Originally Posted by Try2Handing
Originally Posted by ash elemental
I doubt it. Writing in WotR is just mediocre; the "epicness" comes from high levels and bloated numbers.[...]
For the record, I agree with most of this. I've been enjoying WotR well enough, but that mostly comes from playing around with builds and synergies and seeing how things that I came up with worked in actual combat, how the various numbers added up. There are some good moments here and there, but generally I find the writing mediocre at best - that goes for both the main plot and the companions. Other than Regill, whom majority of players agree to be the best written and best acted, I have the easiest time tolerating Camellia. The rest - I find them really forced, grating and unconvincing.

The one thing I think WotR does really well is its soundtrack.

I have to strongly disagree on the writing part. Well at least I think Wotr is still leaps and bounds beyond BG3. And DOS2 writing I think is BETTER than current BG3. There basically is NO <<writing>> there, its all cinematic so...if you transcribed what all your companion says into text omg...Wotr seem like a masterpiece. Take ANY medium length dialogue in party... In a huge RPG the written word will always be, or have the POTENTIAL to be more interesting, its a no contest.

But yes, the <Storytelling> in BG3 is interesting, but the way people communicate; through cinematics, VERY strongly downgrades the writing in favor of visual emotions: Then what about BG3 SCREENPLAY then...?? To my eyes its still pretty stiff and mediocre= writing fail. Good story though.
Hence why I dislikes the overwhelming use of cinematics for dialogues in RPGs...Unless you have a CLEAR CUT hero, like Gerald in the Witcher, or commander Sheperd in Mass Effect. In that case its more focused and just works.

So in conclusion, I think BG3 should be more focused on YOU, the protagonist for its writing to succeed. I want my companions to ask me the <<tough>> questions : WHO ARE YOU? WHERE DO YOU COME FROM? WHAT DO YOU DO? Right now its more about all the companions...Larian should ASAP work on that side of the equation.

BG3 writing (romance part).

-I never saw myself as a hero, to be honest.
-You performed a great job. Take it in stride and have fun.
-Is it okay if I have fun? In my head, there’s a worm. I’m surrounded by fools, and the only thing I have to drink is vinegar-tasting wine.
-Relax, your troubles will still be there the next day.
-That means I have to make it through the night. And then there’s this party.
-Let’s wait till things calm down a little. We’ll locate each other when the rest have gone to sleep.

I laughed. Awkwardly.

Wotr writing (romance part)

-Your powers are interesting form a theoretical point of view. You are an experiment started by Areelu Vorlesh, and terminating it before its is complete would be foolish, not to mention impolite.
-I have made my decision.
-Before you answer...Before your decision becomes final,..Look me in the eye. Please. <Arueshalaes voice is quiet, and her eyes full of sadness.>
Youve done so much for me. You helped me find my dreams and make peace with my nightmares. Desna showed me the path away from evil. But you were the one sho showed me the path toward good. I cant...I cant believe that after that your going to become a monster of the Abyss!! Back in the world of dreams, you told me that you LOVED me. I want you to know that I love you too! Let everyone know - mortals, demons, gods - I love you! <She offers you her hand> Free yourself from the Abyss. Ill help you!

I cried. And decided not to become a demon wink

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 28/11/21 12:52 PM.