Hi everybody,
Here is the changelist for version 1.1.28 now available on
Steam Early Access • Complete overhaul of loot generation matrix. Expect much cooler treasure.
• Added 135 music tracks, including some all-time favourites from previous Divinity games
• Added a new “Way of the Rogue” ability and a variety of new Rogue skills
• Full overhaul of your Homestead at the End of Time
• You can create different user profiles, so your little brother or sister can play, too.
• Difficulty settings have been added, so players can pick which sort of experience they prefer.
• Added formations, both in turn-based combat and in real-time, for optimal tactical positioning
• All players playing Divinity: Original Sin can now chat with each other, making it easier to form multiplayer groups within the community.
• Added an “Illusionist Mirror” through which you can change your player’s looks in-game
• Replaced “repair” with “blacksmithing” and charm/intimidate/reason abilities by “charisma”
• Amended stats of “Way of the Ranger” skill
• Skill stats now level up with the characters, e.g. a level 1 flare is still useful at level 15.
• Added plenty of new skill visual effects
• Skills now have certain requirements. You can still learn a skill by boosting the relevant ability artificially, but once you lose the boost, you won’t be able to use the skill anymore.
• Full overhaul of all lighting, shading, and zoom. Get up close and personal!
• You can now give commands to each party member independently. Commands will be executed even if you’re focused on another party member.
• Party members avoid traps. Traps can be disarmed with disarm trap kits (an alternative solution to blowing up the trap, which may destroy neighboring objects).
• Journal now tracks the recipes you’ve learned.
• You can switch between party members while trading.
• There is now an interface to assign companions to other players in multiplayer.
• Several stability and performance fixes were made, in addition to loads of bug fixes. Most of the remaining networking issues should be solved now, too.
Of course there's much more than that. As a matter of fact, here are over 300 extra changes

-Added global chat functionality
-Fixed crash when resizing window during loading
-Fixed kick button
-Fixed crash for missing material
-Fix for tooltips not updating when chaning skillset and it's not your turn in combat
-Fixed crash when getting net events before initializing UI
-Adjusted join ally in combat rule
-UI positions are saved now
-Removed requirements on scrolls
-Fixed talents which were broken after a save/load
-You don't get XP anymore when dead
-Fix for pickpocket checks
-Characters will not get stuck anymore if steering fails
-Made lava more intense
-Added auto-revert message box to display settings
-Added tooltips to keybindings
-Location markers are not shown outside of your region
-Offstage items don't get damage anymore
-Party member icons are not shown outside of your region
-Added feedback when container is in use
-Split by shift-click on item
-Fixed scale on attachments
-RPS is playable in single player now
-Fix itemownership for items within container / offender during item transfer from char to char is now the mover and not the receiver.
-Make inventory switches in the correct order as arranged in the UI portraits
- Summons can't flee anymore
-Added combat formations
-Added respec functionality
-Only show tooltips for items within sight
-Added movement interrupts to scripts
-Added multiple damage types to weapons
-Added unbreakable flag to items
-You cannot attack-spam an item anymore
-Fixed fast click-release movement problem
-Auto identify npc's own equipment/initial inventory
-Changed repair, lockpicking and identify formulas
-Added attribute requirements to item combos
-Added difficulty setting
-Enable/disable player light from atmosphere settings
-Added non-blocking autosave
-Fixed moving camera after a dialog started
-Fixed skipping in RPS gameplay
-Fixed a lot of sheat/unsheat problems
-Hide outlines when dragging combinable item over other item
-Show outlines aswell for items which are only moveable
-Show sparkle effect when creating new item
-Default input lock UI chat/combat
-Fixed dialog block when sitting and getting in dialog in same frame
-Drag has highlighted preview & icon now
-Status charm save-load fixes/ general AssignCharacter fixes
-Made serialization for LobbyInfo platform independent
-Animation set fix when equipment fails to equip (animation set will not swap when a weapon fails to equip)
-Real-time movement happens in formation now
-Trap Avoidance for party members & Improved smoothing
-Fixed characters not following after character creation
-Adding journal recipes to the journal
-Added user profiles
-Added no shadow graphic setting
-Added "two handed" info to weapon tooltip
-Fixed steering overshoot problems
-Fixed Endturn bug when 0 recover AP
-Fixed boneindex for effect text key events
-Added charisma XP
-Worlddrag from containers improvements
-Change FxLight radius with effect scale
-Added Gamma to graphic options
-NPCs are no longer targetable with teleport spell
-After dismissing henchmen, statusses are removed
-Allow switching between players in trade window
-Rain will form water around target now
-Added option to set XP gain in journal xls
-Summons are not controllable outside of combat now
-Fire on ice surface becomes water now, instead of fire
-Trade UI is not closed automatically after successfull trade
-Adjust HP and AP when max changes
-Added seperate bar for shields in HP bar
-Characters will run in formation now in real-time mode
-Fix crash when combining in a container
-Combines are no longer instant when done in a Container or Equipment
-Value based on max durability AND current durability
-fixed camera target height
-tilt camera when zooming
-fixed bad DOF
-fixed targetting characters outside target radius but with bounds in target radius
-Wet material will fade away now
-Do not generate treasure if item cannot be opened
-Added character assignment UI
-Player/Character assigment is saved now and restored after a load-game
-Character can execute tasks now when not selected.
-Changed hits and armor absorption for melee hits
-Characters will follow again after sneaking
-Better distinction between characters from client or local
-Fixed unload performance, animations were reloaded at unload
-Added recipes to journal
-Fixed sheath/unsheat problems when sitting
-Added dagger skill requirements
-Unnecessary talents for companions are hidden now
-Fixed follow fallback for players/companions
-Added correct effects to Traits
-Added Way of the Rogue ability
-More then one dialog can be active now in singleplayer
-Changes to Way of the Ranger
-Item visuals are always visible now
-Fixed issue with attack of opportunity for Infernal skeleton
-Fixed music after save/load
-Fixed issue with camera not always focussing on the target character
-Fixed crafting bug where you can combine an item with itself
-UI overhead texts are correctly culled now
-Fixed lockpick issue with lockpick level 0
-Stench and MrKnowItAll talents no longer affect your party members
-Added effect when crafting items in the world
-Fixes for "non reachable" items + added correct feedback
-Added disarm trap functionality
-Fixed leak for sounds in effects, resulting in sound dropping out after a while
-Several stability and performance fixes
-Fixed the autosave at the first zixzax stonezap encounter in the
inn is broken --script is lost
-Fixed cyseal -blocker in zombie evelynn quest --when you kill
evelynn and then go to her lair
-Fixed Stunned once in an electrified pool -> stunned forever due to
bad rolls?
-Fixed Homestead: if ice theme is picked, can not 'Return to central
room' from observatory
-Fixed Was in dialog with companion -> NPC which triggers a dialog
passes and the dialog gets stuck
-Fixed Game gets blocked if you kill Evelyn & then talk to Jahan about
it, while combat is not finished yet
-Fixed cyseal -henchman cant be put in jail -game blocked
-Fixed Multiplayer: Issue with NPC's getting "stuck" when player 1
talks to them & player 2 attacks them
-Fixed Can get stuck in Homestead when 1 of your characters is dead
& you don't have a rez scroll
-Fixed cyseal -you go into combat with the indesctructible orc and
junius and bibius before you arrive at the ship
-Fixed NPC's that have "trigger" dialog cause a block in dialog when
player is chatting with other NPC
-Fixed Waitress in Cyseal Inn does not have a leave option in dialog
-Fixed Bug with going into combat in Cyseal and then leaving it by
complying to the guard's command
-Fixed Jake's dog is not sniffing out the culprit for me, smelly
items do not change his dialog
-Fixed You can go to homestead without ever activating a Waypoint
and then you're stuck
-Fixed Evelyn dialog is blocked if you kill Braccus/Thelyron for
Braccus' Quest & then return to her
-Fixed You can select a henchman and run around in the world with
it, ignoring player triggers
-Fixed Stuck in dialog loop with Thelyron inside the burial grounds
-Fixed After Braccus Rex gets summoned, nothing happens
-Fixed Thelyron bossfight at burial grounds: he is unkillable
[NPC Behavior] After getting caught stealing for the 2nd time, the
guards try to hit you and your character is blocked
-Fixed Killed NPC's at the market -> fish thief dialog pops up after
he is dead -> game crash
-Fixed RootTemplate Animals_BurrowedCrab_A remove skill
[Programming] Game crashes when trying to turn in the "Samson" quest
with Desdemona (Black Cove)
-Fixed Zombie Jake can die in the Evelyn fight because of burning to
deah (surface for example), this causes issues in story dialog
-Fixed Quest doesn't update after defeating robot in North cave.
-Fixed Cyseal tunnel: clicking on rubble by graveyard entrance
teleports to hatch that leads to Forgotten Crypt
-Fixed Homestead Waypoint shrine doesn't work, can't receive
teleporter pyramids
-Fixed Nearly no difference between legendary and rare items
-Fixed Double explosion when teleporting an enemy that explodes on death
-Fixed Cyseal: Arhu Robot Cave fight -if you attack skeletons out
of range of the combat trigger, the humans go hostile against you
-Fixed Undead Executioner cant walk through the door, just ends turn
-Fixed combat -braccus is running back and forth the entire time
-Fixed Can clip through the table slab at the church (Cyseal)
-Fixed Skeleton King did not attack after running away from fight
with just him remaining
-Fixed Can't enter rank tunnel backward direction
-Fixed If you attack Arhu in catform, you go into combat and then it
instantly breaks
-Fixed Pontius Pirate quest. Cannot remove the skull from the stairs
-Fixed Enemies that move around but belong to a part of an
encounter, will still be in combat with you even if far away
-Fixed you can buy quest related items and keys
-Fixed Undertakers hut: putting a barrel on the grate does not stop
the water from reappearing
-Fixed Murphy (Jake's dog) dies after 2 poison ticks from the zombie
that spawns next to it
-Fixed 'CIR' (dialog) gameplay seems to not be working
correctly/balanced yet
-Fixed CIR -cyseal -church entrance dialog has 2 options that work
as a lvl 1 ranger
-Before and/or in the Black Cove: Immaculates among the orcs
-Fixed Companion dialog exclamation mark does not get removed when
companion dies in combat with player
-Fixed Inventory from vendors change if you talk to them with player
-Fixed if you kill zombie jake in evelyn's fight, and then resurrect
him you cannot talk to him anymore
-Fixed cyseal -when you meet evelynn in the lair, you can still
talk to her about the healing stone -normal dialog
-Fixed If you loot the torture manual from the Ratcatcher after you
kill, the "stealing" party dialog pops up
-Every object should highlight even if the only thing you can do is move it
-Boat has been made to burn correctly, all water related magic should
extinguish the fire
-Barrel weight adjustment
-Crafting Tutorial Message added to the tutorial dungeon
-Timing of the burning ship has been adjusted so it doesn't burn up
before you get to it
-Broom near the city entrance removed, it caused pathfinding issues on
-Portraits in the city have been tagged with ownership
-Added food to the vendors in Cyseal
-Candles couldn't be lit correctly anymore, now they are fixed
-Fixed Not all dialogue is showing up in the chat box (Ishamashell's dialogue,
for example).
-Murphy has been tweaked to join combat, the oozing zombie that killed
-Murphy with his acid blood has been replaced by a non oozing skeleton
-All gold transactions are correct now, you give somebody 200 gold and
kill him, he will drop the gold
-All weather effects have gameplay consequences now
-Fixed Soldiers say “welcome back, Source Hunter”, even if you haven’t actually
taken a step out of the gate.
-Fixed Two treasure chests near the waterfall have beem foxed so you can
interact with them
-Fixed Evelyn's "Smelly Scarf" is considered a 'belt' item.
-Recipe tab added to journal for recipe books
-Shallow stream not cross-able situation fixed
-Phoenix Dive skill book has fire icon rather than warrior.
-If Roberts is arrested, they go down the stairs now.
-Fixed the Young Orc Ranger who couldn't attack melee? It keeps walking
to my players and then stands there until turn is over (same for the
Ranger against the pirates).
-Fixed There's a Leratt (Rat) at the Dragon Corpse, but he cannot be selected
at all!
-Waypoints renamed
-Fixed Arhu; "What can we do about the undead" should be gone finishing "The
skeleton king's summoner" quest.
-Fixed In burning forrest x 351, y 350 the character has to move around a
blocking something which can't be seen -you see normal ground
-Fixed Treasure maps; I unlocks V, II unlocks VI, V unlocks I and VI unlocks II. III and IV work as intended. Also perception fixed.
-Moved yellow necklace rat
-Fixed Orcs vs Skeletons fight in the Black Cove starts correctly now and can't be triggered from the side.
-Added weapons merchant to compensate for Esmeralda, top floor cooks' house
Created extra Rogue Skills:
- FastTrack
- Lacerate
- Trip
- RazorsEdge
- CharmingTouch
- EyeGouge
- SelfMedicate
- PreciseIncision
- CloakAndDagger
- DaggersDrawn
- Wind Up Toy
Rogue skillbooks, require way of the rogue
Rogue skills in Cyseal are sold by the woman that sells Witchcraft
skillbooks too (Shereth)
Daggers now cost 3 AP (if you have way of rogue, daggers cost 2 AP)
Changed Rogue preset char and Shadowblade preset char
Revised skill leveling system:
- skill damage auto-levels with the caster instead of staying on skill level
- cooldown, action points and damage get bonuses from INT and from ability
- damage and AP cost get a penalty if your INT is not high enough, but
you'll still be able to cast it, even though AP cost may be so high it
requires you to skip a turn
- this means that a lot of skills (if not ALL of them) have been re-balanced
- tooltips have been improved
- removed winterbreathmedium (not needed anymore)
- removed flaremedium (not needed anymore)
- targeted perception boost now gives 2 PER
- fixed shields
- fixed tooltips
- made several skill balancing changes
- Removed "FireballMedium" from treasure and traders, has become
unnecessary copy
- Removed "Heal_Regenerate" from treasure and traders, has become
unnecessary copy
- Blink skill should not give CON and vitality boost
- Several balancing changes to skills
- Several tooltip fixes for skills
-All skills should now have a scroll and a skillbook, some were still missing
-Added Air Specialisation to Jahan's profile because he was missing one ability point
-New level distribution for Cyseal combat
-Updated and fixed experience gain of quests
-Added reputation to some quests
-Planted some shrooms and herbs in Cyseal
-Cyseal now contains more hidden treasures
-Certain potions just require an empty vial and not a healing potion anymore
-Rings and amulets will now drop from treasures
-Staffs do more damage
-Treasure tweaks
-Defined more magical boosts
-Specific armour types will receive more specific boosts
-New magical generation system
-Armour rating of armour has been tweaked so that metal armour has the best rating, and everything else is a bit inferior. This will make it so that the warrior/tank types will absorb more and leather/cloth wearing types will take more of a beating, so keep them well protected
-Potions now cost 3 AP to use
-Fixed and balanced the boosts of the crafted items
-Archers now pick targets better
-Fixed issues with defaultchar target selection
-Splitting arrow skill is a high level skill now, so that ranger has progress in what he learns instead of learning the best skill first
-Starting skill of ranger is now Ricochet
-Changed levels and requirements of Ricochet, Splitting Arrow and Multishot
-Fixed orc shaman on far beach
-Carpets cannot be moved
-Charm, Intimidate, Reason is no longer a stat so you can't make potions for them
-Removed health potions in Black Cove that were just there for decoration
-Changed recipe books to reflect the itemcombo changes now that there are no c/i/r potions anymore
-Requirements for talents
-Scrolls for warrior and ranger skills will never drop from treasure
-Ricochet will only target enemies
-Fixed names of skillbooks so that they reflect name of skill
-Fixed name of charm scroll (said it was a skillbook)
-Orc near Black cove entrance shouldnt kill you at once
-Crossbow re-balance (OP)
-Linebreaks in char preset descriptions
-Chars will not force end turn anymore in a cloud
-Skills now have requirements when you cast them (so if you learn a skill while you have a magic boost on its requirement, and that magic boost is gone, you cannot cast it anymore)
-Hasted boosts movement and gives more AP
-Fix: Cathedral cultists had wrong resistances
-Fixed Mage Skeletons in Cyseal, they were too dumb and too easy
-Removed Pitchfork description
-Gave high level creatures more armour
-Gave high level creatures more resistances, where it makes sense of course
-Whetstones now work on daggers and knives too
-Using knife or dagger on a tooth now creates a stunning arrowhead
-As charm/intimidate/reason potions don't exist anymore, a charming arrowhead is now made with Drudanae
-Using a normal arrowhead on an arrow shaft creates a normal arrow which is basically useless. The descriptions of normal arrowhead, arrow shaft and normal arrow now tell you what to do with them so you don't create a useless arrow
-Added arrows and arrowheads to the treasure table that weren't there yet
-Added arrowhead combos that were not in combolist yet
-Fixed minimum level of scrolls so that you wouldn't always find just scrolls in low level containers
-Arrow shafts should not be so hard to find anymore
-Added arrow ingredients to random loot
-Fixed level of Blank Skillbooks and Blank Scrolls