Joined: Jan 2014
I was wondering if anybody else is getting game crashes inside the burial mound by the zombie dog? There's a four lever puzzle, but pulling any of them crashes the game for me. Just submitted a bug report since I couldn't find any reference to this here or on steam.
Joined: Jan 2009
That sounds new to me as well. Just to make sure, have you verified your game files?
Joined: Jan 2014
Steam was down, couldn't verify. Will do asap.
Joined: Jan 2014
Just verified game files, two didn't check out, reacquired, but the crash persists. I tried a different burial mound, the one by the undead wizard with three fire twins or whatever they are, same thing. Pulling any of the levers crashes to desktop. Turns out I can't submit a bug report either, because for some reason there's a connection error at the very end of submission. Which is weird because it compresses the files, sends them (100% complete), then gives me the error. I've uploaded the screenshot of the error to my steam screenshots if anyone is interested. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=239776758
Joined: Mar 2003
Make sure your firewall isn't blocking access to SupportTool.exe. Anti-virus programs have also caused similar errors. If you want to make sure they get the files you could email supportdos@larian.com, with a description of the problem and the report.zip file generated by the D:OS support tool. Alternately, just email with a description of both problems, and offer to send the report.zip if they didn't get the bug report.
Joined: Jan 2014
If you mean the windows firewall then if it was blocking SupportTool.exe it would have failed to connect to begin with, not finished uploading and then decided to fail. Antivirus doesn't have anything to do with a connection being reset either, besides it was off at the time  If the next update doesn't fix my issue I'll email support, otherwise I don't think it's worth bothering them if I'm the only one having this problem.
Joined: Feb 2014
otherwise I don't think it's worth bothering them if I'm the only one having this problem. Go ahead and report it. If everyone thought that way some of the bugs would probably never be fixed.
"I may grow old but I will never grow up." ~ Mark Twain
Joined: Aug 2008
Hi divsharki, Could you send us your latest savegame that has the issue? Or you could use the support tool to send us a report.zip, this already includes all saves. http://www.larian.com/OriginalSinAlpha/AnalysisTool_DOS.exe
Last edited by Larian_QA; 19/03/14 08:25 AM.
Joined: Jan 2014
I generated report.zip using the AnalysisTool you provided, but how do I send it to you it's 34Mbs, I think email is out of the question  The tool appears to only generate the report locally.
Joined: Jan 2014
Never mind, apparently I can send google drive links instead of attachments via gmail now, which is exactly what I did. I added couple crash dumps to report.zip just in case you need them. Thank you very much for taking a look at this. I'm truly amazed and humbled by the attention you pay to your customers by way of these forums. Oh and just for the record I really like the game so far. This is exactly the type of RPG I've been hoping to play for years. I've been playing RPGs since the days of SSI's D&D marvels. Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age Origins, and Ultima VI, and VII were my favorite games. Sadly IMHO, there hasn't been an RPG worthy of the name since DAO, (well there's Skyrim, but it's different.  This is why I'm very excited about DOS, it's looking exactly like the game I've been craving. Thank you for your excellent work!