I didn't take any pictures (only have a crappy mobile phone camera) but someone was filming us quite a bit of the time, so I imagine pictures/videos will end up on Kickstarter eventually.
Here are some of the things we got to do:
- See a preview of another level in the game (don't want to describe too much because of spoilers)
- Design a short quest, which will hopefully end up in the final game
- Some people got to play a bit of the game in co-op mode (I didn't do this, but I think it was the same level that's already been shown in the Kickstarter previews)
- Play a new build (I think) of Dragon Commander in co-op or competitive multiplayer. It looks like you can now research stuff directly from the strategy map.
- Go out for dinner and drinks with the team to celebrate the release of Dragon Commander
- And when we left, we were given free copies of the Divinity Anthology, and a framed copy of the D:OS concept art signed by the whole team.
tl;dr it was amazing.

I especially liked the part where we designed a quest together, which was really interesting and informative; you don't necessarily realise how much work goes into even a relatively simple quest until you've seen it for yourself!