Joined: Mar 2003
First of all: Congrats to Larian on a successful alpha release. Loving it so far and going to have to really force myself to quit playing in order not to spoil too much of the full game. Keep up the great work!  Now on the subject of this post: Is anyone else getting fairly low fps in spite of a pretty high end system? My specs: Intel i5-2500K (@4.2 GHz), 32GB RAM, 2x nVidia GeForce GTX 770 (SLI) and a Samsung EVO 840 1TB SSD. OS is Win 7 64-bit Ultimate and I got the latest official nV drivers. Getting ~30fps most of the time with auto-detected 'Ultra' in-game settings at 2560x1440. When I disabled VSync (which should actually have no effect since I have Adaptive VSync enabled globally via the nV control panel) I got maybe ~35fps. It's perfectly playable, of course, but I'm wondering if this is the same for everyone(?) What's the deal here? Is the game really that demanding or is there a fps lock or any other limiting factors at work?
Last edited by Moriendor; 20/12/13 12:04 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jun 2013
What's your GPU utilization/ CPU utilization?
Last edited by SniperHF; 20/12/13 01:48 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
As for my GPUs both GTX 770 are at 100% in SLI. I am actually running nVidia Surround with three screens on the desktop (7680 x 1440) but for the game I'm fine with a single screen and 2560 x 1440 resolution.
Not sure about CPU load. Guess I will have to check with task manager next time I fire up the game.
Joined: Mar 2013
Maybe it's driver optimization. What's your monitor as well?
I'm using a 27" ASUS 144hz monitor with a 3gig AMD Sapphire 7950 - 3.2ghz quadcore AMD cpu, 4 gigs o' ram, 7200 HDD, Vista 64bit. And it all runs smooth and fast for me. There are some areas where I have seen a bit of stuttering and clipping but I can't seem to pin it down. Overall I'm pretty impressed with the performance for the current state of the game.
Midget Soothsayer robs Bank! Small Medium at Large!
Joined: Mar 2003
@ Cutter: As I posted I'm running 2560 x 1440 with the latest nVidia drivers in SLI nVidia surround mode. The screen (or all three for that matter but as I said I'm only using one of them for this game) is a Samsung SA850.
My game runs (mostly) smooth as well except, just like yours, some artifacts and tearing (doesn't seem to matter much or actually at all whether VSync is on or off).
However, I'm wondering about the generally low fps at around the ~30-ish mark. I'm wondering about the cause of the low fps and I'd like to hear from people what fps they are getting. If someone with a lower end system than mine is getting a rock solid 60fps with VSync enabled then I'd know I'd have to look into things on my end.
This is not meant as a complaint post but more as a "let's do some research and find out why the game is not running at 60fps" (with VSync or with Adaptive VSync enabled) post.
Cuz at the end of the day, even though the visuals are gorgeous, this is definitely a game that should be producing a lot more fps than ~30 on a SLI setup like mine. So... what is consuming all that power? What drops the fps down to the ~30-ish area? Or is it just me?
Joined: Apr 2013
The alpha version is not optimized for performance, so the game is currently indeed a lot more resource hungry than it could/should be, as you obviously have noticed.  In the words of Donald Knuth. "Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming." I hear that (completely) enabling/disabling shadows can result a disproportional effect on performance. Last time I checked, disabling had to be done by manually editing the config file in D:OS's folder "my documents". Maybe it would be interesting if you could see how performance scales on your system by using different settings. On my system at home, I get a good 40 fps (according to fraps) most of the time with ultra settings on 1280x1024 (yeah yeah I still have one of those  ). It is a core 2 duo 3GHz, with 4GiB RAM and an AMD HD6850. Also see this somewhat related older thread.
Joined: Jan 2014
I get performance that's somewhat unplayable. I've got i5 2500K @ 5Ghz, GTX680, 16Gb RAM. Most areas are around 20fps, King Crab Tavern is 10 or so. This is on Medium presets. Going to Low doesn't really make any difference. I get that this is an alpha and all, but my question is how can you test something that's running below 30fps, it's extremely annoying Their QA team must have monster rigs.
Joined: Jan 2014
The GPU is running at 99%, the CPU at 25%. It basically completely utilizes a single core of the CPU meaning this is a single threaded process at this stage. The GPU running at steady 99% definitely shows complete lack of optimization. I bet they use different builds for testing.
Joined: Apr 2013
The GPU is running at 99%, the CPU at 25%. It basically completely utilizes a single core of the CPU meaning this is a single threaded process at this stage. The GPU running at steady 99% definitely shows complete lack of optimization. I bet they use different builds for testing. It would be somewhat nonsensical to give the alpha-testers a different build than the one they use themselves, as having different builds could imply having different bugs. The game however is running alright on my rig, as shown in my previous post in this thread. I suspect the main reason being that the single-threaded performance of a 3GHz core 2 duo is probably a bit better than on your CPU. Maybe not, as you seem to have overclocked the CPU. Skipped that bit on the first read. 
Last edited by Robrecht; 20/01/14 09:54 PM.
Joined: Jan 2014
Mine seems to run great. I5 2500k 16gb DDR3 GTX 660TI
I seem to get around 40-50 FPS. Everything is maxed out. I get some tearing if I turn Vsync off. No problems otherwise. Was a little choppy when I would join a friends game but I assume that was either due to his machine or our internet connection...
Joined: Jan 2014
Also getting good performance my side, solid 60fps through everything, max settings on 1920x1080.
I5 2500k 16bg ddr3 GTX 470
Also I've read some people only having it run on one core? Intended or not I have it running on at least 2.
Joined: Jan 2014
I'll try to reinstall windows7 to see if it helps. It's a second game that is performing unreasonably poorly, the first being MGS Rising Revengeance. I wrote that off to it being a piss poor console port, but then again there are people with almost identical pcs who have no problems. If JFSeiki is getting 60fps on a 470, I should get better performance on a 670 theoretically
Joined: Jan 2014
Same performance on a fresh Win7 64bit install, nothing but latest drivers and updates. What a waste of time...
Joined: Jan 2014
Perhaps I should have also stated I have custom drivers for just about everything on my machine and a 6 second boot time without a solid state drive. Still haven't found a game that doesn't perform below 60 so I guess I'm not much help.
Joined: Aug 2009
@Moriendor I think it is the SLI scaling issue. Can you try to disable SLI for DOS and force it to run on singlecard?
Joined: Nov 2009
I can't get above 20FPS even on "Very Low" settings at 1600x900 on:
Dell Inspiron 5423 14z
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz AMD Radeon HD 7570M Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (switchable graphics) IDT High Definition Audio CODEC 4GB RAM Win7 X64
Not a powerhouse, I know, but it seems to me that the game should run quite a bit better than it does even on my hardware.
Last edited by purgatori; 23/01/14 04:34 AM.
Joined: Jan 2014
Given it's an alpha build it is rather heavy on ram even sitting around doing nothing (fresh game at the beach, nothing done, 1.6gb). I'm assuming you might have a fair few processes running in the background as well and who knows how near your 4gb that takes you which would put strain on it, as well as it seems to enjoy switching between one and two cores at the moment. Also as it's a laptop, you are playing this without any special profiles enabled for power saving or the like yes? Perhaps go through the default settings for your graphics adapter and power saving options, as well as checking through task manager which processes are running that you don't strictly need whilst gaming.
After all that have a look and see what your framerate gets to, if no change We'll need to assume that it's something about your build at the moment that the game doesn't like, but all that will eventually get cleared up and when that happens your pc should meet the requirements safely.
Joined: Nov 2009
Given it's an alpha build it is rather heavy on ram even sitting around doing nothing (fresh game at the beach, nothing done, 1.6gb). I'm assuming you might have a fair few processes running in the background as well and who knows how near your 4gb that takes you which would put strain on it, as well as it seems to enjoy switching between one and two cores at the moment. Also as it's a laptop, you are playing this without any special profiles enabled for power saving or the like yes? Perhaps go through the default settings for your graphics adapter and power saving options, as well as checking through task manager which processes are running that you don't strictly need whilst gaming.
After all that have a look and see what your framerate gets to, if no change We'll need to assume that it's something about your build at the moment that the game doesn't like, but all that will eventually get cleared up and when that happens your pc should meet the requirements safely. Thank you for your suggestions. I followed all of them, and also lowered the resolution to 1366x768. Even on the lowest settings, however, I still only get ~25fps at most. I know it's alpha, so I'm not worried, but I just thought I'd include my information in case it proves useful during optimization 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
Yeah, not surprised. That GPU is roughly 15% of the performance of mine, which isn't even bleeding edge at this point. To put it in perspective, that card performs about 10% better than the one that came in my gaming laptop made in 2007. I wouldn't expect much even after optimizations. However, make sure you are plugged in and running in high performance mode, otherwise the game may be using your integrated graphics rather than the GPU.
Joined: Nov 2009
Yeah, not surprised. That GPU is roughly 15% of the performance of mine, which isn't even bleeding edge at this point. To put it in perspective, that card performs about 10% better than the one that came in my gaming laptop made in 2007. I wouldn't expect much even after optimizations. However, make sure you are plugged in and running in high performance mode, otherwise the game may be using your integrated graphics rather than the GPU. I know it's an anaemic card, but it runs games like War Thunder, FFXIV: ARR, Natural Selection 2, Eve Online, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky, etc. etc. tolerably well, and I would wager that they are all more demanding than Original Sin, which to my eyes is just a few steps up from, say, Path of Exile (which is easily max-able on my system).