I've completed the very first alpha and now the current beta release of Divinity: Original Sin, so I think I can pretty much see the "delta" changes which have been done during these two versions of the game.
I have to admit, that I've tested most of the time only singleplayer, maybe like 2-3 hours the coop multiplayer.
Steam shows a total of 39 hours I've spent to the game, so I must clearly seem to love it

Why all the statistics/numbers?
The feedback I now give about the topic of lacking NPC schedules / realistic world simulation should not sound like a simple troll post: it's based on my long time expierence with the game (series) or RPGs in general. As some of you might know, I'm a huge classic Ultima series geek.
Back to the Original Sin.
I came to my own end-result that the world really doesn't seem to be realistic at all, if you spent a couple of hours into it. The NPCs are (obvious) "placed" into the world like "puppets". Assuredly, they have excellent dialoges and their stories / backgrounds feel like they're part of that simulated world. Except from "combat" stuff they don't react much to you. Do Cyseal's guards react if're you're busting doors in the city? Do they react if you cast rain on them? No. Yes, they do react on pickpocketing / stealing. And all this behaviour really depends on the npc(s) which is near the location you're acting (obvious). I wish this kind of stuff, which hasn't to do much which schedules should be fine-tuned till release.
What about their current behaviour towards the world? Let's look on one of the more complex ncps: the mayor (Minor spoiler warning!). The mayor moves from left (a book shelf) to the right (his desk). You can talk to him about the library, which is on the upper floor. He can show it to you and moves left (to the stairs) and "beams" to the upper floor. After you talked to him on the upper floor he moves back. He also reacts if you kill Victoria in the library and will walk to the place of her death. (On a side note: if you resurrect Victoria after killing her the mayor still reacts like she's dead). Why this is example?
This is currently the maximum we get. Most of the other npcs simple stand, the whole time, on one position and do nothing or patrolling from spot A to B.
Outside of the town, 95% of npcs you meet in the wildness are enemies. No traveling merchants for example, no (dynamic) "side-events".
The King Crab Tavern doesn't feel like a tavern for me. Nobody is eating / drinking / talking / sitting together. There should be also some kind of traditional bard, making music or telling stories. I mean basic roleplaying / adventure "stuff" which makes you to feel the world more realistic. Nitpicking? Maybe.
Another one: at one spot you can meet the npc Eglandaer. If you talk to him he asks you to meet him at the tavern. If you follow him to a special point he "beams" away, but you'll find him in his room later on the upper floor. Btw if you finish his quest he will also leave the floor and suddenly disappears.
The weather system, if I can call it like that, is there yes. But it doesn't work as I think it should work. For example if it's raining (non-casted) the rain should kill all the flames / fire. Snow (not in beta) for example should ice water / sea to a special point. And so on...
To (finally) come to the point: yes, I'll really miss the promised, 1 million stretch goal NPC schedules or a "working" simulated world feeling. And yes, I would be happy if Larian will delay the game again to implement this feature (because I highly doubt the editor will be able to allow us, the community such deep scripting, because this topic isn't on focus). Should fixing bugs on priority? Absolutely yes, but for me it feels only as an excuse to get the game early out of the door (to obviously save "some" money). Maybe it was an error to announce that stretch goal? But how many have backed because of that stretch goal? Hard to tell now. Personally I think it's not "clever" to handle the backers like that.
Larian, right now you have a rough, angularly, non-sharped diamond, with the NPC schedules + other simulated features (proper weather system for example) it would be a Cullinan diamond. Peace.