 2013
I prefer to assign points myself.
Joined: Jan 2008
I'd like it being there, but wouldn't use it. Like those "custom install" routines in applications. I rarely use the quick install button, but click on custom and use the defaults  , just to see what is going to be installed. So, with such an auto button, it would be nice if you could assign "paths" to the level up process that you want to follow, along the lines of classic archetypes. So you could use the "warrior path", say, and still deviate from it later on if you want by not using the auto button. You could even do some sort of multi-classing with that by letting the player assign different paths during the game. tl;dr: No classes, but optional class-like paths via auto-button. what he said
"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"
Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus
Joined: Dec 2006
Better implement a non-boring and easy to understand tutorial about primary stats at the beginning of the game but with this kind of combat auto assign is out of the question, auto assign is best suited for action orientated games like papamole Diablo 3 or something.(sorry i had to mention the worst case scenario of auto everything)
Last edited by God_Send; 09/04/13 09:23 PM.
No one is you, and that is your power!
Joined: Apr 2013
My thoughts exactly: Here is the only case when I'd consider using this button: In character creation, I might click a preset button like the one used in "New Game: Flames of Vengeance", just to see what the developers think that type should have their stats allocated as, but I'd be just as likely to take that as a starting point to tweak that myself. In this game, since you don't start out with 140 attribute points to play with, it's not nearly as helpful.
I'd never use it from levelling up in the game. I never use autolevel. A good manual explaining stats is all that is needed.
~Death is only the Beginning~ Imhotep
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