Joined: Jan 2014
Perhaps change the “Absorbed: X” to “Resisted: X”, and damage that heals as “Absorbed: X” or “Healed: X”. It’s not that important, people can learn your use of the term, although I would at least like terms that differentiate between damage that is resisted and that which heals.
At the moment when your spell heals an enemy there is separate cyan text displayed along with the absorbed text, similar to that of the heal spell for your characters, which shows how much you healed them for. I think the damage/absorb text in that case is just 0.
Joined: Aug 2009
Also in regards to inventory--gold and other items don't stack appropriately. Yeah, it is a known issue.
Joined: Jan 2014
- I think the skill Storm is of questionable use at the moment. It being random is already a disadvantage but it also targets your own characters
- A map for waypoint selection instead of names. Depends on how big the game world is though I guess
- Whats the point of Debuff Intelligence arrows if intelligence only increases the number of ability points per level? Are enemies going to randomly lose ability levels?
Joined: Jan 2014
I think in regards to the ai losing int it would change their behavior, walking through fire or poison rather than around, charging in to stupid positions, something like that.
Joined: Jan 2009
I think in regards to the ai losing int it would change their behavior, walking through fire or poison rather than around, charging in to stupid positions, something like that. Oh right. I think that sort of intelligent behaviour is already implemented in the game, as most characters will walk around dangerous surfaces. I've seen soldiers on the beach in the orc fight avoid burning areas.
Joined: Mar 2003
My fist steps... - The first Legionars killed my characters, but no message in the game like "you be killed" maybe you want to load a game.... the game only stuck. - Some interesting objects like: "LTS_Rich_Candlehold_D_051" "LTS_Rich_CAndlehold_D_050" - I miss the quest with the fire... I look for grates an sometimes I get the text in the log book "you don't delete the fire" - I found an fishing rod, but don't understand how to use it, also I found a hammer and don't know how to use it... but I hope this will be clear in an game guide later. - I Need to figure out how to put Things from one character to the other - I wish there will be an Keyboard key to Close empty grates without the mouse - but nice game -> I hope I manage the figthting without killing myself. My first fire hit my own character or some stones  Maybe the game guide will teach me more abaut this points later. I't good the the Charakter will heal, so I only must wait. I hate difficult fights.  - I wish there was a key to Change inventary during trading. So you can use both characters. Sometimes the Trader go away (like arhu) because you have activated the wrong character. lets go on! Found the interesting teleporter room.... Sorry for my english!
Last edited by Alix; 24/01/14 05:48 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jan 2014
Yeah I saw them avoid it as well, but when I tried the fight again I lit everything up and they had no choice but to run through it to attack them.
Joined: Dec 2013
The hammer you can drag it on top of another item, like a tomato, to use it for crafting.
To transfer items drag the item to the picture of the character on the far left side of the screen.
Joined: Jan 2014
I find the music to kinda suck so far, I was hoping for something epic like Ultima's stones, but I guess that's too much to ask for. I've had to shut the music off completely it bothered me so much.
Also while trading, it would be nice to be able to switch between characters via some button or clicking on a character portrait.
Joined: Dec 2012
Hi, there are some things I noticed: -it would be nice to split things in inventory and by bartering if I don't want to give all away -right click on book to read it, so I don't have to pick up first if I don't want (you could use exception in case of quest items) -sometimes the enemy is not selectable to attack, only if I click first on him or wait 5 secs, after this he will get the red contrast and able to attack -in combat would be good to be possible to wait with the character if I want to act with the other first, and maybe have a 'defend' button to skip the round and spare AP (something like HOMM) -closing or opening door should shove away people instead of melting in them -in the inventory could be a button to make it ordinary if it is full with empty places -warehouse little room I can go through the cart -by knocking down the enemy shakes stongly (orc shaman at the beginning) -while on the ground and dying they get up suddenly and fall down again. They could stay on the ground and die after a painful movement -is there a button to activate automatic camera rotation? I was in combat and suddenly the camera was moving with my mouse automatically. I had to click on the mouse wheel to get it disabled -you could activate right click on open windows/containers to close them, just like in divdiv
I love the music! Ok it is not the tipical boring epic fantasy sh!t, this is the best in it. This is something original! Its easy for the ears and perfect for background, not too noisy or disturbing pathetic. For me at least. Can't wait for the new version with real instruments. Apropos, when can we get our hands on Kirills early work? ;-)
Last edited by Endre; 24/01/14 08:21 PM.
Joined: Jun 2013
Shift + left click allows you to divide items
Joined: Mar 2003
You can right click on container windows (the cosmetic parts) and the inventory window (anywhere outside the inventory slots or over text) to close them.
Joined: Apr 2013
I did a new game with coop today and encounterd with V1.0.102.0 the following bugs/glitches, but no gamebreaking one so far:
- fighting skeletons over the fence is possible for the mage with flare but no hitprobability is shown or the targets get no red highlight. After the flares clear the fence and your mouse hovers over the possible targets they get the red highlights and the probability to hit is shown and the flares hit!
- the flare has no range limit and you can hit enemys which are not highlighted by mouseover (no dark grey for out of range nor red for possible)
- if you target the flare near the enemy and both or more enemys are highligted red and nothing is hit after doing the spell?!
- the companion mage cannot attack over the fence with his frostspell or to summon an elemantal or to stun
- Madora did the phönixdive on top of the scarecrow with the pumpkin, the pumpkin exploded the skeleton archers got hit, Madora still stands on the other side of the fence but is burning. only after doing the last AP her place got updated to the targeted location for the dive
- her Phoenix Dive says 31-41 Hitpounts but does damage in the 50 to 70 range per target at other location!
- her targeted Dive location was within a house and she could do it but the damage was also supplied to all partymembers who were standing near her starting point and the barrels exploded too, but also the enemy near target location was hit and she spwaned after spending the last AP at target location
- teleporing a burning enemy doesn't inflame the oil he is teleported into
- killing the bomber enemy with ranged attacks killed him and he exploded but didn't ignite the oil he was standing near
- the Madora-companion got killed. after going to arhu to buy a resurrection spell and returning to her death place she wasn't there with clicking on her icon she was lying at the base of the stairs up to arhu and had full health but also the dead-icon and now the Mark that she wants to speak. After going back to her I could use the scroll for ressurecting her and she got life again with nearly no health and speaking with her is the conversation about arhu and to be aware at his side...
- at the lighthouse scarlett the mage got attacked by wolf horror who missed but she was pushed down the slope and was under the stones 20m beneath the surface, could do all like being in combat but the spells all vaporized in the stones and no movement was possible - only the healspell worked AND all the enemys (wolf horrors and the big ghost) got after her but could not reach her and ignored the rest of the party. after changeing location to basement of lighthouse she was back with the group
- the lootable container are mostly empty now only the axe is beeing repeatedly found at first waypoint and the barrel at the first bridge has alwayse the ingredients to make dough
- the first ork encounter the orc mage does fireball in the stones beacuse we were at the top or the ramp we couldn't hit him with arrows or flare but he tried it nevertheless
- frozen water areas don't melt even after doing fire flare into it?! but water areas can get steamed if hit by flare. Burning booze doesn't ignite the surrounding but connected oil area?!
- no longer the main char can do the crafting (both main chars have no points on the crafting skill)
- the coop player said the movement was not smooth but jumping (maybe lag?)
- the ranger does in the second encounter only 1 to 2 Hitpoints (+ 2 to 3 absorbed) against the bridge legionnaires with max 2 shots but the legionnaire archer does 12 to 16 HP and kills you with 2 shots(max 3) in one turn!. against the crabs it was in the range of 6 to 12 HP
- the mage flare spell does 7 to 9 per flare for a total of 14 to 18 and then the mage can also do an normal atack with his staff! (second encounter legionnaires on bridge)
=> ranger is still underpowered against the mage - the last reply of the coop-conversations are not shown
but the gameplay is interesting but the conversion of ice to water to steam is not working properly, also the interaction with fire is not working right (attacking frozen chars from Ice-spell with fireflare doesn't undo the ice to water and the char to be wet
- to stun a stunned char leads to a unstunned enemy if stun
Edit: - in the beginning the stacking of gold worked but after looting a single gold coin the stacking of gold no longer worked!
Last edited by Rainer; 24/01/14 11:23 PM.
Oh YEAH! Have fun
Joined: Mar 2003
Seems I must wait to the final game. I'll hope there will be some easyer figths. Maybe in the area under development are easy Monsters. I found the nice Jahan Partymember... sometimes I manage to run to the towngards an they killed the undead... but no chance to win any other figth. They are to many!!!! Orks or undead... I need about 10 party members so kill them all! Maybe you can build an "easy" Option in the game options? - The music is nice. I only dont like the combat music... I wish they can be as soft as the other themes... combat is hard and stressfull I don't need also stressful music!  - I can't see enemies sometimes... only circels.. interesting view... a green circle figths again a red circle... an you can only see the effects not the figthers. - the ship is burning, the archeologist is dead, the female ork escape... seems I am not born to be an Hero and save the world. - I wish there was an "automatic fight" button... maybe the Computer KI figths more effective. Tomorrow I will have an second try to finalise some quest, maybe to get one Level up.. but I think this ist not enougth for the figths outside. I never had so much trouble to fight in divine divinity... so I hope this will be better in the final Version. PS: I dont like the "ultima feeling" while looking in some peoples chests! I'ts so interesting to see what People have in their chest. I don't like this reality! The world need my Heros ... so all items had to be mine!  I found one savegame bug.... the Pictures from the savegame sometimes not fit the the gamesavepoint.
Last edited by Alix; 24/01/14 11:46 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Mar 2003
There will be some balancing changes and skill adjustments in next week's update. The final game should have different difficulty levels, but the alpha does not.
Joined: Aug 2009
![[Linked Image]](http://i.imgur.com/8IR3or5l.jpg) Been playing with boxes here and managed to completely crash the game. First box went under [glitched] water okay, I even could move it with Roderick. However,second box (the upper one) got bugged. The geometry of that place didn't let character to move it and finish animation cycle so it just stuck half-way and didn't react to any commands. I still could control Scarlett so I dedicded to teleport Rod, however, instead of breaking animation cycle it broke the game :< But I will build that tower anyway.
Joined: Jan 2014
and maybe have a 'defend' button to skip the round and spare AP (something like HOMM) You can do this by clicking the blue hourglass button to the right of the skill bar or the Enter key. - the flare has no range limit Ice shard has no range limit either - her Phoenix Dive says 31-41 Hitpounts but does damage in the 50 to 70 range per target at other location! Some enemies have lower resistance to certain damage types and receive more then the listed damage - I can't see enemies sometimes... only circels.. interesting view... a green circle figths again a red circle... an you can only see the effects not the figthers. I notice this happens when they are out of range or LOS. Maybe intended in those cases her targeted Dive location was within a house and she could do it but the damage was also supplied to all partymembers who were standing near her starting point It mentions it will do this in the tooltip
Last edited by dakkai; 25/01/14 01:45 AM.
Joined: Jan 2009
Sorry for posting another big honkin' list. - The damage over time status effects like Burning and Poison do one damage a turn. I don’t think I need to tell you that those are completely worthless when health at level 3 is in the 80-100 range. They have to be more effective. Maybe they should do percentage-based damage? It’d also be nice if there was something different about burning and poison other than the visual effect. It could be as simple as this: When you’re burning, your saving throws against Chilled/Frozen are boosted, but something else is lowered. When you’re poisoned, your saving throws against Burning are reduced, but something else is boosted. Anything that adds additional effects so that burning and poison aren't just identical damage-over-time afflictions.
- I also don’t like how they make you stop when you walk through a poison/fire field and get poisoned/set on fire. Yes, fine, I'm poisoned or on fire, but can you keep walking to where I told you to go, please?
- In co-op, when it isn’t your turn, you can’t even open your inventory/stat screen to see how much health your character has. Okay, obviously you don’t want to let them use inventory items when it’s not their turn, but it might help you plan if you could see the stats of you and your companion.
- Active Stances are listed as status effects next to portraits. I think Sneaking should also be listed in the same way. I suppose it's not that critical, but it is more information.
- In combat, when an enemy is inflicted with a status effect, and you mouse over it, you should be able to see what status effects it is under, and how many turns they'll last.
- Idea: maybe the soldiers dialogue on the bridge should maybe suggest that they think the wizard is crazy, possibly dangerous. I dunno, I just think that maybe there should be more of a reason for them to not want to go with the soldiers.
- One of the first actions your heroes in the game can take is murdering some of their own allies for being drunk. That seems a bit drastic, inquisitors or not. I'd prefer it if you win the fight, you just knock them unconscious. Yes, that would mean rewriting some dialogue and the post-fight conversation. If you lose to the bridge guards, it is game over though.
- I should not be murdering Snorri -
There's a friendly ghost in a hidden tomb. You can offer to fight him, but it's a fight to the death. I felt pretty terrible after killing him. I got the impression that it was going to be a friendly match, not that I was going to MURDER him. That feels wrong. He was not an evil ghost, he was friendly. Murder does not have to be the only resolution.
It would be better if once I get his health low, how about ending the combat automatically and Snorri congratulates you and gives you a reward of some kind and you get XP.
If you fight him and your party is wiped out, you are auto-revived (even if death in the final game is normally final) and he tells you something like "I'm still the best". No XP.
That would fit the atmosphere a lot better than senseless murder.
- Merchants should sell more than one copy of a spellbook. If I have a Warrior main character, and I Recruit Madora, only one of them can get Whirlwind because Aureus only has the one book. Without being able to buy more books, this skill system doesn’t really let you build your characters the way you want, does it?
- Madora’s AoE “Inspire” buff spell can be cast on open terrain and affect all enemies within range, the “Null Resistances” debuff spell must target an enemy, it does not work on open terrain. Consistency would be nice.
- Signposts give directions in terms of North, South, East, and West. Except that you can rotate the camera enough that it is unclear which way North is. The minimap rotates with the camera angle. You need to add a North-pointing indicator to the minimap.
Last edited by Stabbey; 25/01/14 04:59 AM. Reason: north on minimap
Joined: Mar 2003
There will be some balancing changes and skill adjustments in next week's update. The final game should have different difficulty levels, but the alpha does not.
Thanks! Nice to hear! Maybe I also must improve my english, Madora won't to go with me... Seems I use the wrong Dialog and so first miss an other Party member. But now she follows... An other bug maybe... I found this huge ork on the beach with the grave of his brother and we fight... I only want to help him to find an other place for his brother!  But seems he misunderstud. Jahan was knocked down to 0 Points... Level up after the figth but he still lay on the beach with full hitpoints. Seems I must reload... the ork ist hard! I tryed this figth some times befor without madora... Jahan killed a Party member with his ice Dragon! The FireBall hit all Party members
Last edited by Alix; 25/01/14 08:49 AM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jan 2009
Alix - did you dig up his brother's corpse? The mourning orc doesn't like that.