Joined: Jun 2014
I'm in the U.S. and my Limited Collector's Edition still hasn't arrived. It's been saying that it was shipped for a while now on my Larian Vault page, and under Serial Keys it says: Divinity Original Sin Limited Collector's Edition (STEAM EARLY ACCESS KEY)
So... any idea when I'll actually get to play the game?
Joined: Aug 2013
My guess is they are delayed by US Customs. I haven't gotten mine yet either. Would be nice to have the goodies in hand already, but it hasn't slow me down playing.
Joined: Jun 2014
How are you playing? Without the package, I have no access to download the game, and no Key to unlock it on Steam.
Joined: Jan 2014
I'm still waiting on mine as well. However, I had purchased the game already through SEA back over the Christmas holidays, and have just been playing that instead while I wait.
Joined: Aug 2013
Well, I did a Kickstarter pledge last year, and never used the Steam key for the alpha/beta. That key was converted to a regular steam key automatically. But you should have two, because with the collector's edition, you get two copies. They keys should be obtainable via Larian Vault.
Joined: Jun 2014
What is this SEA you speak of?
Joined: Jan 2014
SEA is "Steam Early Access".
Luxar, I don't think the physical CE's get keys in the Larian Vault (the one that's there now was a temporary beta one that expired upon release - it was added to make up for the removed dice). The keys are printed on a sheet that's inside the CE box (and I'm somewhat confident the developers didn't go through the trouble of opening every box to retrieve the printed keys and assign them to each person before mailing it off).
Joined: Jun 2014
Ah, gotcha. And no, my Vault doesn't show any actual Keys. Which sucks.. I want to play NOW! lol I also noticed that GOG is still showing the game as coming soon and not ready for purchase. Soooo many issues.
Joined: Aug 2013
I'm sure he means Steam Early Access.
Joined: Aug 2013
I got the physical CE. And my account in Larian Vault listed two digital copies. One of them I redeemed via GOG.com and one via Steam. But I have not received the packed in the post yet. My assumption is that the keys are stored in a database, and were printed off based on that.
Joined: Jan 2014
I got the physical CE. And my account in Larian Vault listed two digital copies. One of them I redeemed via GOG.com and one via Steam. But I have not received the packed in the post yet. My assumption is that the keys are stored in a database, and were printed off based on that. Is that the Kickstarter CE box, or one of the extra CE's they sold to the public?
Joined: Jun 2014
I didn't know the game was on Kickstarter in time to jump on it, so I bought my Limited Collector's Edition straight from Larian Vault. (Besides, I'm a sucker for cloth Maps since the Ultima games). I wish they'd add the keys to my account so I'm only waiting for the physical stuff.
Also, your GOG key worked? Like I said, it's not even available for purchase yet on GOG according to their website.
Joined: Aug 2013
Mine was via Kickstarter, so I guess that is the difference, then.
Edit: Yes, the GOG key worked, though the downloads for it appear to be broken links at the moment. So I guess that is still being worked on.
Last edited by Luxar; 02/07/14 09:09 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
I just saw the GOG post about them choosing not to release on purpose. Wow... that's gotta be awesome for Steam. As for me... the post office needs to hurry the hell up.
Joined: Aug 2009
I just saw the GOG post about them choosing not to release on purpose. Wow... that's gotta be awesome for Steam. As for me... the post office needs to hurry the hell up. Yeah that was a bloody liberty they took...Delaying it because they wanted to.. I mean WTF?? Since when did they have a right to do that?.. And the shit it caused. As for the CE's, the were only posted Tuesday so still a day or two to wait yet... I HOPE!!
Joined: Apr 2013
SEA is "Steam Early Access". I see that's beginning to gain steam (no pun intended) as an alternative to the more confusing "EA" for early access, heh. I wondered if people were going to take to it. 
Joined: Jun 2014
I only just got my CE copy today, and I'm in London UK. Larian were saying 4 days to EU, 10 days outside EU. Sorry, fella, might have a bit more waiting.
Joined: Jun 2014
My boxed collector's edition still hasn't arrived and I live in Denmark. Ordered last thursday so I might be out late. Hope it arrives tomorrow.
Joined: Jun 2014
Got my boxed CE today. Yay, time to play  The game is really a blast so far. Happy hunting everyone.
Joined: Mar 2014
My LE arrived today as well, good stuff.
Quick question since I don't want to open a new thread:
I bought into Steam Early Access as well as the LE Collectors edition. My SEA edition says "collectors" and has all the trappings already, so am I right to assume that I can give away the physical collectors edition key that arrived today?
I'm assuming so as it looks like there's nothing "limited edition" about the key itself, it's just the box and extras (map, etc...) that make it a collectors edition. Still I wanted to check to make sure I wasn't going to miss out on anything, just in case.
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