Joined: Oct 2009
Hello Guys, so after a huge quest backtracking i've managed to sort some things up:
1)freed the witch 2)got leandra spell 3)got leandra blood 4)got the sourge repair spell 5)got 10 star stones and bashed the hell out of the inner sanctum door with a tenebrium weap. 6)Finished the braccus rex and mines quests, so DK's are not a problem
but still i cant find a way to (and im sick of looking around for tiny switches since my eyes are starting to resemble the ones of the alchemist in temple of the dead):
1)Kill Cassandra's and get rid of the void aura demons (i killed arhu after a 1 hour combat and several punches on my keyboard) 2)I still can't figure a f**k about the ascension trials, i spent nearly 3 hours wandering back and forth useless doors, tiny switches, books and skulls 3)Haven't found the Wizard yet
Maybe someone of you could give a hint about these 3 steps or more.
Joined: Jul 2014
1) to find Cassandras bones in the temple of the dead throw one of the teleportation pyramids down on the sacrificial plate (where the dead animals was) and pull the leaver. You can now use the other portal to go find her bones. Bonus hint: you can use teh same spell you use to make DK's vulnerable to make the sentinels vulnerable
2) Im stuck at the ascension quest as well. can't get trough the earth or air door.. I can see the earth door key, but can't figure out how to get to it or progress..
Imagination is the only weapon against reality
Joined: Oct 2009
thanks ayra for the reply, i've already done point 1, i mean i threw the pyramid on the plate and pull the lever, used the twin ones, got down, but still it seems i cant find them anywhere).
Regarding the ascension quest, after bashing my way thru the first door and get some useless doors open im stuck to the ground, i cant open the door with a cloud symbol above, neither the one with the leaf, nor getting inside the room with the mirror, and im sure as hell the candles in the study rooms do something
Joined: Jul 2014
if you've made it down then you're close, if you go stight you'll find a druids diary wich explains how to make perception potions in case you need them (i guess you do) [eye + vial + boosting ingreedient] the corpse itself is behind a hidden wall on the road to the right. Then it seams we are stuck on the exact same spot, its worse that the book about trial logs hints to the midle of the library aka the candles, but I can't figure it out
Imagination is the only weapon against reality
Joined: Oct 2009
i got some perception enhancing gear on my leader, and i got a pretty high value on this, anyway gonna check the temple of the dead out now since i cant seem to progress further on the trials
Last edited by Auriel; 06/07/14 07:26 PM.
Joined: Jun 2013
Anyone completed all 3 trials? I've done the candle but stuck at the other 2. Door bashing certainly doesn't seem as intended way to complete the door puzzle.
Joined: Jun 2013
Ok, I've figured it out. There is a door with lava and grate at the end. There's a hidden switch on the wall beside it. Remove lava with tornado and teleport yourself behind the grate. There will be a broken bridge - teleport again. On the wall there is actually a door you can open. It reveals another waypoint portal - the vault. Go there and teleport behind another grate to the heaps of gold and a teleport mirror which leads to the earth key. Yay. Another way to start this is to go the room where a head spills poison cloud - there another hidden switch that opens the door to the broken bridge.
Last edited by Aramintai; 06/07/14 08:40 PM.
Joined: Oct 2009
gonna try it later mate, thanks for the help
Joined: Oct 2009
managed to get to the final trial with candles, but still something is wrong, i think i've to set myself on fire and lit 3 candles, but still no success
Joined: Jun 2013
The order is in which you do it is also important I think. First, light the circle of candles, then only one, then three in a row.
Joined: Oct 2009
nothing happened, perhaps im missing something in the books
Joined: Jun 2013
nothing happened, perhaps im missing something in the books Was every step confirmed by lightning?
Joined: Oct 2009
ummm...what lightning? i light the candles with a spell, is it wrong?
Joined: Jul 2014
thank you! remember to destory the pillars with runes that say they symbolise something of spirit/mind/soul high perception din't do squat in the teleporter room... had to stand right next to the hidden button to find it! so now i guess im stuck at finding out the right combination of candles... bah! i hate such puzzles 
Imagination is the only weapon against reality
Joined: Jun 2013
ummm...what lightning? i light the candles with a spell, is it wrong? You just go and click on them, lol.
Joined: Oct 2009
holy shit, you mean that i have simply to lit all of them then set them off, then lit just one, lit it off, and then 3 of them?
Joined: Oct 2009
omg it worked, jeez im so dumb
Joined: Jul 2014
Ok, I figured out how to get past the sentinels after the Earth door, only chance is to have Fire Resistance 100%+ and run over lava. Now I have the Air Key, and I see the Air door, but there is one door in the way that won't open...
Last edited by Kabada; 10/07/14 01:53 PM.