Joined: Jan 2009
The Beta is here and so are more bugs!
- I can’t walk to the crate in the shipwreck outside the harbour gates - because it's sitting in water, but I can open it from quite a distance.
- In the Orc Shaman fight on the beach, the Orc cast a second fireball or flare (I don't quite remember which, but I think fireball) on Roderick, but it seemed to have no effect. The first one worked, the second one did nothing – as in, no animation, no casting, no damage, no surface, nothing. Later on in the tunnels under Cyseal, the undead mage tried to cast Flare on Roderick, but nothing happened – no animation, casting, surface or damage.
- Walking near the chest outside the gates triggers the timed ship-burning quest. If you explore, and then talk to Arhu – even briefly, the ship burns and sinks before you can reach it. That discourages exploration and talking to Arhu, and I don't think you want that. The trigger seems to be a circular radius, when it should be a line past the city gates.
- Aureus’s introduction says he is captain Aureus. Captain should be capitalized.
- Summon Wolf said the duration is 24s turns (should be 6 turns).
- I’m not getting warnings when I leave town from any of the locked gates. I first went out the locked beach gate, then the east Cyseal gate, and counter-clockwise from there.
- Upon landing in the Homestead, Roderick said it might be a good idea to inspect Jake’s corpse to start looking for clues. That dialogue probably shouldn’t happen at that point.
- After going to the homestead, Madora’s dual dialogue about the crime scene being diseased by source triggered, which is again the wrong place, and then I noticed that I wasn’t seeing the Roderick/Scarlett portraits beside their responses. They were there not long ago.
- Is the second-player dialogue when talking to Zixzax still broken (so that the second player doesn't get a chance to interject or participate?)
- The bench outside the King Crab is oriented so that if you sit on it, you face towards the wall, which looks odd.
- In the tunnel under the graveyard, there's a mine in the southwest which I spotted, but was unable to hit with either an arrow or a flare. I eventually had Madora stand back and toss a crate onto it. (Too close, as the spreading, burning oil touched her and she burned to death.)
Last edited by Raze; 17/04/14 02:06 PM. Reason: update subject
Joined: Jan 2014
I was playing multiplayer with a friend and we both ran into an audio bug while in the tutorial dungeon. After spending some time in there, we both noted that we were each having problems with the ambient noises cutting in and out. Eventually while we were still in there) all the sound (music, effects, ambient noises) cut out completely and didn't return even after we exited the dungeon.
Also, not all dialogue is showing up in the chat box (Ishamashell's dialogue, for example).
Last edited by Gyson; 03/04/14 04:50 AM.
Joined: Jan 2009
- AI pathfinding doesn't know enough to not walk directly across known landmines.
In the abandoned house (Cyseal) cellar:
- Scarlett had Lockpicking 1 and tried to pick the lock of a door past the first firetrap room. It didn't seem to work, but I wasn't told "Lockpick failed" or anything, it just didn't work and my lockpick was gone from the inventory.
- I thought I would be really clever and hide behind the wall, and use my Wolf buddy to trigger the trap and ignite the oil puddle. That worked, except that the fire damage travels through walls and we all got lit on fire horribly.
- Roderick and Scarlett and Madora died, and I got a game over, even though Jahan was still alive and had a resurrection scroll (Jahan did die from the burning himself a few seconds later, but that's not the point. That was a premature game over!) Jahan could have resurrected them. In theory, I could have continued, and while there may be story reasons why if both Roderick and Scarlett die the game ends, it's rather annoying to get a game over when I still had a living party member and could have brought them back.
- I was panning the camera at the time of death, and when I reloaded, the mouse cursor and camera were stuck in panning mode. The pointer icon was the panning icon. I could still interact with things, but that was kinda annoying. That bug persisted through a second reload, so I had to quit the game.
Joined: Mar 2014
I was playing multiplayer with a friend and we both ran into an audio bug while in the tutorial dungeon. After spending some time in there, we both noted that we were each having problems with the ambient noises cutting in and out. Eventually while we were still in there) all the sound (music, effects, ambient noises) cut out completely and didn't return even after we exited the dungeon.
Also, not all dialogue is showing up in the chat box (Ishamashell's dialogue, for example). I will second this. Music also cuts in and out - as if a DJ was changing CD's in the middle of the party. One song would stop and only after about 10 seconds will the following song follow. In that period only heard door opening noise. Everything including foot steps would stop.
Joined: Aug 2013
Walk in Shadows:
situation: Only one of my chars began battle, the other was miles away (and dead actually). Since i knew i had no chance, i activated "walk in shadows" since i wanted to run away (= i.e. get out of combat).
result: But, alas, that never happened - i never got out of battle, even while invisible, instead: i tried to walk really far away while invisible (i also had lone wolf, so plenty of action points to walk/run) while my enemies only stood still (they could not see me). But after walk in shadows faded they ran after me (again: i was already miles away). i then again turned invisible, my enemies again stood still and did nothing. i ran away a little farther but unintentionally walked into electrified water and got consequently stunned. Then the battle system kind of got into an infinite loop: i turned visible again, was still stunned, but was also either too far away for my enemies to do anything or maybe they could not see me at all anymore, since i walked around a corner, so i maybe was no longer in their LOS - anyway they just stood still and did nothing. i on the other hand was stunned and never recovered (needed a 100 roll, never got one in 250 rounds of battle/waiting).
i know, not a single 100 roll in 250 rounds is bad luck, nothing to complain there. but not getting out of combat by turning invisible and running away far enough is a bug IMHO.
Last edited by 4verse; 03/04/14 01:19 PM.
"I don't make games to make money, I make money to make games". (Swen Vincke)
Joined: Aug 2013
update: i tested this again: turned invisible via walk in shadows and ran away far, far away and around a corner (so out of LOS). but my enemies followed and found me after i turned visible again. BIG bug IMHO 
Last edited by 4verse; 03/04/14 01:22 PM.
"I don't make games to make money, I make money to make games". (Swen Vincke)
Joined: Jan 2014
Just a head's up, another (~93 MB) patch was just released. I'm not sure what it changes/fixes as there doesn't seem to be any patch notes available yet.
Joined: Apr 2014
I didn't run into any "big" problem so far, just some small things I'll report here. - On the dock, there's a tomato basket that has no name : http://i.imgur.com/7CpGqY1.jpg- The 2 drunken legion guards speak about you as a "he", even if you play 2 females, being drunk doesn't excuse that, was obliged to kill them. - Dunno if it's intended but you can "jump" into the locked treasure room with tactical retreat, right under the nose of the guard. Handy, but quite strange. - As already mentionned, AI following you doesn't avoid obvious landmines. Probably normal but still boring. - I find it sad when you lost your picklock tool on a door that you can't picklock, when nothing warn you before. Would be great to be able to observe the lock before to estimate its complexity. - When you're bartering, you can't switch to your other char inventory, you're obliged to quit the dialog and launch it again. Maybe normal due to the barter skill, but if you manage to have a price in a shop with a friend next to you, the seller would not charge him full price 2 seconds later, the barter skill should work for all the party. - The click space to hit a mob is way to small for me. On a normal quiet mob, it's not really difficult to target, but I was against a half-zombie after the tunnel, and I was obliged to zoom in to be able to click on him without having my mage running toward him. I'm not really sure I explained the issue correctly here, sorry if it's not really english. - As someone mentionned it in the other post, a crafting tutorial would be really welcome, got my inventory full of ingredients, and have no clue on how to use them so far. - Madora got some missing dialogue lines, same goes for the witchcraft spell seller in a room of the inn. - In the legion building on the dock, I tried to pickup some parchment on the table, and everybody went completly insane. The legion attacked me, brutal for a simple piece of paper, but at least, logical. Then the town people attacked the bulls outside. And while I was running out of this mess, the legion started killing both the townpeople and animals. - Dunno why, but I've got 2 items in my inventory that I can't identify, they require level 1 loremaster, like all the others I identified so far, but these 2 don't work. Was obliged to identify them at the merchant. BTW, would be great in my opinion if the money for identification was going in the merchant purse, seemed to me it was just vanishing, but maybe I didn't pay enough attention). - Go a strange bug, I got the "rift" icon that has the green blink, but dunno what to do with it. Went to the strage place but nobody had anything to say there, so dunno why it's blinking, it's pretty boring when it doesn't wanna stop...
Last edited by Lynma; 03/04/14 04:49 PM.
Joined: Apr 2014
I create my characters and then start the game.
Immediately, a dialog box pops up saying "You or your partner has gone and done it! It seems your party member needed a break from your bad behaviour. Check the King Crab Inn if you'd like to get them back." "Accept"
The accept box is unclickable and remains so throughout the opening cinematics. The result is, during the initial voice over, some kind of pirate ship background that I can't see at all because this dialog box is in front of it.
Joined: Apr 2014
Slight bug with lockpicking.
In the tutorial dungeon there are 2 locked chests. At the second one I clicked on my lockpick and then on the chest....and Roderick ran off to the first chest that was already unlocked! He proceeded to use the lockpick on the unlocked chest and it disappeared from my inventory.
I reloaded my save and tried the same action again and it worked fine.
The is also some missing text in the combat log. Again in the tutorial, when you use fire to clear the poison cloud the log shows:
"Scarlett created when using Fire on a Poison Cloud" "Scarlett removed by using Fire"
Joined: Apr 2013
Found a Blind scroll, text says it causes bleeding?
Started a new game with Lone Wolf, text box appeared during the intro about losing companion and going to Crab to get back. That info should be moved to after the intro.
Last edited by Tekray; 03/04/14 06:20 PM.
Joined: Apr 2014
trading between characters in town is seen by NPC's as pickpocketing. They called the guards, and the guards took all my money, of both characters... or is the guard's corruption intended?
Joined: Jan 2009
Just a head's up, another (~93 MB) patch was just released. I'm not sure what it changes/fixes as there doesn't seem to be any patch notes available yet. Larian's twitter mentioned that they'd release a quick patch to fix a bug with the error-reporter. Maybe that's it? I create my characters and then start the game.
Immediately, a dialog box pops up saying "You or your partner has gone and done it! It seems your party member needed a break from your bad behaviour. Check the King Crab Inn if you'd like to get them back." "Accept"
The accept box is unclickable and remains so throughout the opening cinematics. The result is, during the initial voice over, some kind of pirate ship background that I can't see at all because this dialog box is in front of it. You picked "Lone Wolf" as one of your starting Traits, right? I think that's the cause of that one.
Joined: Apr 2014
Started a new game with Lone Wolf, text box appeared during the intro about losing companion and going to Crab to get back. That info should be moved to after the intro. This is the same bug I saw.
Joined: Apr 2014
Stole 1 gold coin from the desk in the Mayor's office whilst sneaking, but I wasn't fast enough and got caught. Guards were called and I agreed to hand back what I'd stolen....except all my 882 gold ended up on the desk instead of the 1 gold I stole!
Crime doesn't pay!
Joined: Apr 2014
If some of these are known issues, I'm sorry.
- +1 for the "Lone Wolf" info box appearing after starting the new game and blocking the intro
- Clicking (instead of hold + drag) to move does rarely work fine, fast consecutive clicks aren't registered, clicking just a little bit too slowly (holding the mouse button just minimally longer instead of doing a "perfect" single click) registers as hold+drag and the character moves only minimally.
- I have black squares when I move my mouse over icons in the inventory and containers ->http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=485008#Post485008 apparently linked to my Resolution (2560x1440)
- The Journal Button on the minimap is just a black square as well
- When I separate my party and click somewhere to make a character go there, then switch to the other Character to do something else, the first character stops moving.
- The info box for the "optional tutorial" appeared twice when I walked past the tomb entrance. Maybe once for each character even though I'm playing a singleplayer game?
Joined: Jan 2014
I'm surprised Lone Wolf is even in the game. Can one of the main characters use this while the other main character is walking around with two followers? Because if you can still have four characters in your party while one of them is sporting "Lone Wolf", that's really lame.
Joined: Jan 2014
-you can easily attack invisible enemies (e.g. enemies in a cloud) with ranged weapons by holding down CTRL, the enemy is even marked (the red aura around him)
-numerous times the summoned wolf icon beneath the character's icon does not disappear (with 0 or 1 left on the timer) as well as the icon on the map
Spiegelberg! He, Spiegelberg! Die Bestie hoert nicht.
Joined: Apr 2013
If some of these are known issues, I'm sorry.
- +1 for the "Lone Wolf" info box appearing after starting the new game and blocking the intro
+1 -in MP my friend casted rain spell and it became completely dark on his screen. -poison surface doesnt burn always - when zombie exploded it did burn when targeted by flare it didnt -toggle helmet doesnt work at all -differences between levels are too big. For example difference in damage that lvl 3 char does with his weapon/spells compared to lvl 2 char is at least 30% - will test some more but for it seems so to me Also health increases too fast - for all (enemies, NPCs and PCs)
Last edited by Fanest; 03/04/14 08:31 PM.