Joined: Apr 2013
Okay, this has probably been posted, but one can't be sure. Me and a friend have been playing D:OS for a few hours.
Overall the experience is good, however the conversation system seem broken. When we are conversating I can't see what he's saying until I've replied to what he said.
That means I have no idea what I reply to.
We also noticed that quests that can't be solved. (Like Kitty Lover since I killed the cat) is still in the Quest list. Maybe you can tell the cat inside the pub that she's dead, but I think I checked it.
Joined: Apr 2014
If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to scroll through dialogue to see the conversation log, but that might just be with NPCs. I haven't played co-op since the Alpha though, so I could be wrong.
I remember that there was a bug where I could never see the final response in a co-op conversation because it ended before I could read it.
Last edited by Hurix; 21/04/14 12:50 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to scroll through dialogue to see the conversation log, but that might just be with NPCs. I haven't played co-op since the Alpha though, so I could be wrong. You are wrong. You can't see any dialogue initiated by your co-op partner in the conversation log. You have to be watching the floating text, and even there, I think you only see what the NPC says and not what your co-op partner says. It feels pretty incomplete in co-op at the moment.
Joined: Apr 2013
I remember that there was a bug where I could never see the final response in a co-op conversation because it ended before I could read it.
That's still in there + what Windemere said. Btw CO-OP players are not able to "trade" companions between eachother. My friend accidently got a companion and he wanted me to steer the companion. However we wern't able to connect the champion to my portrait.
Last edited by Davisx3m; 21/04/14 02:21 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
A bug encountered while playing co-op, which I think has been mentioned before but I will repeat here:
My partner and I each picked up a companion. I was hosting the game, and she had joined. She had picked up Jahan originally, but at some point, he got connected to me instead. I dismissed him so that we could pick him back up and he said that he would be waiting amongst the imps. We returned to the homestead to pick him back up, but could not find him anywhere. So it seems like two issues: First, he should never have become connected to me, and second, we could not find him after dismissing him.
Also encountering more crashes in co-op. Just had one happen where I was trading with a vendor and my partner tried to give me gold while I was still trading and it crashed the game.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
Okay, so now when reloading, I ended up with control over her character and she had control over mine. Seems like things get more confused with each reload. I think we'll table our co-op sessions for now until after the next update. 
Joined: Jan 2009
Once in co-op after both my characters died and just the other guys were left (Jahan and Scarlett), my partner summoned an Ice Elemental, and after that I inexplicably got control over Scarlett, leaving him just with Jahan. That was strange.
Joined: Apr 2014
Companion control in co-op being bugged is a known issue and one that is going to be addressed (hopefully in this week's patch...cross your fingers).
For right now though, the only way to have the 2nd player control companions is to have him/her directly hire them. If a companion is already in the party, you have to dismiss them and then have the 2nd player hire them back. And once you reload the game, control of companions will go back to the host, so you have to do this whole song and dance again.
...Yeah, it's messed up.
Joined: Mar 2003
Dismissed companions go to the Hall of Heroes. Did you have that area opened up yet?
If the host has a companion selected as lead when saving the game, reloading can swap main characters. You can swap back by having the person who joined leave the game, give the host enough time to select the main character they want to play, and then re-join.
old hand
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Joined: Dec 2013
Ah, okay, good tip. I guess I don't have the Hall of Heroes unlocked yet. What's required for that?
Joined: Mar 2003
The second star stone you interact with will open the teleporter to the Hall of Heroes (in the main room it is the one left of the observatory teleporter).
Joined: Apr 2014
An annoying bug that I've had in the past while playing Co-op with a friend is that when any of your characters get successfully charmed by am enemy, as soon as the debuff ends, control of the character is given to the host of the game (me in this case). Initially, I had control of Roderick and Madora, and my friend had Scarlett and Jahan. By the end of the fight, I had control of every character and my friend just had to sit and watch.
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Joined: Dec 2013
The second star stone you interact with will open the teleporter to the Hall of Heroes (in the main room it is the one left of the observatory teleporter).
Odd ... I'm far enough along that Evelyn is gone and I did the quest where you have to choose between the two guys needing healing. If I understand correctly, that is the other place to interact with the second stone (besides the murder scene). Either something is bugged, or they make it pretty easy for you to end up not being able to get a companion back after dismissing one. It seems rather bad design that you can easily pickup a companion, but if for some reason if you dismiss one, you could be locked out from getting the person back. Seems like they should return to an area that only needed to be unlocked as far as when you picked them up. *shrug* Needlessly frustrating.
Joined: Mar 2003
So you did the quest at the clinic and visited the murder scene, but the Hall of Heroes is not open? There are more star stones to find, but those are the easiest and fastest to get to.
If you dismiss a companion after getting access to the homestead but before opening the Hall of Heroes, you can get them back after doing so. The homestead was just changed a fair bit from the alpha, and everything isn't implemented yet.
Joined: Apr 2013
Okay.... We just saved a game when we had 2 companions, when we loaded I was playing my friends champion and he was playing one of the companions...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
So you did the quest at the clinic and visited the murder scene, but the Hall of Heroes is not open? There are more star stones to find, but those are the easiest and fastest to get to.
Joined: Apr 2013
We solved the problem by loading the game in Single Player, my friend then picked his main character and saved again, then we started a mp game and loaded that game and then we were back as our normal characters.
Joined: Mar 2003
Did you get a reaction from the star stones both times? If you buy / pickpocket the one at the clinic, you would need a companion to use it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
Did you get a reaction from the star stones both times? If you buy / pickpocket the one at the clinic, you would need a companion to use it. Honestly, it's been too long and my memories are clouded with other playthroughs to remember precisely. I suppose one of the drawbacks to playing since the alpha is I tend to go quickly over the first parts with which I'm familiar and could have missed a slight change to the quest line. Regardless, I do think a better solution would be to have the companions return to the place where you picked them until the Hall of Heroes is unlocked. After all, how did they get there if the teleporter supposedly doesn't work yet?
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, certainly. I was focusing on the Hall of Heroes not being open because that could have been an additional bug/glitch.