We always thought: look, the player is human (with a bit of dragon in there) and he, as the emperor, decides what goes in his empire, based purely on his own convictions and/or the opinions of the other dominant species in the world whose political support he needs. But the player is himself the human councillor and therefore represents their viewpoint. He just happens to be the king as well.

Now you can argue about that of course, but that was the political setup we started from.
When you translate this to gameplay however (as we later found out) human countries would be boring because in this setup they'd always like whatever you do. It's the others on the other hand that you positively or negatively influence by making all kinds of decisions.
It does look a bit strange, perhaps, not to have any human lands on the map - we did pick up on that - but we were too far along in the production process to add another, human, councillor.
Live and learn!