Joined: Mar 2013
hehe true but I read (ok, I heard a crazy cat read it for me) it and the review itself it really badly done
Joined: Aug 2013
Hey there, Site owner of OnlySP here. Thanks for checking out the review and just wanted to make a note that this was the reviewers first review of the site so I apologize for any quality issues that may follow. I believe he may of reviewed it more based on opinion than quality, which is OK, but normally we review games purely based on the quality of the product. Obviously you've seen there's some pretty high scores for the game so I'm sure our review didn't influence any of you die-hard fan decisions  Anyways, I like to keep in touch with the people who visit OnlySP.com and we hope you checkout more of our reviews as we do hold our writing quality to the highest standards. The reviewer of DC will get better overtime, but anyways, thanks again for reading it and I'll be sure to provide feedback I see from here to the reviewer to help him become a better reviewer.
Joined: Mar 2013
well like I said it's more of the fact that I found most of what he was he said as being wrong or kind of weird (for example the card system not being original etc.) or that he said that it didn't stand to a AAA title (DC is not) etc. which kind of annoyed me (also he didn't really say what he liked and only said what he didn't like) but if it's his first review :P anyway good luck for your site ^^
Joined: Dec 2010
I don't think the review was that bad, I just think he was looking for something kind of different from what the game really is. He made it pretty clear he was big on RTS games, but the RTS part of Dragon Commander is only a third of the game. And I think that's one of the hurdles that Dragon Commander is going to have to get over. People are used to thinking in terms of discrete genres, so when they see Dragon Commander has an RTS component, people who don't play RTSes might say 'oh, I don't want to play something with an RTS in it', and people who do play RTSes might play it and feel like it's shallow for an RTS, because it's a big hybrid of genres.
Last edited by Kotep; 05/08/13 10:37 PM.
Joined: Aug 2013
I don't think the review was that bad, I just think he was looking for something kind of different from what the game really is. He made it pretty clear he was big on RTS games, but the RTS part of Dragon Commander is only a third of the game. And I think that's one of the hurdles that Dragon Commander is going to have to get over. People are used to thinking in terms of discrete genres, so when they see Dragon Commander has an RTS component, people who don't play RTSes might say 'oh, I don't want to play something with an RTS in it', and people who do play RTSes might play it and feel like it's shallow for an RTS, because it's a big hybrid of genres. Yea, I myself haven't played it yet, but from the review and other reviews it sounds like a very complex game with a lot going on. Guess every review from there on for him will be much easier lol.
Joined: Jul 2013
well although I havent played the full game yet, from what I've played in the Beta I disagree with the Onlysp review, because I think Draagon Commander deserves at least an 8
Though I guess every reviewer is entittled to his opinion. Am sure this game will get tons of good reviews, though there probably be some reviewers here and there who dont like it
Joined: Mar 2013
oh and ask him if he's played the multi... if he hasn't... tell him to reinstall it :P
Joined: Dec 2010
Anyway, I wouldn't want to see someone changing their review score just because some big fans got upset. We're not Zelda fans that freak out over an 8.8.  His honest opinion matters more than whether it's what we want to hear.
Joined: Mar 2013
true ^^ well if he thinks the game deserves a 6 fine. I just find the way he wrote it kind of bad (it's his first so he has a good excuse) but I was honestly expecting lower than 6 reviews to have came out by now 
Joined: Aug 2013
Anyway, I wouldn't want to see someone changing their review score just because some big fans got upset. We're not Zelda fans that freak out over an 8.8.  His honest opinion matters more than whether it's what we want to hear. Oh he won't change the score, we stand by our writers opinions. Just when the quality of the publication comes into view I like to put a face behind the website  We value our community so we like being in contact with the readers and answering questions and so on. No harm done!
Joined: Jul 2013
btw how are ppl playing it already if its not out yet
Joined: Aug 2013
btw how are ppl playing it already if its not out yet Publishers send out review codes.
Joined: Mar 2003
Or in this case, Larian sent out review codes, since they are self publishing the game. On last minute changes & media (blog post from a couple weeks ago, discussing, among other things, when they should make review copies available)
Joined: Jul 2013
Joined: Apr 2013
true ^^ well if he thinks the game deserves a 6 fine. I just find the way he wrote it kind of bad (it's his first so he has a good excuse)... I agree with the how bad that review sounded and made the game sound. I was somewhat shocked to see the 6/10. The reviewer made it sound like a 3 or 4/10 game. He did not put anything in the review to make you think he had any fun playing it. I also found the comparing it to AAA titles in bad taste since is not a AAA game.
Joined: Apr 2013
Angry Review coming up 
I'm also known as Tovarah.
Joined: Jan 2009
It's up to #6 on Steam's Top Sellers. It's been climbing all day long.
Joined: Mar 2013
hehe now 5th 
Joined: Apr 2013
Joined: Jan 2009
Last edited by Stabbey; 06/08/13 12:34 AM. Reason: the escapist