I think the graphics look great for the type of game this is, and I also enjoy using the zoom option.
And which monitor, resolution and settings do you use?
As I said I play with a 27" monitor, 1080p and all settings maxed-out.
That statement of yours doesn't really add anything to the topic since I don't have any problems with the overall graphics of the game. There are just SOME elements of it that annoy me (with the low res UI and portrait resolution being the biggeest complaint).
I feel like you're not considering the key part of my statement, which was
"for the type of game this is". If you've seen some games like Divinity : OS that you feel are sporting superior graphics (you mentioned your disappointment with textures and character models in particular), I'd be interested in hearing some examples so I can check them out.
I'm also fairly confident the developers at Larian know precisely how the game looks on larger displays, as we've seen the game being demonstrated on them during a number of their update videos.
I can't speak for how they look to you (although obviously you've made your impression clear in this thread), only how I feel about them. I've played it on a number of displays, ranging from 20 to 32 inch and I like what I see. (shrug) I don't need CryEngine detail in my Divinity : OS style games, though.
I also enjoy using the zoom option and (combined with the fact that I like what I see) I strongly disagree with your recommendation to remove it.