sorry for my bad English as it is not my first language.
Not sure if it is the way it meant to be but i feel rather un-natural.
so i have come across a way to overcome some combat suppose to be hard with the water elemental mage i recruit from the library.
The orcs in front of the pirate cove are supposed to be really strong right? (my male melee character's defense is nothing more than a paper board under their crossbow and axe)
to get into the cove and get the money that i should not get at the beginning, i:
1) unattached the chains of my characters so the water mage can act freely.
2) select the water mage and enter sneak mode.
3) get as front as possible and deploy an elemental right next to an orc.
4) deploy an ice wall just behind the closest orc so it is frozen and block all the incoming arrows if any.
5) have 2 AP left, remain idle but not end the turn for 30s
6) for some reason i can choose the water mage by left clicking on the left hand top corner where his portrait is, by selecting him, its summon ice elemental CD is replenished and i can summon a 2nd elemental.(do it quick enough then switch back and it will still in the first elemental's turn)
7) repeat 4-6 untill i got an army of ice elemental and all orc in range are froze within ice wall.
i felt kind of cheating by doing this but it is fun as i can command an army of elemental.
i can keep doing this trick untill i got rid of all the orc or create enough surface of ice to shape the battlefield as i want before i move in my main characters.
not sure if someone posted it before so forgive me if someone had.
Last edited by hamburger; 13/03/14 02:57 PM.