Joined: Apr 2014
The beta is coming to a close. Until we see further changes to the skill system and balancing in the upcoming patch, there's not much to say that hasn't already been said. Let's put aside all the arguments for a moment.
So, out of curiosity, what have been your favorite moments in the beta?
NOT things like "the dialogues" or "pet pal", but specific moments you found memorable.
In no particular order, here are some of mine: - Disguising myself as a bush to sneak up to enemies (indoors). - Chasing the jumping chest around the forest. - The notion that I continued pulling lever after lever after lever in the Black Cove, despite the fact that each one had a negative outcome. - On my first playthrough, finding the mortician's diary and realizing I could go dig up Jake's grave. - Arhu slapping me across the face 20 times when I tried to read his book. - Playing a game of rock paper scissors to settle a debate about whether or not a chicken has the right to live.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
Lots of things.
- Seeing the soldiers of the Burning Horde run to the fire on the burning ground and sucking it up, as a way to heal themselves, which smothers or removes the flames in that small area.
- Then, yesterday... i finally tried loosing the dialogue with the guardians at the entrance to the church. I thought trying it out before, but i figured the result would surely not be what i would want it to be.
I thought, nah... no way they did that. I will just get disappointed... That would be like someone knew exactly what i want. And i dont get my wishes to come true in most o the games. Yesterday i finally tried and managed, after several attempts, to fail the RPS.
And then it turned out that the consequence is exactly what i thought it should be - all that time!
and i was like... ooohh! wow! look at that! They really did it! Wooww!
would you look at that... this is so cool! Oh man, that looks so awesome...
err, could we talk this ove -
Ouch! OW! Argh! Shit! SHIiiiiiiiittTTT! Run away! Run aw -....
And it was great.
Joined: May 2014
My favorite moment is the first time i fired it up and realized its a great game and not a let down.
Joined: Jan 2009
Hmmm... - Controlling my wolf summon in real time, while I was in the King Crab, and sending it outside to rip out the throat of the Fabulous Five Recruiter. - Main quest spoilers: Finding Thelyron's diary, going back to town to confront him, finding his place empty, seeing that the rear door was open, going out back... ...and seeing that grave for the very first time. Then deciding that must have been a new thing, and the clue to follow must be inside that grave, so I took my shovel... - Main quest spoilers: Figuring out that Jake's tale of his own murder was a pack of lies - even before the beta. Just figuring it out from listening to the testimony of Arhu, Wilbur, and the Waitress, and then realizing that while those stories were consistent, Jake's story was not. - Every time I get party wiped, and then come back again and crush the encounter without casualties. - Beating the Baron of Bones fight in co-op, even forgetting that my partner had "Destroy Summon", and even after a glitch which randomly teleported my Healer Jahan across the map, and forgetting I could have brought him back with a pyramid.
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Joined: Dec 2012
One detail which hugely impressed me.
During one fight my mage set one zombie on fire so that it was burning. Then, in the next turn, my archer shot the burning zombie - the zombie spilled some poison, which as the zombie was burning, exploded. And... guess what?... this exploding poison cloud set one skeleton on fire which was standing right next to the zombie!
That is one of my most memorable moments in the game so far!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
Seeing how Ai works in the new improved Baron of Bones fight - after beating it without much effort in previous version mostly due to too simple Ai.
Seeing the new improved Evelyn fight for the first time. (that whole area is much better now)
Finally seeing the conclusion to the murder quest as it should be, in proper ordr. (previously i would always break it by going to discover dr Thelyron hidden hut which would mess up the main plot completely)
Stealing Aureus diary and reading it. :P That is some good writing there... haha.
Everytime i use the teleport spell to bring one of those archers or mages for a frank eye to eye exchange of opinions. Or drop them somewhere or onto something nice.
Joined: Mar 2004
Sneaking with my ranger to a field full of explodoskeletons and their master. Once I de-cloak the bombers rush my ranger and I use his jump out of danger feature and then fire one fire arrow at the middle of the horde. The resulting explosion raises my whole party two levels of experience  I spend the next 5 minutes raining on the whole area to gather loot!
Joined: Apr 2013
My favorite moment is the first time i fired it up and realized its a great game and not a let down. ^ this. The game totally blew my mind far beyond what I had expected. Think my true favorite part of beta was when the new hairstyles came in <3 still love the graphic artist or team who did those.
Joined: Jan 2014
Running into a puzzle I had to think about a moment. Always enjoyable (and unfortunately rare in modern gaming). Edit: Wait, that's my second favorite. My favorite will always be the little tune that plays at the start of each video update. 
Last edited by Gyson; 28/05/14 05:30 PM.
Joined: Jan 2009
Running into a puzzle I had to think about a moment. Always enjoyable (and unfortunately rare in modern gaming). Oh right, that reminds me: - Figuring out the early version of the Burial Mounds puzzle by myself, before it was nerfed into walkthrough mode. I had to use a pencil and paper and experiment!
Joined: Jan 2014
Running into a puzzle I had to think about a moment. Always enjoyable (and unfortunately rare in modern gaming). Oh right, that reminds me: - Figuring out the early version of the Burial Mounds puzzle by myself, before it was nerfed into walkthrough mode. I had to use a pencil and paper and experiment! I haven't run through that puzzle in a long time. Was it eventually nerfed? Argh.. why?
Joined: May 2014
Sneaking with my ranger to a field full of explodoskeletons and their master. Once I de-cloak the bombers rush my ranger and I use his jump out of danger feature and then fire one fire arrow at the middle of the horde. The resulting explosion raises my whole party two levels of experience  I spend the next 5 minutes raining on the whole area to gather loot! Nice
Joined: Jan 2012
My favourite moment? Having a peek at Silverglenn and beyond of course!
Joined: Mar 2004
Okay, I've found a new fun trick. When visiting a certain dark cove area, there is a mutant creature that blocks access to a necessary room. Above that mutie is a trapped room that if you don't guess the answer gets very explosive. It is very fun to sneak up to the trap room, decloak so that you're in combat with mutie, then step on the trap trigger. Once you escape the trap with a teleport spell or other means, mutie gets blown to smithereens by the trap  Fun!!!!! Of course, now that I've explained how to do this, Larian will nerf it some way just like they did with the explodo dudes. IIRC, the skellies don't populate till you talk to their master now. In the old beta, they were there just waiting to blow up.
Last edited by crpgnut; 05/06/14 01:53 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
You can actually go into that room, seeing where the plate and traps are with enough perception, and disable it before the... bhhgrr garr guy shows up. and take the loot and walk out. It would be nice if we could just set thsoe few traps inside and have him run into them himself.
Joined: Jun 2014
Throwing a crate on top of a mine so it would explode only to die of the poison that came from the grate under the crate ;p. Did not see that one coming. Actually a clever trap.
Joined: Apr 2014
Seeing how Ai works in the new improved Baron of Bones fight - after beating it without much effort in previous version mostly due to too simple Ai.
Holy moly I was surprised by that fight. After steamrolling it twice on hard, the third time with the AI update they spanked my buttocks. Had to reload and actually plan the fight out, and it was close all the way through. Never had that happen before.