My problem is that some enemies (so far mostly the burning skeletons near the church) can be difficult to target in combat.
The cause lies with their "Idle" animation they do during the players combat turn.
E.g. the burning knights seem to crouch and stand up repeatedly. If I place the cursor on top of them and they do their animation, it can happen that they are no longer targeted (since they moved out from under my cursor).
With some probability that happens exactly the moment I click, but since I'm then not selecting them, my character moves instead of attacking.
Pretty annoying if that means that the char will run e.g. straight into lava (resulting in instant death).
Probably unlikely to still change much about it now, but I think it would help greatly to at least reduce their animation frequency (or better yet disable the problematic animations during combat).
Last edited by El Zoido; 06/07/14 11:23 PM.