For your first turn they will hit you HARD! don't attack anything and build the full que from each factory you have. Sacrifice all non factory territory and retreat to territories that you have a factory on. Hopefully you have carried over a fair bit of gold from chapter 2 so you can build top tier units in your factory provinces. After that you just need to survive their initial onslaught. Use tons of cards and any strat cards you have. But once you do the map gets a TON easier. After you defeat their initial push most of their factories are away from yours except for a few so you can achieve local superiority in production. Take all of their nearby factories and islands (except for the one with a war factory on it as that's a tough nut to crack). Establish a foothold on the land bridge leading to their main continent and then stop advancing (just defend the hell out of that foothold as they are only coming from one direction). Then focus on navy/imp fighters. clear the seas and establish naval superiority. After that invade the continent to your north and surround the enemy island with a war factory on it with naval units. If you can destroy the factory then invade that island, otherwise just keep it blockaded. By this point you should have economic superiority so just mass push across the land bridge into his main continent and take his capital.
In general the map looks much scarier than it is. To be fair the first 2-3 turns are a bit tough, but after that initial onslaught it gets a TON easier. That said this strategy assumes that you brought over 100-200 gold from chapter 2, otherwise you might be screwed.
Last edited by Ravenhoff; 08/08/13 01:30 PM.