Joined: Aug 2009
Joined: Aug 2009
Expanding The Lair
From now on, for every 1000 backers that we gain, the lair of the monster beneath Phantom Forest will become deeper and deeper. (This means, we start counting at 10'000 backers.) Or in the words of Jan, our writer extraordinaire:
"As you travel onward beyond the woods of Luculla, it doesn't take long to reach the outskirts of Phantom Forest: a vast, towering woodland shunned by almost all that lives. Once entered, a few steps suffice to be engulfed in absolute nocturnal darkness that even the eyes of a cat would have great difficulty in piercing. Armed with a torch one might proceed, but it requires an iron will not to turn and run in fright when beholding the torturously contorted grimaces that seem to slither through every coarsely barked trunk. Dead bodies hang from twisted branches, silent and still, for not even the winds dare penetrate the foreboding canopy of Phantom Forest."
Phantom Forest, not for the weak of heart...
"Neither do the forces of evil that threaten our heroes, for it is said that deep within its reaches a creature lurks that is so cruel the world knows not its like - not even the sinister Engineer that shall plague the Marked One centuries later can compare with the shadow that stalks this distorted wood. And yet, it is there that the key can be found to unravel an essential piece of lore of infinite value to those who seek to control the Source..."
The lair of this nightmarish beast is a labyrinth riddled with death, puzzles and mystery. It's up to you however, to decide just how extensive this lair will be. For every thousand extra backers that pledge from here on out, a new level full of pitfalls, threats and riddles will be added! YES YES YES I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE It reminds me of old good times in Beyond Oasis: The Story of Thor and its 100 floor dungeon (unspoken/secret quest for Fire Sword) or lovely Star Ocean series and its Cave of Trials labyrinth(s) (there was also 200 floor tower in So3, it was a blast to finish it) or FFX-2 and it's Infinite Dungeon. I really hope this potential bonus dungeon will grow up into something at last slightly decent as these I mentioned.
Joined: Apr 2005
It reminds me of old good times in Beyond Oasis: The Story of Thor and its 100 floor dungeon (unspoken/secret quest for Fire Sword) or lovely Star Ocean series and its Cave of Trials labyrinth(s) (there was also 200 floor tower in So3, it was a blast to finish it) or FFX-2 and it's Infinite Dungeon.
I really hope this potential bonus dungeon will grow up into something at last slightly decent as these I mentioned.
O yeahh !  For me the same !!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Aug 2011
I actually really hope that the levels will be greatly varied and meaningfull with a bunch od interesting things, and not some random generic h&s dungeon with c/p levels and hordes of monsters.
Good examples are from Torment 2 and Eternity kickstarter campaigns.
Last edited by Sawovsky; 16/04/13 01:11 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
Already more than 11 thousand backers, so the first 1000 are in ! And so there will come a first improvement of the lair of the monster beneath Phantom Forest, it will be deeper than ever before !! Prepare yourself ... buy a candle & a box with matches ! Jiiihaaaa !!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2013
I actually really hope that the levels will be greatly varied and meaningfull with a bunch od interesting things, and not some random generic h&s dungeon with c/p levels and hordes of monsters.
Good examples are from Torment 2 and Eternity kickstarter campaigns. Hard to judge about those games as they arent more then some graphical designs and writing on a paper yet :P
 Butler at WoOS - Weresheeps unite!
Joined: Sep 2011
Expanding The Lair
From now on, for every 1000 backers that we gain, the lair of the monster beneath Phantom Forest will become deeper and deeper. (This means, we start counting at 10'000 backers.) Or in the words of Jan, our writer extraordinaire:
"As you travel onward beyond the woods of Luculla, it doesn't take long to reach the outskirts of Phantom Forest: a vast, towering woodland shunned by almost all that lives. Once entered, a few steps suffice to be engulfed in absolute nocturnal darkness that even the eyes of a cat would have great difficulty in piercing. Armed with a torch one might proceed, but it requires an iron will not to turn and run in fright when beholding the torturously contorted grimaces that seem to slither through every coarsely barked trunk. Dead bodies hang from twisted branches, silent and still, for not even the winds dare penetrate the foreboding canopy of Phantom Forest."
Phantom Forest, not for the weak of heart...
"Neither do the forces of evil that threaten our heroes, for it is said that deep within its reaches a creature lurks that is so cruel the world knows not its like - not even the sinister Engineer that shall plague the Marked One centuries later can compare with the shadow that stalks this distorted wood. And yet, it is there that the key can be found to unravel an essential piece of lore of infinite value to those who seek to control the Source..."
The lair of this nightmarish beast is a labyrinth riddled with death, puzzles and mystery. It's up to you however, to decide just how extensive this lair will be. For every thousand extra backers that pledge from here on out, a new level full of pitfalls, threats and riddles will be added! YES YES YES I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE It reminds me of old good times in Beyond Oasis: The Story of Thor and its 100 floor dungeon (unspoken/secret quest for Fire Sword) or lovely Star Ocean series and its Cave of Trials labyrinth(s) (there was also 200 floor tower in So3, it was a blast to finish it) or FFX-2 and it's Infinite Dungeon. I really hope this potential bonus dungeon will grow up into something at last slightly decent as these I mentioned. It actually reminds me more of the Tactics ogre 100 floors of mayhem+additional 100 floors for bonus in real life thing. That tower is overkill...
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Mar 2003
And I'm reminded about the stories of Dwarf Fortress and what lurks in the deepest depths, when you dig too deep ... Of course, the lair needs to grow a bit more so it's actually deep. ;)Otherwise it needs to stretch a lot more to give a better sense of moving further and further down.
Joined: Mar 2004
Hello, First sorry for my english Is there a chance that paypal go longer as kickstarter campaign? I wait for my visa card.
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, Paypal will be available for 2 weeks after the kickstarter ends. At least for now the add-ons are not available that way, though.
Joined: Apr 2013
Hi; So, according to the Kickstarter information that was recently introduced, if we pledge, say, $40, and then, and I quote, Alpha Access for Divinity Original Sin: add $50 (includes beta access) add that $50 on top of that for a total of $90 pledge, $40 reward, how will it be known what our actual desires are? Is it some sort of additive measure? Will there be a user prompt? It seems very hands-off. Pardon my paranoia; I'm just amazed that there's something so complex on Larian's end and something so simple on our end. <(o o.)> Amazing, no? ^^.
Joined: Jan 2009
There's a survey at the end of the KS campaign where you can specify what rewards you chose.
Joined: Apr 2013
Yes, Paypal will be available for 2 weeks after the kickstarter ends. At least for now the add-ons are not available that way, though.
Is that official? It hasn't been comunicated via a kickstarter update yet....
Joined: Jan 2009
It is.
Larian have confirmed in the KS comments that they'll hold the PayPal open for as long as it takes Kickstarter to release their hold on the Kickstarter portion of the funds.
Joined: Apr 2013
Ok, cool. I think that could be even more than two weeks, at least in my experience with other kickstarter projects.... 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
So further stretch goals might still be reached?
Joined: Apr 2013
New forum member, not new to the Divinity series. Just supported on Kickstarter "The Box Collector" and dropping my first post.
Cheers - Valhalla
The Old Timer's Guild Kickstarter supporter: The Box Collector+Weresheep support
Joined: Mar 2003
Demonic; Larian did a bunch of playthroughs yesterday and today with various websites and Youtube personalities, and more stuff is coming, which should bring more exposure next week. Also, there is usually a spike at the end of a kickstarter, as some people upgrade their pledges or add add-ons, and those sitting on the fence decide to back or not, etc. Valhalla Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Apr 2013
Ohmygod, so close to 800,000$ and the Henchemen Stories! 27 hours to go! GO PEOPLE, GO!
Last edited by Celo; 25/04/13 12:47 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Need only 1000 more or so, since paypal is 24k I believe.
Last edited by Zeev; 25/04/13 01:47 PM.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian