Joined: Mar 2003
- Madora got some missing dialogue lines, same goes for the witchcraft spell seller in a room of the inn. How so? As far as I recall Madora had more dialog than she did in the alpha, and while the travelling merchant doesn't say a lot, it doesn't look like anything is missing. Can one of the main characters use this while the other main character is walking around with two followers? No. Each main character can only recruit one follower, so if one has the Lone Wolf Talent, the maximum party size is 3, rather than 4.
Joined: Apr 2014
- The mage in the mayor office just joined my party, and then, I encountered all the orcs at their camp on the beach (the one with the huge chef and a crossbow), suddenly, at the beggining of his turn, said mage has been warp at 367m of the fight, in the middle of water, probably not too far from the starting point. Fight was lost already (3 level 3 against 10 level 7 is suicidal) so I just loaded my last save, but it would have been a reaaaally annoying bug if I had a chance at the start. - We can't know what some traits (like compassionate) improve, the improved skill is missing in the hover bubble. - Did a fight after north gate against 2 skellys and a lot of boar, the undead mage summoned a boar, and then did nothing for all the rest of the fight, at each of his turn, he was casting something (dunno what, he just had a blue light around him), but his spell was not working, and his turn was forced to end each time. - Madoka is wearing an orc armor I digged on the beach, but it has no skin on her, so she's proudly fighting in underwear. Eyecandy, but not really epic. - Woodpiles don't have any hovering bubble. - The two sick men that Evelyn must save can't lay in their bed, not enough space, poor health care there. - Sometimes, the sound just stop working, or seems to be really faint. Was on vocal at the same time so couldn't put the volume higher to check. - Pressing Alt to show items shouldn't show item out of view, like in a closed room or under a crate, really too easy to find keys for chests at the moment. - Madora got some missing dialogue lines, same goes for the witchcraft spell seller in a room of the inn. How so? As far as I recall Madora had more dialog than she did in the alpha, and while the travelling merchant doesn't say a lot, it doesn't look like anything is missing. I had 2 times where I was answering something to them, but the place where their dialogue is supposed to be was completly empty.
Last edited by Lynma; 03/04/14 09:05 PM.
Joined: Jan 2014
- Pressing Alt to show items shouldn't show item out of view, like in a closed room or under a crate, really too easy to find keys for chests at the moment.
I very much agree with this. Can one of the main characters use this while the other main character is walking around with two followers? No. Each main character can only recruit one follower, so if one has the Lone Wolf Talent, the maximum party size is 3, rather than 4. We used to be able to chain two followers to one hero while the other roamed around alone. So, you're saying that is no longer the case?
Joined: Mar 2003
We used to be able to chain two followers to one hero while the other roamed around alone. So, you're saying that is no longer the case? If one character has the Lone Wolf Talent, you can not recruit a second companion, unless you ask the first to leave the party. Then they can not rejoin unless you dismiss the second. You can group the companion to the main character that has Lone Wolf, though (at least in single player).
Joined: Jan 2014
We used to be able to chain two followers to one hero while the other roamed around alone. So, you're saying that is no longer the case? If one character has the Lone Wolf Talent, you can not recruit a second companion, unless you ask the first to leave the party. Then they can not rejoin unless you dismiss the second. You can group the companion to the main character that has Lone Wolf, though (at least in single player). Ok, so basically every main character that has Lone Wolf = -1 follower slot for the entire party. There's no way to game the system and end up with Lone Wolf + 2 followers. That's fine. I can't see myself ever using that talent as it's like opting out of extra storyline material (you no longer have the follower interaction), and it really cuts down on the "squad" feeling of the tactical combat. However, I can see how some might want it (particularly on playing through the game additional times).
Joined: Mar 2014
After completing a purchase from the Wizard Arhu, I selected "I'll take my leave." and then the character who was shopping suddenly teleported to a nowhere space outside the 2nd story building. (Compass said it was x733, y266, just a thick border of featureless brown cave floor that obviously no one is suppose to see or reach) - I was able to have my other character go downstairs (with char 1 ordered to follow) and they both appeared downstairs without issue.
Also with a Loremaster of 1 and an intelligence of 8 (at lvl 2) My *edited* Witch is unable to to ID the "Loremaster 1 required" un-ID'd items. It goes through the progress bar filling, the character does the animation and I get a message "charname is attempting to identify the unidentified 'thing'." Yet nothing happens unable to ID any one of several items I had no matter how many times I tried.
Joined: Apr 2014
Lockpicking: When attempting to pick the chest in the training dungeon, lockpick disappears, chest stays locked. No *Lockpick failed* message or anything of the sort. Am I failing the roll? Seems unlikely for so early on, I have Lockpicking 1 skill. Tried to pick 5 times in a row, same result every time. I have yet to reach something else to pick, hopefully it is only this particular chest.
Joined: Jan 2014
Loremaster (score of 1) doesn't seem to be giving any extra information on MOBs during a fight (even when holding down the CTRL key and mousing over them as the onscreen instructions suggest). I used to use this during the alpha and at rank 1 you could see the actual health (e.g. "32/80 HP") a target had. Now it appears to be doing nothing.
However, when we tested this we did not have the magnifying glass yet (which is supposedly only used to identify equipment). Is that actually needed as well to gain additional information on monsters? If so, that seems like a bug.
On an unrelated note, I can not hide my helmet as the patch notes suggest.
Joined: Feb 2014
I don't know if it's intended or not, but "Guerrilla Tactics" does not seem to proc when being invisible using "Walk in Shadows" and then shooting with bow (i.e. you just do normal damage).
Last edited by Chubby; 04/04/14 06:57 AM. Reason: Missed a word
Today's pig is tomorrow's bacon.
Joined: Apr 2014
Two bugs with "Walk in Shadows": 1) It says duration is 2 turns and cooldown 3 turns. I used it out of combat and my character remained invisible as long as the cooldown ticked. So either the duration is 3 turns or the cooldown only 2 turns. Didn't test it during combat. 2) I had a black (drow like) character. After using the skill and becoming visible again only my face was still that dark. The rest of the body of my character was in the default skin tone.
Joined: Feb 2014
- Pressing 'M' opens the map, pressing it again doesn't close it. - If you expand all ability groups in the character creation menu you can hardly tell if you spend one or more points into 'Reason' or 'Lucky Charm' or even one at all. And the upper end of scroll bar seems misplaced. At first i thought it is invisible but it could be caused by light red/green blindness. - The door of the mess seems to be misplaced. - Sometimes Arhu faces the opposite direction when you talk to him for the first time. I guess it depends on how quickly you move up the bridge and interrupt his walking routine. - Encountered a problem where your character doesn't pick up the item you ordered him to pick up. He does the 'picking up' gesture but doesn't get the item. This happens very frequently with items lying on top of objects. I should mention that i used the highlight function to pick up the items. A good example are the items on this table in the tutorial dungeon. - If the line of sight of your leading character is to low you can't see whom the cloaked guy, infront of the tutorial dungeon, is talking to. Makes you think he's talking to himself. - The text of this book brakes the alignment of its weight and value information. - Where is dat shell? You only know its there because of the highlight function. - Identifying items seems to be broken. I could not identify any of the items i found on my way to the city even though i had the required lore master skill point and the identifying glass (bought from the potion vendor on the market). The identifying progress bar appears when using the glass but nothing happens when it finishs. - The tutorial dungeon warning message box appeares twice.
Last edited by Loadrunner; 04/04/14 12:39 PM.
Joined: Aug 2013
I create my characters and then start the game.
Immediately, a dialog box pops up saying "You or your partner has gone and done it! It seems your party member needed a break from your bad behaviour. Check the King Crab Inn if you'd like to get them back." "Accept"
The accept box is unclickable and remains so throughout the opening cinematics. The result is, during the initial voice over, some kind of pirate ship background that I can't see at all because this dialog box is in front of it. happened to me as well. source: picking lone wolf at char creation.
"I don't make games to make money, I make money to make games". (Swen Vincke)
Joined: Jun 2013
- Encountered a problem where your character doesn't pick up the item you ordered him to pick up. He does the 'picking up' gesture but doesn't get the item. This happens very frequently with items lying on top of objects. I should mention that i used the highlight function to pick up the items.
This happened to me alot too. About half the time the character comes to the item to pick it up, animation plays out, but nothing is picked. So I had to click on the item again and again to actually pick it up.
Last edited by Aramintai; 04/04/14 09:57 AM.
Joined: Apr 2011
Did you people try to pick up 2 items relatively fast after each other? You need to let the full animation run after picking something up before picking up another item, otherwise it will do nothing (despite showing a new 'pick up' animation).
Joined: Apr 2014
For the character not picking up objects, it's because you "need" to wait that the animation of the previous pick-up is completly finished, so that your char is standing up and still again. If you do that before, when the item name just disappeared and your char is still crounched, the pick-up animation will start but item won't be picked.
That's why this bug often takes place on tables or when there's multiple objects close to each others.
Joined: Feb 2014
When my character died, he was really dark skinned(milk chocolate) with green hair then i resurrected him and he came back tan with purple hair.
when i had one character idle for a bit. the other character without controlling her was going somewhere on her own.
when i had both characters in stealth in the new dungeon up the stairs before you encounter the two "mummies", one of my characters teleported back to the first room.
Joined: Feb 2014
Hello. I dont know. This is bug or not, but my PC always overheats if i dont start game and just look screen of character creation. After 5 min on this screen CPU and GPU heat 90 degree. In game always 60-70 degree max. But if i try to read all percs and make character too long - PC reboot with overheat. In alpha i never see that.
PS Medium graphics settings, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+, Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT 1Gb
PPS Sorry for my english...
Joined: Apr 2014
I've noticed some issues with item stacking in the inventory. For example:
I have 4 silver ores, which aren't stacked. I create 4 silver bars, which also aren't stacked. I drop 1 bar and pick it up again, it's now stacked with one of the other bars.
If I keep dropping and picking up I can get everything to stack properly, but it should be doing this automatically.
Joined: Apr 2014
we can't separate same item in inventory,shift button dont work. 2 healing potions can't put on one and one.
Last edited by Rylce; 04/04/14 02:10 PM.
Joined: Apr 2014
Hope you mean "split button". 