So, I know definitely think my Homestead is seriously, seriously bugged and I have some slight worries that I won't be able to finish the game...

Why do I think so?
Well, I'm level 18 now. I've cleared all of Cyseal, Hiberheim and Luculla Forest (apart from the little part in the north with the void demons). I've solved everything in Hunter's Edge. I've put more than 60 hours into the game without much reloading or redoing. I have 11 blood/invert stones now.
I still only have four open portals in the Homestead (Observatory, Hall of Heroes, Bedrooms, Elemental Zone which you could choose yourself). That's it. There is no option whatsover to open more portals (six of them are still inactive, always three of each side to the south.
I've talked to Zixzax, the White Witch and the Timeweaver lady without any result trying all dialogue lines. There is no option/possiblity to talk to the big golden statue in the middle for me like suggested in the last post here neither.
I have made some screenshots to underpin my report:
Larian, please help me. This seems like a really serious (maybe game breaking) bug to me. Please don't tell me that my last X hours of gameplay were just pointless... Really, I love this game to the teeth but something like that mustn't happen in a final release version. I can live with minor bugs in side quests, random crashes, graphical glitches and technical hiccups but I can't accept bugs in the main story of a game. That just sucks balls!