hahaha I had the same reaction as you Ikalios. I love the idea of women playing videogames before character creation was a thing...poor them

. Of course, most people don't run into this psychological block. I also love the image of him getting immersed by playing characters that look like something he would probably never be able to pull off..not a personal attack, but a comment on how ridiculous some characters can look. I mean, if you can do this, what is the issue with getting into a female character? Is it just the potential to have kids that throws you off? I am playing in my head with all the implications that this type of "immersion" entails...it's incredibly hilarious.
I guess I take more stories from a third person point of view..I don't become the character, I see the story from the point of view of a creepy ghost following the character.
Personally, I tend to always choose female characters because they generally look less bulky than the male characters...Or, in the case of Soul Caliber, the male characters look plain ridiculous.
This forum has introduced me to some really new concerns people have over videogames.