Joined: Apr 2013
This is great news, Larian, I have a hotel room, six days of off time, a laptop, and free wifi <snip> Nice! Super jealous. [EDIT] Apologies for the now deleted duplicate posts. I was reloading the page and apparently submitting the form again when the forum wasn't working.
Last edited by tarasis; 24/06/13 07:30 AM.
Joined: Jan 2012
If you want to see all previous correspondence between beta testers, it's not that hard to find: David Walgrave @forktong "Just got my ass kicked by 2 "very closed beta" testers who have had the game for mere hours. My skillz are non existent." Looks like some people are having fun! Anyway Forktong posting that link on the public forum was very confusing, for a moment there I believed I had instant acces to DC beta! As KS supporter I hope to join very soon!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
No worries, as beta grows, we'll add people and we'll look at larian.com forums and KS first 
Joined: Aug 2009
Joined: Apr 2013
Just get your asses to work and don't linger here.
Joined: Mar 2010
Right in time for my Holidays, How convenient!
Being scared of something is being uneducated
Joined: Jun 2013
No, choose me !  Or choose all people of this thread ? 
Have faith in the Dark Side ...
Joined: Nov 2010
I second that thought of everyone from this thread  if not possible at least take the folks who were at the livestream when Farhang made that promiss =)
Joined: Mar 2009
No, choose me !  Or choose all people of this thread ? +1, yeah that would be nice.
Joined: Jan 2009
I will be doing some basic gameplay stuff tomorrow with Regnox. I was going to do it earlier tonight but then I was side tracked by LordCrash and some of the guys at Larian. So much fun, even when you end up getting your rear handed to you. Looking at you there Stabbey! Hee hee. It took me a while of getting my butt kicked by the AI to learn how to not die horribly. (I'm still not good enough to handle a Medium AI.)
Joined: May 2013
A challenging AI. Certainly something I'd like to try. Still needs learning the game play first.
I used to be able to handle Very Hard AIs in SC2, and made diamond in multi player. Could that count as a point in my favour? :p
Also, how does one learn if they've been included in the beta?
Last edited by EinTroll; 24/06/13 11:53 AM.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: Feb 2013
There are maybe a handful of games I've wanted to play as badly as this one. I'm a real sucker for the total waresque turn based over-world, real time battles...
But something very rarely added is the ability to take control of a unit and jump into the battle. there were a few games almost two decades ago that experimented with it that I really loved it's a shame more haven't since.
Joined: Jul 2012
No worries, as beta grows, we'll add people and we'll look at larian.com forums and KS first  May have already been answered but how do we know if we've been chosen for the beta?
Joined: Apr 2013
No worries, as beta grows, we'll add people and we'll look at larian.com forums and KS first  May have already been answered but how do we know if we've been chosen for the beta? You'll get a PM from Raze in that case. 
Joined: Apr 2013
No worries, as beta grows, we'll add people and we'll look at larian.com forums and KS first  May have already been answered but how do we know if we've been chosen for the beta? Yep wonder that myself.
Joined: Jan 2010
I am looking forward to seeing this game! If accepted into the beta that would be awesome! I have played Command and conquer (all but "Generals"), Starcraft 1 & 2, Supreme Commander 2 and a few others and I seen a lot of inspirations from all of those games, and it looks pretty impressive. I am really excited to play this game in beta or when its released.
Joined: Sep 2011
Why? Why did I just read everything yesterday and when it is time to sleep? Now I missed out 2 (?) days of beta. I still need to study for my exams, but this is more important!
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Mar 2013
Hehe, you have the best notion of priorities, Henryv.
One question I didn't find the answer to, though, please excuse me if I missed the obvious : as I read the feedbacks, I understand that only battles, not the strategy map, are available. Is this correct?
Joined: Jan 2009