Joined: Jul 2013
Just wondering if anyone knows. A) What personality types are still to come B) What is the estimate for release
Even without personalities it's still a very fun game but I don't want to get too deep into it yet as I'm waiting for a good personality for my second character. Thank you.
Joined: Jul 2014
Any update on this? Game looks great, but I'm waiting to start until other personalities are added.
Joined: Jun 2014
Yeah, if they only announced something like "You most certainly shouldn't expect new AI in the two weeks" or something like that. This "soon" is extremely confusing.
Joined: Mar 2013
I'd like to have more detailed info on this also...
Joined: Jun 2014
We should write some petition about that information  Dear Larian, it's not that we're demanding anything or rushing you, the game is entirely enjoyable so far, but it's hard to play it with peaceful mind when there is a risk that you would add these AI options in a week or sth like that. Unfortunately these personalities would be too huge feature in terms of gameplay, many of us (non-coop players) would have to restart the game after many many hours of adventure.
Joined: Jul 2014
Any update would be greatly appreciated. While people are comparing the game to Baldur's Gate (IGN), could you imagine having to select all your companions responses or if none of your companions had a personality (and no, the current "personalities" are no personalities at all)?. The greatest part of the game was the party interaction and the character development between characters. As is, we don't have that for the single player experience - quite possibly the most important part of the experience. So please, an ETA for the personalities is greatly appreciated for those of us who backed the game and want to enjoy the true single player experience.
Joined: Jun 2014
Add to that that each companion should have his personalized soundset 
Joined: Mar 2013
Any update would be greatly appreciated. While people are comparing the game to Baldur's Gate (IGN), could you imagine having to select all your companions responses or if none of your companions had a personality (and no, the current "personalities" are no personalities at all)?. The greatest part of the game was the party interaction and the character development between characters. As is, we don't have that for the single player experience - quite possibly the most important part of the experience. So please, an ETA for the personalities is greatly appreciated for those of us who backed the game and want to enjoy the true single player experience. Signed! 
Joined: Nov 2010
From the last patch update: Companion AI is on its way. I have good hopes it'll be there next week!
Joined: Mar 2013
Joined: Jun 2014
Oh God, that's the best information I could ever hear after Germany win (go Belgium !!!) It was worth to wait with this game. Larian, your working pace is unbelievable, Obisidian should learn from your in terms of PoE 
Joined: Jul 2014
Joined: Jul 2014
Joined: Jun 2014
It's Monday  They've said next week so I'd interpret it as the end of the week or maybe even the next Monday. Anyway, I'm waiting like hell. Any news about this matter, it's gonna be here, no need to spam this thread further with questions "when" http://steamcommunity.com/games/230230/announcements
Last edited by droovihn23; 07/07/14 06:25 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
Next week btw we'll be bringing you extra AI personalities together with a number of improvements based on your feedback.
http://steamcommunity.com/games/230230/announcements/detail/250264574039813290I wonder how many of them, and what they're gonna look like. If it's gonna be typical romantic/pragmatic, etc or something more ambiguous.
Last edited by droovihn23; 11/07/14 04:14 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
PCG: What kind of things are you looking at in the big update?
Vincke: We basically have two types of things. We're doing hotfixes where we see problems that we can fix right away for people, and then the patch will contain some extra content. Balancing fixes. We'll introduce the AI personalities葉hat was one feature that didn't make it fully for release. [Right now] you only have no personality or random personality, which is rather clunky to play with, or the loyal personality which basically does everything you do. We will add five or six AI personalities, and they have distinct opinions about things, and so it's basically your partner. [And] people will be able to create their own personalities.
They make decisions based on certain type of personality, and it makes the game quite different, actually, because then it's really like playing with a human being, to a certain extent.
PCG: Can you go into a little more detail on the kind of personalities that you're shipping in the update?
Vincke: We'll have a knight. That's what you can imagine. Then we'll have a rascal, a maniac, a judge somebody who's very judgmental鬆 priest, and a free-spirit, They basically all have different traits that they prefer.
If you put in, let's say, a judgmental character, who would for instance refuse to hire a companion, that's a very big impact on your game right there. If you role-play through that, that really changes your game. It's something that can happen in multiplayer also, right? It's basically what we're trying to do. This gives single-players the feeling of what you get in co-op multiplayer, when you deal with the actions of somebody else. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/07/09/d...-choices-and-details-on-its-next-update/
Last edited by LordCrash; 11/07/14 04:23 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
Awesome  thx for the information It was so worth waiting with starting the game.
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