Joined: Jan 2010
I have made it to chapter two and made a bit of progress into it, already picked the princess, helped her with a decision, and taken several territores, and I saved the game, was about to join a friend in a multiplayer match, and then gone back to the campaign, reloaded the game, and it crashes. I had this same issue with Divinity 2, where the saves always ended up being "corrupted data." is anybody else having this issue and is there fix so I don't loose all my progress?
Joined: Apr 2013
I have the same problem, it's really annoying. Neither do my own save games work nor the quick saves.
Joined: Aug 2013
I've had the same thing happen to me just recently. I've tried creating a new save in a new campaign and that loads just fine so problem appears to be exclusive to the saves I had when the problem first started.
Joined: Jun 2013
Same here, and with the latest patch. No problem before ...
I have a lot of save, and the only slot who's not corrupted is the save of the first turn ... For the others, when i load the save => game crash ...
I don't appreciate this kind of bug ... Because i don't know if i can make a new game, save, and after load whithout problem ...
Have faith in the Dark Side ...
Joined: Aug 2013
I've sent a generated report to the support account and at the request of a Larian moderator on the Steam Community HUB I've also sent a copy of one of the saves that refuses to load.
Might be a good idea for you guys to do the same. Giving them more saves should help them figure out what the issue with them is and if there is a way to fix it (I REALLY hope there is).
Joined: Apr 2013
Are you guys using the GOG or the Steam version of Dragon Commander? Cause if this is a problem that only occurs in the Steam version, I'll just try out my GOG key.
Joined: Aug 2013
I'm using Steam. I'm not sure why Steam would mess with the save files though as I thought those were managed separately / solely by the game itself.
Joined: Jun 2013
Same here, i'm using steam ... Hope it will help and whish for other platform to not have this problem 
Have faith in the Dark Side ...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
Looking into this. Send your saves in. We tested the patch with saves cause it'd be murder if the patch wouldn't be backwards compatible, but apparently we missed some cases?
Joined: Apr 2013
Sorry for the noob'ish question, but... where to?
Joined: Jun 2013
Well, i can send my saves, but ... where ?  Silly question, but it's 01:05 am (local time), so my brain don't work at full capacity 
Have faith in the Dark Side ...
Joined: Mar 2003
You can send your saves to supportdc@larian.com, with a description of the problem and maybe a link to this topic. It might help to also include the report.zip file from the Dragon Commander support tool.
Joined: Jan 2010
I had deleted and re-downloaded the game after the update and the saves are working again. Hopefully the issue is fully resolved now. I just got to chapter 3 and would hate to loose all that progress.
So far, the game is awesome and epic, yet I don't see very many multiplayer lobbies, not much more then during the beta, which is a little disappointing, I think the game was a little under advertised, or people just were a little closed minded toward this style of game, or more specifically, the dragon with a jetpack, according to alot of comments I see on youtube videos. I think this game is fantastic and the detail, the choices, the gameplay is all well done, people just need to give it time.
Joined: Jun 2013
Thanks raze for the help. Well, for me i just send the report.zip file (who include saves) to the support and included the link to this topic. If they can help it will be great ... And if they can't, i think i will do the same as Alastar (delete and re-download). I used steam to see if files have a problem, but after the check, nothings was wrong for steam ... So i will wait 
Have faith in the Dark Side ...
Joined: Aug 2013
Deleted and am re-downloading the game right now. Will post back once it's done whether it helped fix the issue with me as well.
Joined: Jul 2013
I have the same problem since patch I thought the beta was over and everything fixed 
Joined: May 2013
I thought the beta was over and everything fixed Well, the single-player was never beta-tested, only RTS and campaign map + research mechanics via AI skirmish or multi player. However, Larian are a trustworthy studio and are actively working on fixing bugs.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: Aug 2008
This should only happen if you switch between normal and hard. If you keep your difficulty settings to what they were, your savegame should load correctly.
We are working on a fix and will have it available as soon as possible.
Joined: Aug 2013
Huh, my first campaign was set to Normal and my second Hard but they didn't share any common saves and I'd never made any changes to the difficulty of either campaign. P.S. Game is still downloading. Stupid Australian internet >.> Oh, also wanted to mention that Larian have been very on the ball with any and all bugs and have been a lot more responsive than any other game I've played at launch 
Joined: Apr 2013
But I didn't switch the difficulty. I played on "hard" from the very beginning because I read somewhere that the game is otherwise too easy. I don't think it matters anyway, but I own the German Steam version. I send you my save files.