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#499103 11/06/14 03:39 PM
Joined: Jun 2014
Beyond Offline OP
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This is just a stream of ideas and issues that I've had during gameplay that I thought I should finally get on paper.

Some of them may be duplicates, and some of them probably aren't going to make launch, but I believe it's best to write everything down and let the big guys decide.

  • exclamation Main menu - sometimes first click (when entering the game) doesn't work - need to click twice.
  • exclamation When trying to drag Iron Ore onto Furnace without Crafting skill I just see an error like "Not enough space" or "Path blocked" or something like that. Should read more relevant.
  • idea Profiles - Double click on profile name should switch
  • idea Character Creation - Click and Hold to rotate characters
  • idea Character Creation - Random character names generation
  • idea Character Creation - Portrait according to character (or at least some distinction like hair color)
  • idea When Inventory screen is open - clicking on another portrait should switch to their respective inventory (IMO)
  • idea Inventory - in item's context menu, add an option to "Mark for sell" or "Junk", and then have a "Junk" tab at barter dialogs.
  • exclamation When switching between characters in the Barter screen, the "compare to equipped tip" still references the original character that initiated the dialog.
  • idea When in Dialog and have the option to choose between Intimidate, Charm or Reason - would be very helpful to have any indication as to my character's levels at those.
  • idea The RPS thing... I'm sure there's been a lot of talk about it, I couldn't find any reason why it's a good game mechanics. It feels random and no matter how many points I put in Charisma I can lose very easily and it's all (relatively) based on luck. Could be that I just suck bad at RPS, but it's very frustrating to know no matter how much charismatic my character is - it all boils down to the computer "anticipating" my moves.
  • exclamation Speaking about the RPS - I have a character with Politician (+2 Charisma) which doesn't affect the arguments at all. I just get the default 3 points in every argument it seems.
  • idea Lockpicking - add an indication to what levels I can pick. Currently I have no idea what's the range, what are the chances to succeed, etc. And each time I'm trying a door that's above my skill level my lockpick is ruined.
  • exclamation Opening the inventory with Char 1, then clicking the arrow to switch to Char 2, then pressing I again sometimes causes 2 inventory screens one atop the other.
  • exclamation Why isn't Dust stackable? Bone Dust, Stardust, Pixie Dust are the ones I have filling my inventory.
  • exclamation Exploration dialog - "You're recieved a rune stone that allows you to quick travel.Use..." - there's no space between the two sentences.
  • Summon Fire Elemental - I think the cooldown is way too short (currently 4 turns) - should be more like 6. It feels very overpowered.

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Some good ones. Also there needs to be a "search item by type".

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Beyond Offline OP
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Search by type could be great, yeah. Another suggestion, though probably more complicated at this stage, is "marking" items. For example marking all scrolls, arrows and potions with a Star, then filtering by Stars, to show all combat-items.

Adding another one here so to not open an entire new thread for one small suggestion - make barter window identical to inventory one. It's always an issue (to me, at least) organising your inventory properly. But then after I do, and I go to sell some stuff, everything's all over the place and unrelated to how I ordered it.

I find myself opening my inventory, taking mental notes on which stuff to sell, then quickly begin bartering and sell the stuff before I forget.

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The biggest annoyance with the sort options is that they only apply to your current inventory. If I sort by "Latest Added", it works, but if I then go and pick up a few more things, they get added to the end of the list. It's a small thing, but I'd prefer it to work so that if your current inventory is set to "Latest Added", for instance, any new things you pick up get added to the front of the list automatically, instead of making you re-do the sort each time.

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Beyond Offline OP
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Absolutely, I think the "Latest Added" was the only type of display for the inventory I was interested in - and then was the new items were added at the end I cried that I ruined my original sorting (I thought it was a toggle option) and canceled it. I wonder if anyone even uses the sorting option.

Now I just leave two empty rows at the top of my inventory, so I can easily find new items.

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Joined: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by Beyond
[*] idea When Inventory screen is open - clicking on another portrait should switch to their respective inventory (IMO)
[*] idea Inventory - in item's context menu, add an option to "Mark for sell" or "Junk", and then have a "Junk" tab at barter dialogs.
[*] exclamation Why isn't Dust stackable? Bone Dust, Stardust, Pixie Dust are the ones I have filling my inventory.

Originally Posted by Beyond
...make barter window identical to inventory one.

Originally Posted by ZoddGuts
Also there needs to be a "search item by type".

Yep, we've been posting about these issues for a while now in the "Beta UI Wishlist" thread. I'm still hoping all of the above (and several more requests in the other thread) will be fixed by June 30... probably won't happen, but Larian's surprised us before.

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old hand
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Originally Posted by Stabbey
The biggest annoyance with the sort options is that they only apply to your current inventory. If I sort by "Latest Added", it works, but if I then go and pick up a few more things, they get added to the end of the list. It's a small thing, but I'd prefer it to work so that if your current inventory is set to "Latest Added", for instance, any new things you pick up get added to the front of the list automatically, instead of making you re-do the sort each time.

This, I'd love "By Type Sort", but I'd settle for every time I open Inventory it auto-sorts by my last sort choice.

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Another "feature request" - is it possible to add some kind of recipe UI, some way to remember everything I've found out?
I keep discovering new X on Y to get Z and keep forgetting them again and again.

I think that ideally when hovering over each item, I'd see what I "discovered" about it. For example, when I put my cursor over Pillow I'd see "+ Knife = Feather".

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I and others have also posted before to request "X+Y=Z"-style crafting notes in the journal and the crafting menu itself - at least for those recipes the player has already successfully crafted. Here's hoping.

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I use the latest added feature to find things I need to identify and books I haven't read. Speaking of which, a visual indicator on readable items that I haven't read yet would be great. Also, the ability to close books from the keyboard, like the space button works on lootable containers.

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Beyond Offline OP
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Oh yeah I KEEP trying to use Esc to end dialogs and close books.

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