Joined: Jun 2012
It's like this:
On very low it's almost snappy. On low it's just a bit more lag. On medium I got the first miss when clicking on an NPC. Of course a lot more lag. And it obviously goes worst from there up.
What I have also noticed is this lag also affects mouse position detection because there is a delay between hoovering the cursor on/off an item (button, dialog choice, etc) and the item glowing on/off.
Last edited by Honet 13; 26/12/13 08:55 PM.
Joined: Dec 2013
The quick-save (F5), first time, leave me with an all-black game-screen, only the overlays (map, inventory, quick-slot) remain visible. After quick-load, everything was fine and the error doesn't appear another time
Joined: Aug 2009
It's like this:
On very low it's almost snappy. On low it's just a bit more lag. On medium I got the first miss when clicking on an NPC. Of course a lot more lag. And it obviously goes worst from there up.
What I have also noticed is this lag also affects mouse position detection because there is a delay between hoovering the cursor on/off an item (button, dialog choice, etc) and the item glowing on/off. Could you show me CPU usage during gameplay? Use Process Explorer, it has nice graph.
Joined: Apr 2013
The game kept crashing after I got to the Black Cove & tried to save, so I deleted all my old save games. Now when I start a new game then open conversations with npc's it shows dialog & quests that I haven't started. I am tempted to uninstall then reinstall the game, but I am concerned that I might lose access to the game. I've never been involved in an alpha level game. So I don't know what will happen if you uninstall it.
Joined: Jun 2013
The game kept crashing after I got to the Black Cove & tried to save, so I deleted all my old save games. Now when I start a new game then open conversations with npc's it shows dialog & quests that I haven't started. I am tempted to uninstall then reinstall the game, but I am concerned that I might lose access to the game. I've never been involved in an alpha level game. So I don't know what will happen if you uninstall it. Yea, I've got the same bug when I started new game - the state of the gameworld from previous games is saved somewhere else besides saves. You can easily delete local content on Steam, the alpha will still be shown in your library of games and you can reinstall it again.
Joined: Jan 2013
Hey guys. Here are some things that happend to me.
First: I can't save anymore. Everytime i try to save the game crashes. Second: After leaving the Black Cove I end up in a unfinished part of the world. Third: In the Black Cove I can't open the one black mysterious door.
Joined: Jun 2013
Hey guys. Here are some things that happend to me.
First: I can't save anymore. Everytime i try to save the game crashes.
It's a bug, can't be helped. Maybe reinstall? Second: After leaving the Black Cove I end up in a unfinished part of the world.
You can leave it if you teleport (button on top of the minimap) to the Homestead and exit from there to any waypoint. Third: In the Black Cove I can't open the one black mysterious door. Bye
The key to the door is located in a room behind a tough source monster in the same area. Or you can just destroy it with a fireball - but it will take a lot of time.
Joined: Jun 2003
- If you kill Cecilia while she is still bathing, leave the house and re-enter it later she is suddenly alive again.
- On some of the ships your character will "climb" onto the pole if you click there
Joined: Jun 2012
I checked CPU usage with Process Explorer and when D:OS is running CPU usage stays between 17-20% with very rare 30-35% spikes. EoCApp.exe (D:OS executable) between 12-13% (Firefox and Skype also running.) So there's not too much CPU load. I remember a performance issue which affected Grim Dawn, maybe it's something like B11 Yesterday game ran great, today it's the worst I've seen.?
Last edited by Honet 13; 27/12/13 09:30 PM.
Joined: Aug 2009
That's weird, because I have no issues here on a similar CPu (win7x74) and game uses only 1 core and uses it always on 100%.
Could you try to limit the affinity to one core and check the lag? You can do it via Process Explorer as well.
Joined: Dec 2013
Got a problem, not purely crash related but still annoying as hell. I've got aa dual core Radeon HD 7990 which is going nuts with it's 3 fans just a few minutes after DOS is started.
[BTW Game autodetects video settings as "Ultra" (which is not surprising on this rig) but this happens always, on all video settings available.]
GPU fans are getting top speed very quickly and make a terrible noise. This happened for the very first time since I've bought this GPU and I haven't experienced such thing on any other game.
I got a loose idea why it happens (but it's still a guess only so don't bash me) - I think that the video settings are missing a frame cap (like in Guild Wars 2 or Diablo III). With my rig I could easily cap the frame limit on 60 and make the GPU work quietly still keeping perfect performance.
Joined: Apr 2013
The game is capped to 60 FPS but since alpha is unoptimized its entirely possible that it needs to utilize more GPU resources to reach 60 FPS than other games (especially on Ultra). Fans on top speed = near-100% GPU utilization usually, so I'd say lower your graphics settings and see if it makes any difference (disabling AA, SSAO and shadows seems to make the biggest difference).
Btw, does this occur in the main menu too, or only ingame?
Joined: Aug 2013
Everything on max settings (Ultra)
Mainmenu: GPU: ~33% TDP Power, ~31% GPU Usage, ~30% FB CPU: 1-3% CPU Cycles
In Game VSync Off: GPU: ~89% TDP Power, ~98% GPU Usage, ~52% FB CPU: One core at ~100%, a second core at ~60%, the rest ~5%
In Game VSync On: GPU: ~80% TDP Power, ~70% GPU Usage, ~36% FB CPU: One core at ~70% with 100% Spikes than and now, a second at ~50%, the rest ~5%
Everything on lowest settings
In Game VSync On: GPU: ~57% TDP Power, ~50% GPU Usage, ~17% FB CPU: One core at ~60% with 100% Spikes than and now, a second at ~40%, the rest ~5%
My CPU is a i7-4770k and my GPU is a GTX680
So with VSync enabled everything is fine, as the renderengine is limited to process 60fps (if your monitor is working 60Hz this is) if you've got an 120Hz monitor ... well 120fps get calculated obviously. But as stated above: the engine is most likely not optimized atm.
Joined: Jan 2013
Thanks Aramintai.
Problem 1: But i still got this problem with saving. Reinstalled the game several times but it keeps on crashing when i'm trying to save.
Problem 2: My H.o.t.s.p.o.t Button vanished after i left. So using this isn't possible.
Problem 3: Solved.
I think i wait for the promised patch in the mid of jan, because right now the game isn't playable.
Joined: Apr 2013
My H.o.t.s.p.o.t Button vanished after i left. So using this isn't possible. The shelter plane button is a bit random, sometimes it appears after saving and reloading 
Joined: Jun 2013
My H.o.t.s.p.o.t Button vanished after i left. So using this isn't possible. The shelter plane button is a bit random, sometimes it appears after saving and reloading Yea it appears that way, but it won't help here because Kaya86 seems to have a problem with saving. I think to make a clean reinstall any leftovers in \Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin and in \Steam\steamapps\common\Divinity - Original Sin\ should also be deleted.
Joined: Apr 2013
I don't know if it's a bug or an awesome game mechanic. I couldn't find a key to open the Black Ominous Gate. So after being bored & frustrated I started launching spells at it. After 23 level 7 Fireballs, Flares, & level 5 Winterbreaths the gate was destroyed.
Joined: Dec 2013
The game is capped to 60 FPS but since alpha is unoptimized its entirely possible that it needs to utilize more GPU resources to reach 60 FPS than other games (especially on Ultra). Fans on top speed = near-100% GPU utilization usually, so I'd say lower your graphics settings and see if it makes any difference (disabling AA, SSAO and shadows seems to make the biggest difference).
Btw, does this occur in the main menu too, or only ingame? GPU fans are reaching top speed (and make most of the noise) when the game is already started. I've already tested ALL graphical settings (from very low up to ultra) and tried to on/off other video settings - unfortunately it doesn't make any difference. Well, I guessed it's a problem of game's optimization because I'm 100% sure my GPU is ok - I can play games like Crysis 3 or Far Cry 3 for a few hours and barely hear the fans of my GPU.
Joined: Jun 2013
I don't know if it's a bug or an awesome game mechanic. I couldn't find a key to open the Black Ominous Gate. So after being bored & frustrated I started launching spells at it. After 23 level 7 Fireballs, Flares, & level 5 Winterbreaths the gate was destroyed. And the key was just to the west of that door in a room behind a source monster...
Joined: Aug 2013
Have you checked VSync? And also take a look in the driver settings, maybe you are forcing VSync off there. At least on nvidia GPUs it helps a bit to lower the stress on the GPU.