Giga1, you have an active imagination because 6,7,8 and the 'gay' angle in your edit are most certainly not in the game!
The reason debates on this topic are rather frequently held, is because -like Stabbey pointed out- it's the 'main theme' if you will in the story arc of general Scarlett.
In answer to LeBurns: if you got the exact same ending for Scarlett something went wrong, because in the very last turn of the game, after your final victory, her conversation should reflect the -if I remember correctly- four different outcomes she can have:
- She can be neutral if you disregarded her storyline during the campaign.
- She can be in denial and wild & drunk as ever.
- She can be happy now that she has been accepted for who she is.
- She can be very sad and serious having joined the Order of Vesta.
Edit: come to think of it, her new attitude is also reflected in the default dialog she has when she has nothing to say about any given storyline - which goes for all the other generals as well.